Should I open it or not?” A question that comes to our mind whenever we see new emails in our inbox. If the person asking themselves this question is one of your prospects, naturally enough, you want the answer to be “open.” So how to create and write an effective lead generation email that responds?

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of writing an excellent lead generation email, the best examples of sales and lead generation emails, the best time to send emails, top tips for crafting emails, and more.

So stay with us.

How Do You Write a Lead Generation Email?

Email marketing campaigns are one of the most popular strategies to generate leads in the world of digital marketing. So, writing an effective lead generation email can have a significant impact on your campaigns.

Now let’s examine all the main components of a lead generation email step-by-step:

How Do You Write a Lead Generation Email?

1. Subject Line

The email subject line is the first thing that recipients see after the sender’s name when it arrives in their inbox.

Therefore, it’s important that an email subject is informative, compelling, engaging, and concise.

Remember that the purpose of the email subject is to prompt the reader to open the email.

Here are some of the best subject line examples that sales reps use:

  • Mr. X suggested that I call you
  • Will you save 40%?
  • Ends today!
  • A winning combination
  • [Person’s name], we look forward to seeing you at the High Tech conference!
  • Congrats on […]!
  • A new approach to [Prospect’s industry challenge]
  • Are you making these […] mistakes?
  • Have you thought about […]
  • 4 hours only!

Remember to avoid advertising words & phrases in the subject lines like these:

  • Increase
  • Hot
  • Fees
  • Bargain
  • Visit our website
  • Sale/Selling
  • Special
  • Join
  • Guarantee
  • Tempting/Exciting
  • Discount
  • Act now!
  • Best price
  • Attention
  • Free/Trial
  • Best price
  • Fast cash
  • All-natural

Pro Tip: Use the A/B testing. This is a valuable method to compare two versions of the email subject line to see which one is better.

See also  How to Start a Local Lead Generation Business?

For instance, select the list of potential customers (About 50 to 100 people) to get the correct statistics. Then, divide this list into two groups and send an email with different subject lines to each group. After collecting the results, you can find the subject line that has the highest open rate.

Hot Tip: Email opening rate should be at least 30-50%.

2. Opening Line

One of the main components of a lead generation email is the opening line, which plays an important role in capturing the reader’s attention and encouraging them to continue reading the email.

In the opening lines, welcome the customer, introduce yourself reintroduce your company, and explain the purpose of your email.

Quickly explain your offer and why you think it’s a good fit for customers.

Here are the best opening lines that sales reps use:

  • I’m reaching out to discuss …
  • I’m excited to share some positive developments with you.
  • I’m interested in learning more about …
  • I’m writing to follow up on our previous conversation about …
  • I hope this email finds you well.
  • Allow me to introduce myself.

3. Body

Start with energy. When you want to start your conversation, don’t use the phrase: “Hello, my name is …”. Instead, use a more compelling and impressive phrase to start a conversation with the audience.

Don’t talk about yourself in the body of the email.

Remember, the email recipient wants to know what you can do to help them.

Your personal information and problems are of no interest to them. Try to focus on your potential customer’s pain points and needs.

Keep in mind that the body of the email should express your values ​​and communicate the business to potential customers.

Sales reps use these email samples:

  • I noticed that you […]
  • [Mutual Connection] said that […]
  • I realized that we both […]
  • I really liked the post you shared on [LinkedIn Social Media].
  • Congratulations for […]

4. Closing Line

An email closing line is a polite phrase used at the end of the email before your signature that indicates the tone of your email (friendly, professional, formal, informal).

According to a survey on the Boomerang website, emails that end with simple closing lines like “Thank you” significantly increase your chances of getting a response.

As such, try to finish your email with one of the following questions to reply:

  • Sending you lots of love and hugs!
  • With gratitude!
  • Looking forward to our next steps!
  • Please do not hesitate to contact me for any clarification!
  • Best wishes!
  • Appreciating your support!
  • Thank you for your consideration!
  • Warm regards!
  • Wishing you a great day ahead!
See also  How to Generate Leads without Cold Calling?

What Is an Example of a Lead Generation Email?

An example of cold lead generation email

Looking for experts in the tech field for app launch!

Hi Deborah,

I see that you currently work at CUFinder. I’m contacting you to tell you about a new app that we’ve developed. I believe you would enjoy it since you’re interested in AI, automation, and IT. we call it Galaxy, and it’s truly out of this world!

If you’d like to test it and give me your feedback, I would love to hear your expert advice. Do you have time to call?

Warm regards!


How Do I Create an Email Database for Lead Generation?

Creating a perfect email database to generate qualified leads involves collecting contact information from potential customers through various marketing and sales channels, such as website forms, SEO, social media, networking events, and so on.

After data collecting and lead nurturing, it’s organized and stored in a central location for future marketing efforts.

Best Email Database with CUFinder’s Prospect Engine

Looking for a robust and accurate email lead database for your business?

To get an accurate database of verified email leads with an accuracy rate of over 98%? Try the CUFinder Prospect Engine.

CUFinder has one of the best, most comprehensive, and accurate email databases in the world. CUFinder’s Prospect services, such as Contact Search and Company Search, help you to access the right and full information on more than 419 million contacts and 262 million companies.

User-friendly interface and corporate and contact search services based on highly advanced and detailed filtering options, including name, job titles, company, location, employees, industry, products & services, and more, make it a powerful tool.

It has become a target for targeted marketing campaigns that provide valuable insights for businesses looking to expand their customer base.

Now, click on the link below and make the most of our prospecting and email lead generation services for free.

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What Are Your Top Tips for Crafting Effective Lead Generating Emails?

Here are the key tips for crafting effective emails for lead generation you need to remember:

Best Practices for Subject Line of Lead Generation Emails

1. Brief:

Keep your subject line short and sweet. Emails with 50 characters or less have a 75% higher click-through rate (CTR) and a 12% higher open rate than other lead-gen emails, according to MailChimp.

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2. Specific & Practical:

Create a subject line with an appropriate, attractive, and practical topic. So that email recipients are so eager to open and respond to it with one click. A specific and engaging subject like asking important questions honestly is one of the best ways to meet the needs of customers.

3. Question:

To engage more readers, try to start the subject line with a challenge or question. This increases the likelihood that emails will be opened. Ask questions about [new conference or reader’s goals]

4. Personalization:

Over 26% of emails with a personal subject line have a higher chance of being opened. So, personalize your subject line as much as possible. Try to use demographic information, such as name, location, interests, etc., based on your customer’s previous purchases.

Best Practices for the Body/ Opening Lines/ Closing Lines of Lead Generation Emails

Here are some top tips for email body (closing and opening lines) that can help you write a great lead generation email:

1. Brief and Useful:

A study found that the ideal length of a lead generation email, between 50 and 125 words, had the best response rates (over 50%). The email length largely depends on the email recipient. Short emails are more suitable for busy people, whereas, for B2B sales and lead generation emails, email text should be precise and full of details.

2. Questions:

In the body of your email, ask questions that align with the prospect’s goals (which you’ve already found through research), as follows:

What Are Your Top Tips for Crafting Effective Lead Generating Emails?

3. CTA:

In a lead generation email, the CTA often books a short phone call between the prospect and the sender. Ask them clearly in two or three sentences and make it easy for them to do.

To encourage the readers to take action, try to use call-to-actions (CTAs), including:

Best Practices for Subject Line of Lead Generation Emails

4. Best Time:

According to a HubSpot study, which reviewed 20 million emails sent, Tuesday is the best day to send an email. The opening rate of emails sent on this day is on average 20% higher than other days. Also, the best time to send an email is 11 AM, which leads to the highest email open rate.

5. Professional Signatures:

  • Don’t forget your email signature.
  • Include your name, role, and contact information.
  • This should reflect the professionalism of your email,
  • Put your social media profile URLs, such as LinkedIn or Facebook URLs, so that the recipients can contact you if needed.

Summing up the Discussion

Let’s come back to the first question: How to create and write an effective lead generation email? This requires a thoughtful approach that focuses on email content, such as creating compelling subject lines, opening lines, email body, and closing lines.

Bear in mind that by learning and following the best lead generation tactics and practices for writing components of sales and lead generation email, you can increase the effectiveness of your leads email marketing campaigns and drive more conversions & response rates.

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