In the world of cold calling in 2024, leaving a compelling voicemail can be the key to getting callbacks and turning leads into customers. As technology and communication strategies evolve, so do the best practices for reaching potential clients.

Having effective voicemail scripts is crucial for cold calling success in 2024. These scripts should be concise, engaging, and focused on providing value. They can include elements like introducing yourself, explaining the purpose of your call, and a clear call to action. By using these top voicemail scripts, sales professionals can leave compelling messages that prompt callbacks and enhance their cold calling results.

This article will provide you with 10 of the best voicemail scripts for cold calling in 2024. These scripts will help you craft effective voicemails that grab the recipient’s attention, convey your message clearly, and increase your chances of getting a callback.

Best Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling in 2024

10 Voicemail Message Examples That Work!

There are lots of lines and scripts you can use for cold calls. That depends on you and your taste, but I want to tell you my top 10 list with sample scripts. I made this list during my four years as a marketing specialist.

Voicemail Script Example 1: The Concise Introduction

“Hi, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I wanted to touch base regarding a service/product that could benefit your business. Please give me a call back at [Your Phone Number]. Thank you.”

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This voicemail is short and to the point, which can be highly effective. It leaves a sense of curiosity and encourages the recipient to return the call to learn more about the offer.

10 Voicemail Message Examples That Work!

Voicemail Script Example 2: The Problem-Solver

“Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I’ve been helping businesses like yours solve [common industry problem] by providing [your solution]. I’d love to discuss how we can do the same for you. Please call me back at [Your Phone Number].”

Highlighting your ability to solve a common problem in the industry demonstrates your value right from the start.

Voicemail Script Example 2: The Problem-Solver

Voicemail Script Example 3: The Social Proof

“Hi, this is [Your Name] with [Your Company]. Many businesses in your industry, including [mention a well-known client or competitor], have seen great results using our [product/service]. I’d like to discuss how it can benefit your business. Please return my call at [Your Phone Number].”

Leveraging social proof can instill confidence in your prospects and make them more likely to engage with you.

Voicemail Script Example 4: The Curiosity Builder

“Hey there, this is [Your Name] at [Your Company]. I’ve got some fascinating statistics about how [your product/service] has boosted [specific industry metric]. I’d love to share these insights with you. Call me back at [Your Phone Number].”

Creating curiosity can be a powerful tool in getting callbacks. People naturally want to know more about intriguing statistics.

Voicemail Script Example 4: The Curiosity Builder

Voicemail Script Example 5: The Personal Touch

“Hi, [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I noticed [mention something specific about their company or recent news]. We could help you achieve even more. Call me at [Your Phone Number] when you can.”

Personalizing your voicemail message shows that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in their business.

Voicemail Script Example 6: The Urgency Creator

“Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We have a limited-time offer available that could significantly benefit your business. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Call me back at [Your Phone Number] as soon as possible.”

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Creating a sense of urgency can motivate prospects to act quickly, fearing they might miss out on a valuable opportunity.

 Voicemail Script Example 6: The Urgency Creator

Voicemail Script Example 7: The Questionnaire Approach

“Hi, this is [Your Name] at [Your Company]. We’re conducting a brief survey among businesses in [industry]. We’d love to get your insights. Can you please call me back at [Your Phone Number]? It won’t take much of your time.”

Asking for their opinion can make the recipient feel valued and more inclined to return your call.

Voicemail Script Example 8: The Humorous Twist

“Hey, it’s [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I promise I’m not a robot or an alien—just a friendly human wanting to chat about how we can help your business thrive. Give me a shout at [Your Phone Number].”

Injecting humor into your voicemail can make you more memorable and approachable.

Voicemail Script Example 8: The Humorous Twist

Voicemail Script Example 9: The Follow-up Reminder

“Hello, [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I left you a message a few days ago and wanted to follow up. I believe we can make a real difference for your business. Please return my call at [Your Phone Number].”

Reminding them of your previous message can jog their memory and prompt them to respond.

Voicemail Script Example 10: The Gratitude Expresser

“Hi, this is [Your Name] at [Your Company]. I just wanted to express my gratitude for your time and consideration. I know how busy you must be. I’d love to discuss how we can assist your business if you have a moment. Please call me back at [Your Phone Number].”

Expressing appreciation can create a positive impression and increase the likelihood of getting a callback.

Voicemail Script Example 10: The Gratitude Expresser

The Dos and Don’ts of Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling

Now that you have some effective voicemail scripts, it’s crucial to understand the dos and don’ts of crafting voicemail messages for cold calling in 2024. Here are some important guidelines to follow:


1. Keep it concise: Your voicemail should be brief and to the point. Avoid long-winded explanations.

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2. Personalize when possible: Mention specific details about the recipient or their business to show that you’ve done your research.

3. Provide a clear call to action: Clearly state what you want the recipient to do next, whether calling you back or visiting your website.

4. Create curiosity: Use intriguing statements or statistics to pique the recipient’s interest.

5. Express gratitude: Always appreciate the recipient’s time and consideration.

The Dos and Don'ts of Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling


1. Avoid being like a stucker: People are more likely to respond if they don’t feel pressured or overwhelmed by a sales pitch.

2. Don’t leave vague messages: Make sure your message is clear and conveys the purpose of your call.

3. Don’t overuse industry jargon: Speak plain to ensure your message is easily understood.

4. Avoid negative language: Stay positive and avoid negative or confrontational language.

5. Don’t forget to leave your contact information: Always provide a way for the recipient to reach you, whether it’s your phone number, email address, or website.

Avoid being like a stucker

Best Cold Calling Opening Lines to Win in B2B Sales

Cold calling in B2B sales is about making a strong initial impression. Some of the best opening lines include addressing the recipient by name, referencing a mutual connection or recent event, asking open-ended questions related to their business needs, offering a brief value proposition, or mentioning a specific benefit that’s relevant to them. These lines are designed to capture interest, establish credibility, and engage the potential client right from the start.


In the world of cold calling, having access to the Best Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling in 2024 is akin to having a well-thumbed book of success strategies. These professional voicemail templates are your guiding light in navigating the complex lead generation landscape. By implementing these effective voicemail examples, you can increase the odds of receiving callbacks and converting potential leads into loyal customers.

As you’ve seen from the script examples, leaving voicemail messages requires finesse and a clear sales pitch. Crafting an impactful voicemail template involves using statistics and script examples that work. It’s about understanding the dos and don’ts of cold calling and applying these insights to your communication strategy.

Incorporating these voicemail script examples into your outreach strategy can turn cold calls into warm leads and loyal customers. These Best Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling in 2024 are your secret weapon in the battle for attention and engagement in the competitive business communication landscape.

So, seize the opportunity, adapt these scripts to your industry, and watch your cold calling success soar as you leave professional and compelling voicemails that demand callbacks and drive results.

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