Weiwen Zhang

About Weiwen Zhang

Weiwen Zhang, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Guangdong University of Technology,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Relation representation based on private and shared features for adaptive few-shot link prediction

LinkEE: Linked List Based Event Extraction with Attention Mechanism for Overlapping Events

AttIN: Paying More Attention to Neighborhood Information for Entity Typing in Knowledge Graphs

Delay-constrained client selection for heterogeneous federated learning in intelligent transportation systems

Multi-lane detection by combining line anchor and feature shift for urban traffic management

TriView-ParNet: parallel network for hybrid recognition of touching printed and handwritten strings based on feature fusion and three-view co-training

A trajectory prediction-based and dependency-aware container migration for mobile edge computing

Data quality detection mechanism against label flipping attacks in federated learning

Weiwen Zhang Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Weiwen Zhang

Relation representation based on private and shared features for adaptive few-shot link prediction

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

LinkEE: Linked List Based Event Extraction with Attention Mechanism for Overlapping Events


Xingyu Chen
Xingyu Chen

H-Index: 1

Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

AttIN: Paying More Attention to Neighborhood Information for Entity Typing in Knowledge Graphs


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Hongbin Zhang
Hongbin Zhang

H-Index: 4

Delay-constrained client selection for heterogeneous federated learning in intelligent transportation systems

IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Multi-lane detection by combining line anchor and feature shift for urban traffic management

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence


Bin Deng
Bin Deng

H-Index: 11

Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

TriView-ParNet: parallel network for hybrid recognition of touching printed and handwritten strings based on feature fusion and three-view co-training

Applied Intelligence


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Wing-Kuen Ling
Wing-Kuen Ling

H-Index: 20

A trajectory prediction-based and dependency-aware container migration for mobile edge computing

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Lei Chen
Lei Chen

H-Index: 18

Data quality detection mechanism against label flipping attacks in federated learning

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Named entity recognition based on bert-bilstm-span in low resource scenarios


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Interpretable deep learning based text regression for financial prediction

Expert Systems


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Diverse and high-quality data augmentation using GPT for named entity recognition


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Multi-scale contextual semantic enhancement network for 3D medical image segmentation

Physics in Medicine & Biology


Improving entity linking with two adaptive features

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering


Double-kernelized weighted broad learning system for imbalanced data

Neural Computing and Applications


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Private and shared feature extractors based on hierarchical neighbor encoder for adaptive few-shot knowledge graph completion


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Double-kernel based class-specific broad learning system for multiclass imbalance learning

Knowledge-Based Systems


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

A two-stage container management in the cloud for optimizing the load balancing and migration cost

Future Generation Computer Systems


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Lei Chen
Lei Chen

H-Index: 18

Video person re-identification using key frame screening with index and feature reorganization based on inter-frame relation

International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

Wing-Kuen Ling
Wing-Kuen Ling

H-Index: 20

Accurate workload prediction for edge data centers: Savitzky-Golay filter, CNN and BiLSTM with attention mechanism

Applied Intelligence


Lei Chen
Lei Chen

H-Index: 18

Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

An improved semi-supervised variational autoencoder with gate mechanism for text classification

International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence


Weiwen Zhang
Weiwen Zhang

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Weiwen Zhang University(Guangdong University of Technology)