Trina D Spencer

Trina D Spencer

University of South Florida

H-index: 27

North America-United States

About Trina D Spencer

Trina D Spencer, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of South Florida, specializes in the field of academic language, literacy, intervention research, MTSS/RTI, listening and reading comprehension.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A design-based implementation study of a preschool Spanish/English multi-tiered language curriculum/Estudio de implementación basada en el diseño de un currículum preescolar …

Efficacy of a Supplemental Small-Group Early Literacy Intervention Implemented by Early Childhood Educators

Vocabulary Instruction Embedded in Narrative Intervention: A Repeated Acquisition Design Study With First Graders at Risk of Language-Based Reading Difficulty

Indices of Narrative Language Associated with Disability

Impact of Discourse Type and Elicitation Task on Language Sampling Outcomes

AAC Narrative Intervention for Children with Autism

Additive Effect, Feasibility, and Cost-Effectiveness of Family Engagement Activities that Supplement Dual Language Preschool Instruction

Reliability and validity evidence for the English and Spanish preschool narrative language measures-listening

Trina D Spencer Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Trina D Spencer Skills & Research Interests

academic language


intervention research


listening and reading comprehension

Top articles of Trina D Spencer

A design-based implementation study of a preschool Spanish/English multi-tiered language curriculum/Estudio de implementación basada en el diseño de un currículum preescolar …

Journal for the Study of Education and Development


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Efficacy of a Supplemental Small-Group Early Literacy Intervention Implemented by Early Childhood Educators

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


Vocabulary Instruction Embedded in Narrative Intervention: A Repeated Acquisition Design Study With First Graders at Risk of Language-Based Reading Difficulty

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Indices of Narrative Language Associated with Disability



Gabriela Silva-Maceda
Gabriela Silva-Maceda

H-Index: 3

Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Impact of Discourse Type and Elicitation Task on Language Sampling Outcomes

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

AAC Narrative Intervention for Children with Autism


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Matthew Foster
Matthew Foster

H-Index: 14

Additive Effect, Feasibility, and Cost-Effectiveness of Family Engagement Activities that Supplement Dual Language Preschool Instruction

Early Childhood Education Journal


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Reliability and validity evidence for the English and Spanish preschool narrative language measures-listening

Early Childhood Research Quarterly


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Psychometric Properties of a Preschool Language, Literacy, and Behavior Screener

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment


Classroom‐based Oral Storytelling: Reading, Writing, and Social Benefits

The Reading Teacher


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Correction to: Humble Behaviorism Redux

Behavior and Social Issues


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Humble behaviorism redux

Behavior and Social Issues


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Sources of individual differences in early elementary school science achievement among multilingual and English monolingual children in the US

Cognitive Development


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Clinical impact of research: Introduction to the forum


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Clinical impact requires clinical practice research

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

The effects of a multitiered system of language support on kindergarten oral and written language: A large-scale randomized controlled trial

Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

How to Be RAD: Repeated Acquisition Design Features that Enhance Internal and External Validity (vol 44, pg 389, 2021)

Perspectives on Behavior Science


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

John Ferron
John Ferron

H-Index: 33

Oral narrative instruction improves kindergarten writing

Reading and Writing Quarterly


Ten instructional design efforts to help behavior analysts take up the torch of direct instruction


Trina D Spencer
Trina D Spencer

H-Index: 20

Multi-tiered system of supports in early childhood: Identifying gaps, considerations for application, and solutions


See List of Professors in Trina D Spencer University(University of South Florida)