Wiktor Adamowicz

Wiktor Adamowicz

University of Alberta

H-index: 63

North America-Canada

About Wiktor Adamowicz

Wiktor Adamowicz, With an exceptional h-index of 63 and a recent h-index of 36 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Alberta, specializes in the field of Environmental Economics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Benefits, costs and enabling conditions to achieve ‘water for all’in rural and remote Australia

Panel Probit Models Applied to Stated Preference Auctions: A Cost Discovery for Ecosystem Services through Wetland Restoration in the Canadian Prairies

Perceptions of the seriousness of major public health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic in seven middle-income countries

Valuing Mortality Risk Reductions in Canada: An Updated Meta-Analysis and Policy Guidance

Temporal Reliability of Contingent Behavior Trip Data in Kuhn-Tucker Recreation Demand Models

À la carte Management of Recreational Resources: Evidence from the US Gulf of Mexico

Spatial and temporal responses to incentives: An application to wildlife disease management

How People Prioritize Health Issues During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Seven Developing Countries

Wiktor Adamowicz Information



Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Wiktor Adamowicz Skills & Research Interests

Environmental Economics

Top articles of Wiktor Adamowicz

Benefits, costs and enabling conditions to achieve ‘water for all’in rural and remote Australia

Nature Water


Panel Probit Models Applied to Stated Preference Auctions: A Cost Discovery for Ecosystem Services through Wetland Restoration in the Canadian Prairies


Wiktor Adamowicz
Wiktor Adamowicz

H-Index: 38

Perceptions of the seriousness of major public health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic in seven middle-income countries

Communications medicine


Valuing Mortality Risk Reductions in Canada: An Updated Meta-Analysis and Policy Guidance

Canadian Public Policy


Wiktor Adamowicz
Wiktor Adamowicz

H-Index: 38

Patrick Lloyd-Smith
Patrick Lloyd-Smith

H-Index: 10

Temporal Reliability of Contingent Behavior Trip Data in Kuhn-Tucker Recreation Demand Models

Land Economics


Lusi Xie
Lusi Xie

H-Index: 1

Wiktor Adamowicz
Wiktor Adamowicz

H-Index: 38

À la carte Management of Recreational Resources: Evidence from the US Gulf of Mexico

Land Economics


Patrick Lloyd-Smith
Patrick Lloyd-Smith

H-Index: 10

Wiktor Adamowicz
Wiktor Adamowicz

H-Index: 38

Spatial and temporal responses to incentives: An application to wildlife disease management

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management


Using Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept to Value Farmland Preservation under Ambiguous Property Rights and Preference Uncertainty

Land Economics


Techno-economic assessment for heating cattle feed water with low-temperature geothermal energy: A case study from central Alberta, Canada

Renewable Energy


Arif Rabbani
Arif Rabbani

H-Index: 4

Wiktor Adamowicz
Wiktor Adamowicz

H-Index: 38

Risk Perception, Learning, and Willingness to Pay to Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis


Using inferred valuation to quantify survey and social desirability bias in stated preference research

American Journal of Agricultural Economics


Using economic experiments to assess the validity of stated preference contingent behavior responses

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management


A systematic literature review of non-market valuation of Indigenous peoples’ values: Current knowledge, best-practice and framing questions for future research


Ana Manero
Ana Manero

H-Index: 5

Wiktor Adamowicz
Wiktor Adamowicz

H-Index: 38

Mai Nguyen
Mai Nguyen

H-Index: 1

Complementarity (not substitution) between natural and produced capital: Evidence from the Panama canal expansion

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists


Separating generalizable from source-specific preference heterogeneity in the fusion of revealed and stated preferences

Journal of Choice Modelling


Joffre Swait
Joffre Swait

H-Index: 35

Wiktor Adamowicz
Wiktor Adamowicz

H-Index: 38

The decade after tomorrow: Estimation of discount rates from realistic temporal decisions over long time horizons

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization


What Can Environmental Economists Learn from the COVID‐19 Experience?

Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy


Replication Data for: Complementarity (Not Substitution) Between Natural and Produced Capital: Evidence from the Panama Canal Expansion


Journal of Choice Modelling

Journal of Choice Modelling


Joffre Swait
Joffre Swait

H-Index: 35

Wiktor Adamowicz
Wiktor Adamowicz

H-Index: 38

See List of Professors in Wiktor Adamowicz University(University of Alberta)