Umar Fauzi

About Umar Fauzi

Umar Fauzi, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Institut Teknologi Bandung, specializes in the field of Geophysics, rock physics, porous media, fluid flow in porous media.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Effect of Porous Media Grain Size on non-Darcy Flow Behavior using Pore Scale Simulation

Estimate and Analyze The Impact to the Brittleness Index of Digital Rock Image of Carbonate

Coseismic Deformation Responses due to Geometrical Structure and Heterogeneity of the Accretionary Wedge: Study Case 2010 Mentawai Earthquake, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Research Article Coseismic Deformation Responses due to Geometrical Structure and Heterogeneity of the Accretionary Wedge: Study Case 2010 Mentawai Earthquake, West Sumatra …

The Effects of Physical and Geometrical Properties on Rock Brittleness Index Based on Numerical Modeling

Experimental and modeling of electrical resistivity changes due to micro-spatial distribution of fluid for unconsolidated sand

The effect of brine spatial distribution on electrical resistivity during imbibition processes in unconsolidated sands

Two-Solid Deposition in Fluid Column using Immersed‎ Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Method

Umar Fauzi Information



Professor of Rock Physics Indonesia



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Umar Fauzi Skills & Research Interests


rock physics

porous media

fluid flow in porous media

Top articles of Umar Fauzi

The Effect of Porous Media Grain Size on non-Darcy Flow Behavior using Pore Scale Simulation

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Umar Fauzi
Umar Fauzi

H-Index: 7

Estimate and Analyze The Impact to the Brittleness Index of Digital Rock Image of Carbonate

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Coseismic Deformation Responses due to Geometrical Structure and Heterogeneity of the Accretionary Wedge: Study Case 2010 Mentawai Earthquake, West Sumatra, Indonesia

International Journal of Geophysics


Wahyu Srigutomo
Wahyu Srigutomo

H-Index: 6

Umar Fauzi
Umar Fauzi

H-Index: 7

Research Article Coseismic Deformation Responses due to Geometrical Structure and Heterogeneity of the Accretionary Wedge: Study Case 2010 Mentawai Earthquake, West Sumatra …


Wahyu Srigutomo
Wahyu Srigutomo

H-Index: 6

Umar Fauzi
Umar Fauzi

H-Index: 7

The Effects of Physical and Geometrical Properties on Rock Brittleness Index Based on Numerical Modeling

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Experimental and modeling of electrical resistivity changes due to micro-spatial distribution of fluid for unconsolidated sand

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering


The effect of brine spatial distribution on electrical resistivity during imbibition processes in unconsolidated sands

Journal of Applied Geophysics


Two-Solid Deposition in Fluid Column using Immersed‎ Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Method

Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics


Umar Fauzi
Umar Fauzi

H-Index: 7

Accretionary wedge and oceanic crust thickness effect on surface deformation: Study case the Mentawai segment

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Wahyu Srigutomo
Wahyu Srigutomo

H-Index: 6

Umar Fauzi
Umar Fauzi

H-Index: 7

Lid-driven cavity for mantle convection modelling using lattice Boltzmann method

Indonesian Journal of Physics


Fredy Tantri
Fredy Tantri

H-Index: 2

Umar Fauzi
Umar Fauzi

H-Index: 7

Automated classification of urinary stones based on microcomputed tomography images using convolutional neural network

Physica Medica


Optimization of Imaging Parameters in Micro-CT Scanner Based On Signal-To-Noise Ratio for the Analysis of Urinary Stone Composition.

Iranian Journal of Medical Physics/Majallah-I Fīzīk-I Pizishkī-i Īrān


Annotation of Using Borehole Time-Lapse Gravity by Genetic Algorithm Inversion for Subsurface Modeling.

Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences


See List of Professors in Umar Fauzi University(Institut Teknologi Bandung)

