Yeun-Mun Choo

About Yeun-Mun Choo

Yeun-Mun Choo, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiti Malaya, specializes in the field of Natural Product Chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Glabraquinone A and B, new bisanthraquinones from Prismatomeris glabra (Korth.) Valeton

Manzamine A reduces androgen receptor transcription and synthesis by blocking E 2 F 8‐DNA interactions and effectively inhibits prostate tumor growth in mice

A New Oxoaporphine and Liriodenine’s Anti-Neuroblastoma Potential from the Roots of Polyalthia bullata King

Platanosides from Platanus× acerifolia: New molecules, SAR, and target validation of a strong lead for drug-resistant bacterial infections and the associated sepsis

Informatics and Computational Approaches for the Discovery and Optimization of Natural Product-Inspired Inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 2′-O-Methyltransferase

In-silico approaches for the screening and discovery of broad-spectrum marine natural product antiviral agents against coronaviruses

Computationally-Assisted Discovery and computational NMR Assignment of a Highly-binding PXR Natural Diterpenoids

Boesenbergia stenophylla-Derived Stenophyllol B Exerts Antiproliferative and Oxidative Stress Responses in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells with Few Side …

Yeun-Mun Choo Information



Department of Chemistry



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Yeun-Mun Choo Skills & Research Interests

Natural Product Chemistry

Top articles of Yeun-Mun Choo

Glabraquinone A and B, new bisanthraquinones from Prismatomeris glabra (Korth.) Valeton

Natural product research


Chai-Lin Kao
Chai-Lin Kao

H-Index: 16

Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Manzamine A reduces androgen receptor transcription and synthesis by blocking E 2 F 8‐DNA interactions and effectively inhibits prostate tumor growth in mice

Molecular Oncology


A New Oxoaporphine and Liriodenine’s Anti-Neuroblastoma Potential from the Roots of Polyalthia bullata King

Sains Malaysiana


Chai-Lin Kao
Chai-Lin Kao

H-Index: 16

Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Platanosides from Platanus× acerifolia: New molecules, SAR, and target validation of a strong lead for drug-resistant bacterial infections and the associated sepsis

Bioorganic Chemistry


Informatics and Computational Approaches for the Discovery and Optimization of Natural Product-Inspired Inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 2′-O-Methyltransferase

Journal of natural products


Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Mark T Hamann
Mark T Hamann

H-Index: 34

In-silico approaches for the screening and discovery of broad-spectrum marine natural product antiviral agents against coronaviruses


Computationally-Assisted Discovery and computational NMR Assignment of a Highly-binding PXR Natural Diterpenoids


Boesenbergia stenophylla-Derived Stenophyllol B Exerts Antiproliferative and Oxidative Stress Responses in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells with Few Side …

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of β-Asarone from Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus) Rhizome

Applied Sciences


Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Nor Saadah Mohd Yusof
Nor Saadah Mohd Yusof

H-Index: 10

Manzamine-A alters in vitro calvarial osteoblast function

Marine Drugs


Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Mark Hamann
Mark Hamann

H-Index: 30

Platanosides, a potential botanical drug combination, decrease liver injury caused by acetaminophen overdose in mice


Facile Solid-Phase Synthesis of Well-Defined Defect Lysine Dendrimers

ACS omega


Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Chai-Lin Kao
Chai-Lin Kao

H-Index: 16

Structure and Antimicrobial Activity of Rare Lactone Lipids from the Sooty Mold (Scorias spongiosa)

Journal of natural products


Chemical constituents and anti-neuroblastoma activity from Boesenbergia stenophylla

Sains Malays


Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Recent advances and limitations in the application of kahalalides for the control of cancer


Stenophyllols A-C, new compounds from Boesenbergia stenophylla

Journal of Asian natural products research


Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Ultrasound-assisted encapsulation of Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) extract


Contemporary approaches to the discovery and development of broad-spectrum natural product prototypes for the control of coronaviruses


Forrestiacids A and B, pentaterpene inhibitors of ACL and lipogenesis: extending the limits of computational NMR methods in the structure assignment of complex natural products

Angewandte Chemie International Edition


RSK1 vs. RSK2 inhibitory activity of the marine β-carboline alkaloid manzamine a: a biochemical, cervical cancer protein expression, and computational study

Marine drugs


Yeun-Mun Choo
Yeun-Mun Choo

H-Index: 15

Mark T Hamann
Mark T Hamann

H-Index: 34

See List of Professors in Yeun-Mun Choo University(Universiti Malaya)