A better understanding of customers is a major necessity for marketers to improve customer engagement and create targeted marketing campaigns. All this and more is possible with customer data enrichment.

Read on to learn more about customer data enrichment, its meaning, types of customer data, key benefits of data enrichment, and other things important to your business’s success. So stay with us until the end of the article.

What Is Customer Data Enrichment?

Customer data enrichment is one of the key processes to enhance marketing and sales campaigns. This refers to adding more value or additional data to the existing customer data in your database.

It refines, improves, and enhances your data source by augmenting new attributes, such as demographic, technographic, or behavioral data.

By enriching the data in this way, you can gain a greater and better understanding of your targeted prospects or customer base.

What Are the Types of Customer Data?

Usually, to form a comprehensive database of customer information, it is necessary to collect identity data, quantitative data, descriptive data, and qualitative data from customers.

Let’s consider these four kinds of customer data!

Normally, the order of customer data priority is as follows:

What Are the Types of Customer Data?

1. First-Party Data

The customer is at the heart of the database, so knowing the person’s information and creating a complete profile for each customer is of great importance.

Customer identity data, also known as first-party data, includes any personal information that enables the unique identification of an individual and includes the following:

  • Name information: title, first name, and last name.
  • Personal information: date of birth, gender, etc.
  • Geographic information: time logic, country, city, county, postal address, postal code.
  • Contact information: phone number, mobile phone number, email addresses, etc.
  • Social media information: ID or URLs of Facebook, Twitter or X, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Job information: company name, job title, etc.
See also  Data Enrichment Benefits for Companies & Contacts

2. Quantitative Data

After you identify who your customer is, the next key data is operational data, which helps you understand how your customer behaved, transacted, or reacted to your business.

This data describes any activity that took place between the customer and your business and includes:

  • Transaction information (online and offline): purchase history, number of products purchased, subscription renewals, product order values, abandoned shopping carts, product returns, etc.
  • Engagement information (incoming and outgoing): engagement history, bounce rate, click-through rate, open & conversion rate, etc.
  • Information about online activities: website visits, product views, online subscriptions, etc.
  • Information about social media activities: reactions on social media posts, such as likes, comments, shares, etc.
  • Customer service information: complaint details, customer query details, etc.

3. Descriptive Data

Understanding who your customers are and what kind of activities they do in relation to your brand can be a good starting point for any marketing database.

It is important to have additional customer information to gain deeper insights from the customer. Additional information about a customer is little more than their identity, purchasing behaviors, and other online & social media activities. It can include the following:

  • Family details: marital status, number of children, age of children, etc.
  • Lifestyle details: type of properties, type and number of vehicles, etc.
  • Profession details: job title, education, etc.

4. Attitudinal Data

A final and not least important type of customer data is more detailed information about first-hand reviews and attitudes of potential customers.

Unlike the three categories of customer data above, the process of obtaining this type of information is more complicated and difficult. Sometimes this type of data is collected through a questionnaire and reviews that measure customer attitudes, opinions, and feedback responses about your brand, services, and products.

Examples of this type of data are as follows:

Interests, tastes, attitudes, motivations, and opinions through online survey responses, in-person interactions with customers, and word-of-mouth reviews.

The final type of customer data you’ll come across is more detailed information about potential customer behaviors.

With this simple segmentation process and attention to the main business objectives, you can quickly identify, collect, and enrich the essential customer data for your brand’s success.

Benefits of Customer Data Enrichment

Today, due to the relevant data, as well as missing and incorrect information, unfortunately, most businesses cannot trust their databases.

See also  Data Enrichment Capabilities

According to research, more than 88% of businesses believe that consumer data enrichment (cleaning up existing data and adding new data) can help them meet the needs of customers, personalize their marketing campaigns, and stay in the market trend.

Enriching your customer data has many benefits for both you and your customers, including:

1. Access to Accurate and Reliable Data:

With customer data enrichment, businesses collect up-to-date and valuable information. When data is accurate and of high quality, you get more & better sales opportunities and make sound business decisions. Data quality and enrichment allow you to design your products or services according to the needs and preferences of your customers.

Access to Accurate and Reliable Data

2. Increase ROI in Marketing Campaigns:

With data enrichment, you get additional information, including demographic data, purchasing behavior, geographic, attitudinal, etc., from internal and external sources. This allows you to boost your interaction and connections with your customers and implement personalized ad campaigns for them. As a result, this leads to more targeted marketing campaigns, increasing your sales and improving your ROI on your marketing campaigns.

Increase ROI in Marketing Campaigns

3. Improve Customer Service:

Enriched data allows you to apply more targeted and accurate segmentation to your customers with the additional and detailed information you have about them. This enables you to tailor and customize your campaigns for each customer group. All of these improve customer service and increase customer engagement and loyalty.

Improve Customer Service

What Does the Customer Data Enrichment Process Look Like?

The customer data enrichment process includes the following four main steps:

1. Add Additional Data

This is the first step in the process of enriching customer data. In this way, additional and new information is added to your customers’ current database. This data can include demographic information, purchase history, online behavior, and more.

2. Clean Data

After the new data is added to the existing profiles, it is now time to clean the data. This involves identifying and correcting any errors and removing duplicate, irrelevant, inconsistent, and outdated data.

3. Integrate Data

In the third step, cleansed and verified data from different sources is integrated into a database or a centralized CRM data enrichment system. This integration helps you gain a comprehensive view of your customers across various touchpoints.

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4. Update Data

Keep in mind that customer data is never static and changes over time. Therefore, data enrichment is an ongoing process to ensure that your business is moving forward with up-to-date and valuable data. It can cause continuous updates of your customer data.

Having said that, it is important that your customer data is up-to-date and continuously enriched (both for real-time data and in the data warehouse). To ensure that your customer data is integrated, actionable, and up-to-date, you can use great data enrichment automation tools like CUFinder.

Customer data enrichment automation platforms are one of the best potential customer identity verification solutions for your business. They allow you to identify your prospects’ identity by collecting and enriching their sensitive and valuable information. This process is carried out in accordance with customer data privacy regulations. For GDPR or CCPA compliance fraud, check their customer data protection policy.

Get Started with the Best Customer Enrichment Data Tool

Collecting customer data is one thing, but enriching it is another. However, with CUFinder’s all-in-one enrichment services, this process is very simple and fast.

CUFinder is one of the best data enrichment automation platforms, and it makes it easier for you to manage your business leads so you can close more deals.

This software has more than 27 useful data enrichment services that are ideal for B2B businesses. These services quickly clean, enrich, and update your customer data and so seamlessly integrate them with the best sales & marketing CRM tools, such as HubSpot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, etc.

Why do businesses love CUFinder enrichment services?

  • It guarantees data with the highest rate of accuracy and quality (+98%). All data is verified and reliable.
  • It covers all the rules and regulations related to GDPR & CCPA.
  • It has the largest contact database, with more than 419 million information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and more.
  • It provides a highly efficient integration capability with CRM systems, automation tools, and various other essential resources.
  • It allows you to download the customer data list in bulk, as well as in a CSV file.
  • It enriches the B2B data of contacts and companies without any trouble in seconds.

To enrich your customer data with CUFinder, all you have to do is give a list of your potential customers’ data, including names of companies or persons, and receive comprehensive and valuable details, such as contact information, location, social media profiles, job title, number of company employees, company domains, and other data.

Now, let’s consider how our contact and company data enrichment services can improve the health of your data and help you better understand your potential customers.

Get started today by signing up to get your free credit with CUFinder’s Customer data enrichment services.

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