Victor Machado Reis

About Victor Machado Reis

Victor Machado Reis, With an exceptional h-index of 44 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, specializes in the field of Fisiologia do Exercício.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Assessment of Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Contributions in an Extreme Intensity CrossFit® Benchmark Workout

Enhancing performance: unveiling the physiological impact of submaximal and supramaximal tests on mixed martial arts athletes in the− 61 kg and− 66 kg weight divisions

Effect of the Fran CrossFit Workout on Oxygen Uptake Kinetics, Energetics, and Postexercise Muscle Function in Trained CrossFitters

Does the 2d: 4d ratio present a relationship with static strength indicators in elite paralympic power-lifting?

Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat: Relation with Brown Adipose Tissue Activation in Women

Do Men and Women Differ in Hematological Adaptations to 24 Weeks of Crossfit® Training?

Reduction of leptin levels during acute exercise is dependent on fasting but not on caloric restriction during chronic exercise: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Comparison between acute effects of β-alanine supplementation on psychophysiological scales, blood lactate, training impulse and heart rate variability during high-intensity …

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Victor Machado Reis Skills & Research Interests

Fisiologia do Exercício

Top articles of Victor Machado Reis

Assessment of Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Contributions in an Extreme Intensity CrossFit® Benchmark Workout



Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Enhancing performance: unveiling the physiological impact of submaximal and supramaximal tests on mixed martial arts athletes in the− 61 kg and− 66 kg weight divisions

Frontiers in Physiology


Nicola Luigi Bragazzi
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi

H-Index: 42

Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Effect of the Fran CrossFit Workout on Oxygen Uptake Kinetics, Energetics, and Postexercise Muscle Function in Trained CrossFitters

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance


Pedro Fonseca
Pedro Fonseca

H-Index: 6

Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Does the 2d: 4d ratio present a relationship with static strength indicators in elite paralympic power-lifting?



Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat: Relation with Brown Adipose Tissue Activation in Women

Sports Medicine International Open


Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Do Men and Women Differ in Hematological Adaptations to 24 Weeks of Crossfit® Training?

Journal of Human Kinetics


Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Reduction of leptin levels during acute exercise is dependent on fasting but not on caloric restriction during chronic exercise: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Jeferson Macedo Vianna
Jeferson Macedo Vianna

H-Index: 14

Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Comparison between acute effects of β-alanine supplementation on psychophysiological scales, blood lactate, training impulse and heart rate variability during high-intensity …

Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo


Correction: Acute Responses in Blood Flow Restriction Low-intensity Aerobic Training: A Meta-analysis

International Journal of Sports Medicine


Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Quantum Molecular Resonance Inhibits NLRP3 Inflammasome/Nitrosative Stress and Promotes M1 to M2 Macrophage Polarization: Potential Therapeutic Effect in Osteoarthritis Model …



Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Smart Devices for Health and Wellness Applied to Tele-Exercise: An Overview of New Trends and Technologies Such as IoT and AI


Drop Set versus Traditional Strength Training Protocols Equated in Volume on Muscle Thickness in Women


Bioenergetic Analysis and Fatigue Assessment During the Fran Workout in Experienced Crossfitters

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance


Pedro Fonseca
Pedro Fonseca

H-Index: 6

Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Acute Responses in Blood Flow Restriction Low-intensity Aerobic Training: A Meta-analysis


Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Influence of the competitive level and weight class on technical performance and physiological and psychophysiological responses during simulated mixed martial arts fights: a …

Journal of Human Kinetics


Heart rate variability and blood pressure during and after three CrossFit® sessions

Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


Nível de conhecimento do profissional de educação física sobre prescrição de exercício de aeróbio e doenças crônicas

Rev. andal. med. deporte


Utilização de mídias eletrônicas pelas confederações desportivas brasileiras na educação antidopagem

Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


Control of the intensity of effort: heart rate or rate of perceived effort

Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


Pros and Cons of Two Methods of Anaerobic Alactic Energy Assessment in a High-Intensity CrossFit® Workout



Victor Machado Reis
Victor Machado Reis

H-Index: 27

Susana Soares
Susana Soares

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Victor Machado Reis University(Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro)