Table of Contents

Discover the fundamental email marketing terms crucial for digital marketing success in 2024 outlined on this page.

Equipping every email marketer with indispensable knowledge, these terms are important in effective email active campaigns and engagement tactics.

1. A/B Testing

A/B testing in email marketing involves comparing two different versions of an email to determine which performs better. By testing variations of elements like subject lines or content layout, marketers can optimize their campaigns for higher engagement.

A/B testing

2. Acceptable Spam Report Rate

It refers to the frequency at which emails are flagged as spam without causing harm to your sender’s reputation.

Typically, more than 0.1% of spam reports (equivalent to 1 report per 1000 emails) receive a warning.

3. Automation

Email marketing automation refers to using software and technology to automate various tasks and processes involved in creating, sending, and managing direct mail campaigns.

4. Autoresponder

An autoresponder in email marketing automatically sends pre-written emails based on triggers like sign-ups or purchases, aiding in lead nurturing and customer engagement.

5. Black List

A black list in email marketing refers to a list of email addresses, domains, or IP addresses identified as spam or unwanted emails. Email service providers and spam filters use blacklists to block incoming messages from these sources.

6. Blast (Batch-and-Blast)

Blast or Batch-and-Blast is when a single email message is sent to a large group of recipients simultaneously. This approach typically involves little to no segmentation or personalization.

7. Block

In email marketing, a “block” occurs when an email cannot be delivered to the recipient’s inbox for various reasons, such as invalid addresses or spam filters.

8. Bounce Rate

Bounce rate in email marketing refers to the percentage of emails sent that were not successfully delivered to recipients’ inboxes and instead “bounced” back to the sender.

9. Bulk Mail/Mass email

Bulk mail or mass email refers to sending many emails to a group of recipients simultaneously. This approach is used in email marketing for various purposes, such as promotional campaigns, newsletters, announcements, or transactional emails.

10. Buyer Persona

Buyer personas in email marketing are fictional representations of ideal customers based on research. They help tailor email campaigns to specific audience segments.

Buyer personas in email marketing are fictional representations of ideal customers based on research

11. Call to Action (CTA)

A Call to Action (CTA) prompts recipients to take a specific action in email marketing, such as clicking a link or purchasing.


CAN-SPAM is a law in the United States that sets rules for commercial email, requiring senders to include accurate information, offer recipients an opt-out option, and promptly honor opt-out requests.

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13. CASL

CASL is Canadian anti-spam legislation requiring businesses to obtain consent before sending commercial electronic messages, including identification and contact information, and provide an unsubscribe option.

14. Clicks Per Delivered

Clicks per delivered in email marketing is the ratio of clicks on links to the total number of emails successfully delivered.

15. Cold Email

Cold email is an unsolicited email sent to someone without prior contact, often used for business or marketing purposes. It is typically used for introducing a product or service, prospecting for leads, or seeking collaboration opportunities.

16. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

In email marketing, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) refers to a network of servers strategically placed across various locations to optimize email content’s delivery speed and reliability, typically images and media files.

17. Content Marketing

Content marketing in email marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and informative content to subscribers via email.

18. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate in email marketing refers to the percentage of recipients who take a desired action after engaging with an email campaign.

This action could vary depending on the campaign’s objectives, such as purchasing, signing up for a service, filling out a form, or visiting a website.

19. CPM

In email marketing, CPM or Cost Per Mille represents the cost for every one thousand email impressions.

20. CTR

Click-through rate or CTR refers to the percentage of recipients who click on one or more links in an email out of the total number of recipients who received the email.

21. CUFinder

CUFinder is a reliable lead generation and business data enrichment platform with professional email finder and verifier services for single and bulk email discovery and verification.

22. Customer Acquisition Cost

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) refers to the expenses incurred to acquire new customers through email campaigns.

23. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

In email marketing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) utilizes CRM software to manage and analyze customer interactions and data collected through email campaigns.

24. Dedicated IP

Using a dedicated IP in email marketing means having a unique IP address for sending your marketing emails. It can improve deliverability, provide more control over your sending reputation, offer added security, and allow customization, but it may come with additional costs.

25. Deliverability (Acceptance Rate)

Deliverability, often referred to as acceptance rate in email marketing, is the measure of how successfully emails reach recipients’ inboxes without being bounced or filtered as spam.

Deliverability (Acceptance Rate)

26. Deployment

Deployment in email marketing refers to the process of sending out email campaigns to your subscribers.

27. DKIM

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is an email authentication method that adds a digital signature to emails, ensuring they haven’t been altered and verifying their origin.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

28. DNS

DNS in email marketing involves using records like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to authenticate and verify sender domains, ensuring deliverability and preventing spoofing or phishing attacks.

29. DNS Lookup

In email marketing, DNS lookup refers to verifying the authenticity of an email sender’s domain by querying the DNS records associated with that domain.

 DNS Lookup

30. Double Opt-In

Double opt-in in email marketing requires subscribers to confirm their subscription twice, typically by clicking a confirmation link in an email.

31. Drip campaign

A drip campaign is an automated series of scheduled emails sent to subscribers over time to nurture leads or engage customers with relevant content.

32. Dynamic Content

Dynamic content in email marketing refers to personalized or customized content that changes based on recipient data, preferences, or behavior.

33. Email Attachment

An email attachment is a file sent with an email message, allowing users to share documents, images, or other content.

34. Email Body

The email body is the main content area of an email message where the sender communicates their message to the recipient.

35. Email Campaign

An Email Campaign refers to a series of emails sent to a targeted audience for a specific purpose, such as marketing or communication.

36. Email Editor

An Email Editor is a software tool or platform feature that allows users to create and design email content.

37. Email Filter

An Email Filter is a feature within an email service that automatically sorts incoming emails based on predefined criteria. It allows users to organize their inboxes, prioritize vital messages, and reduce clutter by directing emails to specific folders.

38. Email Finder/Email Extractor

An Email Finder is a tool or service used to find email addresses associated with specific individuals or organizations.

Email Finder/Email Extractor

39. Email Harvesting/Scraping

Email harvesting or scraping refers to the automated process of extracting email addresses from websites, online directories, or other sources on the internet.

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This technique involves using tools or scripts to scan web pages and collect emails.

40. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a digital strategy where businesses send commercial messages via email to engage with customers, promote products/services, and drive actions like purchases or website visits.

41. Email Phishing

Email phishing is a cyberattack where scammers send fake emails pretending to be from legitimate sources to trick recipients into revealing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links.

42. Email Queue

An email queue is a system for managing outgoing email messages and organizing them in a sequence for delivery, especially during periods of high volume or when there are delays.

43. Email Sponsorship

Email sponsorships are partnerships where one company pays another to include its promotional content in the newsletters or emails sent to the latter’s subscribers.

44. Email Templates

Email templates are pre-designed formats used to create consistent and professional email messages, saving time and ensuring consistency in branding and messaging.

45. Email Verification

Email verification is the process of confirming the validity of an email address. This process involves checking various aspects of the email address, such as syntax, domain existence, and mailbox accessibility, to ensure it is active and deliverable.

46. Email Verifier

An email verifier is a tool or software designed to validate email addresses to ensure they are genuine and active.

47. Engagement Rate

The engagement rate measures how recipients interact with emails, including metrics like open rate, click-through rate, and conversions, indicating the campaign’s effectiveness.

48. False Positive

In email marketing, a false positive refers to a legitimate marketing email being mistakenly flagged as spam, potentially impacting its delivery and effectiveness.

49. From Address

The from address is the sender’s email address that appears in the “From” field of the email header. It identifies who sent the email.

50. GDPR

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It’s a regulation in the European Union aimed at protecting EU citizens’ personal data and privacy.

GDPR in email marketing requires businesses to obtain explicit consent from EU citizens for email communication and ensures their rights to access and control personal data.

51. Grey Mail

Grey mail is the email that falls between legitimate marketing and spam, containing promotional content that recipients may not find relevant despite having opted in to receive it.

52. Hard Bounce

The hard bounce refers to an email returned to the sender because the recipient’s email address is invalid or doesn’t exist.

53. Honey Pot

A honey pot is a hidden field in web forms that catches and identifies spam bots by tricking them into filling it out.

54. House List (Retention List)

A house list, also called a retention list, is a company’s database of email addresses belonging to current or past customers, subscribers, or contacts who have opted in to receive communications.

55. HTML

HTML in email marketing refers to using Hypertext Markup Language to design visually appealing and interactive email content, including images, links, and styling elements.

56. Inbox Service Provider (ISP)

An Inbox Service Provider is a company that provides email services to users, managing email servers, hosting email accounts, and facilitating the delivery of emails to recipients’ inboxes.

ISPs include major providers like Gmail, Outlook (formerly Hotmail), Yahoo Mail, and others.

Inbox Service Provider (ISP)

57. IP Warming

IP warming is the gradual increase of email sending volume from a new or dormant IP address to establish a positive reputation with ISPs and inbox providers.

58. Landing Page

A landing page in email marketing is a web page designed to receive traffic from email campaigns and encourage recipients to take a specific action, such as making a purchase.

59. Lead Generation

Lead generation in email marketing is acquiring potential customers by capturing their contact information through email campaigns to nurture them into paying clients.

Lead Generation

60. Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing in email marketing involves sending personalized and relevant emails to potential customers over time to build relationships and guide them toward making a purchase.

61. List Hygiene

List hygiene involves regularly cleaning and updating your email subscriber list to improve deliverability and engagement.

62. List Segmentation

List segmentation in email marketing is dividing subscribers into smaller groups based on criteria like demographics or behavior to send more personalized content.

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63. Marketing Automation Platform (MAP)

A Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) in email marketing is software that automates tasks like creating, managing, and analyzing email campaigns and other marketing activities.

Marketing Automation Platform (MAP)

64. Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel represents the stages customers go through, from awareness to purchase. Marketers use targeted email campaigns to guide subscribers through these stages, aiming to convert them into customers.

65. Newsletter

A newsletter in email marketing is a brief, regular email update sent to subscribers to keep them informed about a company, organization, or individual’s latest news, offers, or updates.

66. Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel marketing involves seamlessly integrating email with other channels (such as social media, SMS, and website interactions) to provide a unified customer experience.

67. Open Rate

Email open rate is the percentage of recipients who open an email out of the total number of emails delivered.

68. Opt-In

Opt-in in email marketing is when individuals consent to receive marketing emails from a specific sender or organization.

69. Opt-Out

Opt-out refers to the process where recipients request to stop receiving marketing emails by unsubscribing from the sender’s mailing list.


70. Personalization

Personalization in email marketing means customizing email content based on individual recipient data to increase engagement and relevance.

71. Physical Address

The physical address, typically found in the footer of an email, is the street address of the company sending the email. It’s a mandatory legal requirement for all email marketing.

72. Plain Text Email

A plain text email is a simple email composed solely of text, without any formatting or design elements.

73. Preheader Text (Preview Text)

The snippet of text appears next to or below the subject line in an email inbox. It provides recipients with a brief preview of the email’s content and is visible without opening it.

74. Privacy Policy

A privacy policy in email marketing outlines how a company collects, uses, and protects subscribers’ personal information, ensuring transparency and compliance with data protection regulations.

75. Promotional Email

A promotional email is a marketing message to promote a product, service, offer, or brand.

76. Read Length (Open Length)

Read or open length in email marketing refers to the duration an email recipient keeps an email open and actively reads its contents.

77. Recipient

A recipient in email marketing is the person or entity that receives an email message.

78. Rendering

Rendering refers to how an email appears visually and functionally when opened by recipients across different email clients, devices, and screen sizes.

79. Rental List

It is a list of email addresses that marketers temporarily lease from a third-party provider for sending promotional emails.

80. Reply rate

Reply rate in email marketing is the percentage of recipients who respond to an email campaign by sending a reply.

81. Responsive Design

Responsive design in email marketing ensures that emails display properly and are easily readable on different devices and screen sizes.

82. Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment measures the profitability of a campaign relative to its costs, calculated by subtracting the total cost from the total revenue generated, then dividing by the total cost and multiplying by 100 to express as a percentage.

83. Seed list

A seed list is a limited set of email addresses used to test the functionality and appearance of an email across different platforms and devices before sending it to the main email list.

84. Sender Score

Sender Score measures the reputation of an email sender’s IP address or domain based on various factors such as email volume, engagement rates, and spam complaints.

85. Shared IP

A shared IP in email marketing is an IP address used by multiple senders for their email campaigns, offering cost savings but less control over reputation and deliverability compared to a dedicated IP.

86. Signature File

An email signature, or a signature file, is a block of text or graphics automatically appended to the end of an email message. It typically includes the sender’s contact information and may include branding elements such as a logo.

87. SMTP

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It’s a standard protocol for sending and relaying email messages between servers.

SMTP is responsible for transmitting outgoing emails from a sender’s email client or application to the recipient’s email server.

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

88. Spam

Spam email is unsolicited or unwanted messages sent in bulk, often for commercial purposes, and can contain misleading or harmful content.

89. SpamCop

SpamCop is an email spam reporting service and blacklist provider that helps identify and combat spam emails.

90. Spam Filters

Spam filters are tools that automatically identify and block unwanted or unsolicited email messages.

91. Spam Trap

A spam trap is an email address created to catch and identify spam emails, harming the sender’s reputation and deliverability if emails are sent to them.

Spam Trap

92. SPF

SPF, or Sender Policy Framework, is an email authentication protocol used to prevent email spoofing and phishing attacks by verifying the authenticity of email senders.

93. Subject Line

The email subject line is a brief summary of the email’s content or purpose, influencing whether recipients open the email or not.

94. Subscriber

A subscriber in email marketing is someone who has signed up to receive emails from a sender, indicating interest in their content or offerings.

95. Suppression list

It is a list of email addresses excluded from receiving future emails, typically due to unsubscribe requests, bounce-backs, or spam complaints.

96. Transactional Email

Transactional emails are automated messages triggered by user actions or events, providing essential information or updates.

97. Unsubscribe link

An unsubscribe link in an email allows recipients to opt out of future email communications from the sender.

98. Webmail

Webmail is email accessed through a web browser, allowing users to manage their email accounts online without additional software.

99. Welcome Email

A welcome email is the first message sent to a new subscriber or user after they sign up for a service, make a purchase, or join a mailing list.

100. WhiteList

A whitelist is a list of approved email senders or domains designated as safe, ensuring their emails bypass spam filters and are delivered to the inbox.

Final Remarks

This page is a complete email marketing terms and conditions template that helps marketers learn the email marketing strategies that should be known before sending emails to recipients. Carefully review and use them to their fullest potential!

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