Yanni Liu

Yanni Liu

University of Michigan

H-index: 23

North America-United States

About Yanni Liu

Yanni Liu, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Michigan, specializes in the field of Exeutive control, language processing, emotion regulation, pediatric OCD, Autism.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Brain response to errors in children who stutter

Abnormally enhanced Midfrontal theta activity during response monitoring in youths with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Disorder-specific cingulo-opercular network hyperconnectivity in pediatric OCD relative to pediatric anxiety

Neural activity during solo and choral reading: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of overt continuous speech production in adults who stutter

Tract profiles of the cerebellar peduncles in children who stutter

Conducting EEG research in clinically anxious preschoolers: a pilot study and preliminary recommendations

Startle to neutral, not negative stimuli: A neurophysiological correlate of behavioral inhibition in young children

Correlation of Error-Related Brain Activity and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Youth

Yanni Liu Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Yanni Liu Skills & Research Interests

Exeutive control

language processing

emotion regulation

pediatric OCD


Top articles of Yanni Liu

Brain response to errors in children who stutter

Journal of Fluency Disorders


Abnormally enhanced Midfrontal theta activity during response monitoring in youths with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Biological Psychiatry


Disorder-specific cingulo-opercular network hyperconnectivity in pediatric OCD relative to pediatric anxiety

Psychological Medicine


Neural activity during solo and choral reading: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of overt continuous speech production in adults who stutter

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience


Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

Soo-Eun Chang
Soo-Eun Chang

H-Index: 19

Tract profiles of the cerebellar peduncles in children who stutter

Brain Structure and Function


Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

Soo-Eun Chang
Soo-Eun Chang

H-Index: 19

Conducting EEG research in clinically anxious preschoolers: a pilot study and preliminary recommendations

Developmental psychobiology


Ka I Ip
Ka I Ip

H-Index: 8

Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

Startle to neutral, not negative stimuli: A neurophysiological correlate of behavioral inhibition in young children

Developmental psychobiology


Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

Correlation of Error-Related Brain Activity and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Youth

Biological Psychiatry


The error‐related negativity as a neuromarker of risk or resilience in young children

Brain and Behavior


Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

Ka I Ip
Ka I Ip

H-Index: 8

A diagnostic biomarker for pediatric generalized anxiety disorder using the error-related negativity

Child Psychiatry & Human Development


Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

Mapping cortical and subcortical asymmetry in obsessive-compulsive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA consortium

Biological Psychiatry, 2020, vol. 87, num. 12, p. 1022-1034


Greater Task Control Network Activation to Errors Predicts Greater Anxiety Across the Non-Clinical to Clinical Range of Severity

Biological Psychiatry


Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

Julie Premo
Julie Premo

H-Index: 6

Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of performance monitoring and development in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Brain Sciences


Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

Grant report on anxiety-CBT: Dimensional brain behavior predictors of CBT outcomes in pediatric anxiety

Journal of psychiatry and brain science


Yanni Liu
Yanni Liu

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Yanni Liu University(University of Michigan)