Xiting Liu

About Xiting Liu

Xiting Liu, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ocean University of China, specializes in the field of Sedimentology, Marine Geology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Late Quaternary marine transgressions off the Shandong Peninsula inferred from paleosalinity indicators: Implications for Holocene mud wedge formation

The depositional characteristics of turbidity current in manila trench: Sediment provenance, geochemical elements and organic carbon burial

Dynamics and controls of methane oxidation in the aerobic waters of Eastern China marginal seas

Holocene climate regulates multiple sulfur isotope compositions of pyrite in the East China sea via sedimentation rate

Influence of methane seep activities and sea-level changes on elemental and isotopic compositions and abundance of carbonates in sediments of the Okinawa Trough since the Last …

The control of turbidite deposition on pyrite sulfur isotopic composition in sediments on the continental slope of the South China Sea

Sedimentary evolution of the western North Yellow Sea mud patch: A Holocene perspective

Temporal duration and preservation mechanism of the Middle Triassic Luoping biota from South China constrained by geochronology and cyclostratigraphy

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Xiting Liu Skills & Research Interests


Marine Geology

Top articles of Xiting Liu

Late Quaternary marine transgressions off the Shandong Peninsula inferred from paleosalinity indicators: Implications for Holocene mud wedge formation

Chemical Geology


The depositional characteristics of turbidity current in manila trench: Sediment provenance, geochemical elements and organic carbon burial

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Dynamics and controls of methane oxidation in the aerobic waters of Eastern China marginal seas

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


Holocene climate regulates multiple sulfur isotope compositions of pyrite in the East China sea via sedimentation rate

Marine and Petroleum Geology


Xiting Liu
Xiting Liu

H-Index: 10

Influence of methane seep activities and sea-level changes on elemental and isotopic compositions and abundance of carbonates in sediments of the Okinawa Trough since the Last …

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


The control of turbidite deposition on pyrite sulfur isotopic composition in sediments on the continental slope of the South China Sea

Marine Geology


Sedimentary evolution of the western North Yellow Sea mud patch: A Holocene perspective

Continental Shelf Research


Temporal duration and preservation mechanism of the Middle Triassic Luoping biota from South China constrained by geochronology and cyclostratigraphy

Global and Planetary Change


The effect of iron on the preservation of organic carbon in marine sediments and its implications for carbon sequestration


Grain size and geochemistry characteristics of Core S01-10 from the central Okinawa Trough since 14 ka: Indications for sediment source and the East Asian winter monsoon

Marine Geology


Xueyuan Xu
Xueyuan Xu

H-Index: 4

Xiting Liu
Xiting Liu

H-Index: 10

Late Quaternary marine transgressions inferred from the pyrite sulfur content and isotopes within core sediments from the southeast coast of China

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology


Iron-bearing minerals indicate sea-level rise of the East China Sea inner shelf since the last deglaciation

Science Bulletin


Mineralogy of sediments in the Mariana Trench controlled by environmental conditions of the West Pacific since the Last Glacial Maximum

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Sedimentation on the continental margins: From modern processes to deep-time records

Frontiers in Earth Science


Xiting Liu
Xiting Liu

H-Index: 10

Daidu Fan
Daidu Fan

H-Index: 18

Organic Carbon Deposition on the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea Constrained by Sea Level and Climatic Changes Since the Last Deglaciation

Journal of Ocean University of China


Depositional control on the sulfur content and isotope of sedimentary pyrite from the southeast coast of China since MIS5

Frontiers in Marine Science


Sedimentary pyrites and C/S ratios of mud sediments on the East China Sea inner shelf indicate late Pleistocene-Holocene environmental evolution

Marine Geology


Distribution and Biotransformation of Ethane and Propane in Marine Environments

Advances in Earth Science


Enrichment mechanism of trace elements in pyrite under methane seepage

Geochemical Perspectives Letters


Topographic and Climatic Control on Chemical Weathering of Mountainous Riverine Sediments of Hainan Island, South China Sea

Frontiers in Earth Science


Xiting Liu
Xiting Liu

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Xiting Liu University(Ocean University of China)

