Xiaojun Chen

About Xiaojun Chen

Xiaojun Chen, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at China University of Geosciences Wuhan, specializes in the field of Digital Rock Physics, Micro-reservoir Geology, Porous Model Construction, Digital Image Analysis and.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Identification, characterization, and up-scaling of pore structure facies in the low permeability reservoirs: Insight into reservoir quality evaluation and sweet-spots analysis

Quantitative Classification and Prediction of Diagenetic Facies in Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs via Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning Models: Ledong Area …

Multifractal estimation of NMR T2 cut-off value in low-permeability rocks considering spectrum kurtosis: SMOTE-based oversampling integrated with machine learning

Pore pressure prediction assisted by machine learning models combined with interpretations: A case study of an HTHP gas field, Yinggehai Basin

Predicting 3D Physical Properties From a Single 2D Slice Based on Convolutional Neural Networks: 2D‐Slice‐To‐3D‐Properties for Porous Rocks

A New Index to Evaluate the Seepage Capacity of Water-Wet Sandstone Reservoirs

An exact penalty approach for optimization with nonnegative orthogonality constraints

NMR-data-driven prediction of matrix permeability in sandstone aquifers

Xiaojun Chen Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Xiaojun Chen Skills & Research Interests

Digital Rock Physics

Micro-reservoir Geology

Porous Model Construction

Digital Image Analysis and

Top articles of Xiaojun Chen

Identification, characterization, and up-scaling of pore structure facies in the low permeability reservoirs: Insight into reservoir quality evaluation and sweet-spots analysis

Marine and Petroleum Geology


Quantitative Classification and Prediction of Diagenetic Facies in Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs via Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning Models: Ledong Area …

Natural Resources Research


Multifractal estimation of NMR T2 cut-off value in low-permeability rocks considering spectrum kurtosis: SMOTE-based oversampling integrated with machine learning

Petroleum Science


Pore pressure prediction assisted by machine learning models combined with interpretations: A case study of an HTHP gas field, Yinggehai Basin

Geoenergy Science and Engineering


Xiaobo Zhao
Xiaobo Zhao

H-Index: 2

Xiaojun Chen
Xiaojun Chen

H-Index: 8

Predicting 3D Physical Properties From a Single 2D Slice Based on Convolutional Neural Networks: 2D‐Slice‐To‐3D‐Properties for Porous Rocks

Water Resources Research


A New Index to Evaluate the Seepage Capacity of Water-Wet Sandstone Reservoirs

Journal of Energy Engineering


An exact penalty approach for optimization with nonnegative orthogonality constraints

Mathematical Programming


NMR-data-driven prediction of matrix permeability in sandstone aquifers

Journal of Hydrology


Dependence of electrical conduction on pore structure in reservoir rocks from the Beibuwan and Pearl River Mouth Basins: A theoretical and experimental study



Xiaojun Chen
Xiaojun Chen

H-Index: 8

Jianchao Cai
Jianchao Cai

H-Index: 37

Logging-data-driven permeability prediction in low-permeable sandstones based on machine learning with pattern visualization: A case study in Wenchang A Sag, Pearl River Mouth …

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering


Diagenetic facies classification and characterization of a high-temperature and high-pressure tight gas sandstone reservoir: A case study in the Ledong area, Yinggehai Basin

Marine and Petroleum Geology


Xiaobo Zhao
Xiaobo Zhao

H-Index: 2

Xiaojun Chen
Xiaojun Chen

H-Index: 8

Effects of precipitation and dissolution of carbonate cements on the quality of deeply buried high-temperature and overpressured clastic reservoirs: XD 10 block, Yinggehai …

Marine and Petroleum Geology


Two Stages Of Overpressure And Their Effects On Petrophysical Properties Of Tight Gas Sandstones In The Ledong 10 Block, Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea

Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea


Massive hydraulic fracturing to control gas outbursts in soft coal seams

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering


A fractal model for obtaining spontaneous imbibition capillary pressure curves based on 2D image analysis of low-permeability sandstone

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering


Statistical study on the effects of heterogeneous deformation and grain boundary character on hydrogen-induced crack initiation and propagation in twining-induced plasticity steels

Corrosion Science


Microstructure Analysis on the Fracture Network in High‐Rank Coals

Earth and Space Science


A polynomial‐time algorithm for simple undirected graph isomorphism

Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience


Two-stage stochastic variational inequalities: theory, algorithms and applications

Journal of the Operations Research Society of China


Group sparse optimization for images recovery using capped folded concave functions

SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences


Lili Pan
Lili Pan

H-Index: 6

Xiaojun Chen
Xiaojun Chen

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Xiaojun Chen University(China University of Geosciences Wuhan)