Zhangguo Chen

Zhangguo Chen

University of Colorado Denver

H-index: 28

North America-United States

About Zhangguo Chen

Zhangguo Chen, With an exceptional h-index of 28 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Colorado Denver, specializes in the field of Immunology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

TRAF2/3 deficient B cells resist DNA damage-induced apoptosis via NF-κB2/XIAP/cIAP2 axis and IAP antagonist sensitizes mutant lymphomas to chemotherapeutic drugs

Host-specific differences in top-expanded TCR clonotypes correlate with divergent outcomes of anti-PD-L1 treatment in responders versus non-responders

Divergent outcomes of anti-PD-L1 treatment coupled with host-intrinsic differences in TCR repertoire and distinct T cell activation states in responding versus non-responding …

Differential responses to immune checkpoint inhibitor dictated by pre-existing differential immune profiles in squamous cell carcinomas caused by same initial oncogenic drivers

How the signaling crosstalk of B cell receptor (BCR) and co-receptors regulates antibody class switch recombination: a new perspective of checkpoints of BCR signaling

MHC class I-independent activation of virtual memory CD8 T cells induced by chemotherapeutic agent-treated cancer cells

Differences in TCR repertoire and T cell activation underlie the divergent outcomes of antitumor immune responses in tumor-eradicating versus tumor-progressing hosts

Abstract PO-54: Mechanistic consequences of histone-deacetylase inhibition towards sensitizing PD1 blockade-resistant B-cell lymphomas

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Top articles of Zhangguo Chen

TRAF2/3 deficient B cells resist DNA damage-induced apoptosis via NF-κB2/XIAP/cIAP2 axis and IAP antagonist sensitizes mutant lymphomas to chemotherapeutic drugs

Cell Death & Disease


Zhangguo Chen
Zhangguo Chen

H-Index: 18

Host-specific differences in top-expanded TCR clonotypes correlate with divergent outcomes of anti-PD-L1 treatment in responders versus non-responders

Frontiers in Immunology


Ziyu Huang
Ziyu Huang

H-Index: 0

Zhangguo Chen
Zhangguo Chen

H-Index: 18

Divergent outcomes of anti-PD-L1 treatment coupled with host-intrinsic differences in TCR repertoire and distinct T cell activation states in responding versus non-responding …

Frontiers in Immunology


Zhangguo Chen
Zhangguo Chen

H-Index: 18

Differential responses to immune checkpoint inhibitor dictated by pre-existing differential immune profiles in squamous cell carcinomas caused by same initial oncogenic drivers

Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research


How the signaling crosstalk of B cell receptor (BCR) and co-receptors regulates antibody class switch recombination: a new perspective of checkpoints of BCR signaling


Zhangguo Chen
Zhangguo Chen

H-Index: 18

MHC class I-independent activation of virtual memory CD8 T cells induced by chemotherapeutic agent-treated cancer cells

Cellular & Molecular Immunology


Xiaoguang Wang
Xiaoguang Wang

H-Index: 5

Zhangguo Chen
Zhangguo Chen

H-Index: 18

Differences in TCR repertoire and T cell activation underlie the divergent outcomes of antitumor immune responses in tumor-eradicating versus tumor-progressing hosts

Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer


Abstract PO-54: Mechanistic consequences of histone-deacetylase inhibition towards sensitizing PD1 blockade-resistant B-cell lymphomas

Blood Cancer Discovery


Deletion of p53 and Hyper-Activation of PIK3CA in Keratin-15+ Stem Cells Lead to the Development of Spontaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma

International journal of molecular sciences


TRAF3 acts as a checkpoint of B cell receptor signaling to control antibody class switch recombination and anergy

The Journal of Immunology


Tumor immune microenvironment in head and neck cancers


Xiaoguang Wang
Xiaoguang Wang

H-Index: 5

Zhangguo Chen
Zhangguo Chen

H-Index: 18

HDAC inhibitors overcome immunotherapy resistance in B-cell lymphoma


Xiaoguang Wang
Xiaoguang Wang

H-Index: 5

Zhangguo Chen
Zhangguo Chen

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Zhangguo Chen University(University of Colorado Denver)