Troy Van Voorhis

About Troy Van Voorhis

Troy Van Voorhis, With an exceptional h-index of 76 and a recent h-index of 55 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, specializes in the field of Physical Chemistry, Electronic Structure, Theoretical Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics, Solar Energy Conversion.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Understanding Trap States in InP and GaP Quantum Dots Through Density Functional Theory

A-Site Cation Influence on the Structural and Optical Evolution of Ultrathin Lead Halide Perovskite Nanoplatelets

Broad Yet Narrow: Super-resolution techniques to simulate electronic spectra of large molecular systems

MP2-based composite extrapolation schemes can predict core-ionization energies for first-row elements with coupled-cluster level accuracy

Synthesis of Zwitterionic CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals with Controlled Anisotropy using Surface‐Selective Ligand Pairs

Mechanism of Enhanced Triplet–Triplet Upconversion in Organic Molecules

Electron correlation in 2D periodic systems

Exploring Scaling Relations and Active Site Specificity of Graphite-Conjugated Catalysts Using Density Functional Theory

Troy Van Voorhis Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Troy Van Voorhis Skills & Research Interests

Physical Chemistry

Electronic Structure

Theoretical Chemistry

Molecular Dynamics

Solar Energy Conversion

Top articles of Troy Van Voorhis

Understanding Trap States in InP and GaP Quantum Dots Through Density Functional Theory

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.00703


Matthias Kick
Matthias Kick

H-Index: 3

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

A-Site Cation Influence on the Structural and Optical Evolution of Ultrathin Lead Halide Perovskite Nanoplatelets

ACS nano


Matthias Kick
Matthias Kick

H-Index: 3

Hua Zhu
Hua Zhu

H-Index: 5

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Broad Yet Narrow: Super-resolution techniques to simulate electronic spectra of large molecular systems

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.06929


Matthias Kick
Matthias Kick

H-Index: 3

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

MP2-based composite extrapolation schemes can predict core-ionization energies for first-row elements with coupled-cluster level accuracy

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06364


Oinam Romesh Meitei
Oinam Romesh Meitei

H-Index: 7

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Synthesis of Zwitterionic CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals with Controlled Anisotropy using Surface‐Selective Ligand Pairs

Advanced Materials


Mechanism of Enhanced Triplet–Triplet Upconversion in Organic Molecules

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Electron correlation in 2D periodic systems

arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.06185


Oinam Romesh Meitei
Oinam Romesh Meitei

H-Index: 7

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Exploring Scaling Relations and Active Site Specificity of Graphite-Conjugated Catalysts Using Density Functional Theory

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

MQM 2022: The 10th Triennial Conference on Molecular Quantum Mechanics


Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Periodic Bootstrap Embedding

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Oinam Romesh Meitei
Oinam Romesh Meitei

H-Index: 7

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Bootstrap embedding on a quantum computer

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Yuan Liu
Yuan Liu

H-Index: 8

Arkopal Dutt
Arkopal Dutt

H-Index: 3

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Controlled assembly and anomalous thermal expansion of ultrathin cesium lead bromide nanoplatelets

Nano Letters


Matthias Kick
Matthias Kick

H-Index: 3

Hua Zhu
Hua Zhu

H-Index: 5

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Lead halide perovskite nanocrystals with low inhomogeneous broadening and high coherent fraction through dicationic ligand engineering

Nano Letters


It is a trap!: The effect of self-healing of surface defects on the excited states of CdSe nanocrystals

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Tamar Goldzak
Tamar Goldzak

H-Index: 5

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Machine Learning Identification of Active Sites in Graphite-Conjugated Catalysts

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Synthesis of Zwitterionic CsPbBr


Converting Commodity Polyolefins to Electronic Materials through Borane-Catalyzed Alkene Isomerization

Journal of the American Chemical Society


Exchange controlled triplet fusion in metal–organic frameworks

Nature Materials


Words matter: On the debate over free speech, inclusivity, and academic excellence

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

Troy Van Voorhis
Troy Van Voorhis

H-Index: 48

Diabatic Valence-Hole States in the C2 Molecule: “Putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again”

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


See List of Professors in Troy Van Voorhis University(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)