Tiago Correia

About Tiago Correia

Tiago Correia, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, specializes in the field of Global public health, health policy analysis, health workforce, health systems, health organizations.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The workforce crisis in healthcare: Moving the debate to bridge evidence and policy

Trust matters: The Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe Study

Preparing for the ‘next pandemic’: Why we need to escape from our silos

The mental health needs of healthcare workers: When evidence does not guide policy. A comparative assessment of selected European countries

Global research publications on cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation and their alignment with population rehabilitation needs: An ecological study

Assessment of the implementation of the international health regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic: Portugal as a case study

Relatório Técnico-Científico Final: Enfrentamento da pandemia de COVID-19: produções, invenções e desafios na gestão do cuidado em rede.

War, inflation, winter, and the pandemic: The WIWP syndemic in the northern hemisphere

Tiago Correia Information



Associate Professor at Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ()



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Tiago Correia Skills & Research Interests

Global public health

health policy analysis

health workforce

health systems

health organizations

Top articles of Tiago Correia

The workforce crisis in healthcare: Moving the debate to bridge evidence and policy


Michelle Falkenbach
Michelle Falkenbach

H-Index: 5

Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

Preparing for the ‘next pandemic’: Why we need to escape from our silos


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

The mental health needs of healthcare workers: When evidence does not guide policy. A comparative assessment of selected European countries

The International Journal of Health Planning and Management


Global research publications on cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation and their alignment with population rehabilitation needs: An ecological study

The International Journal of Health Planning and Management


Renato Erothildes Ferreira
Renato Erothildes Ferreira

H-Index: 9

Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

Assessment of the implementation of the international health regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic: Portugal as a case study

Acta Médica Portuguesa


Relatório Técnico-Científico Final: Enfrentamento da pandemia de COVID-19: produções, invenções e desafios na gestão do cuidado em rede.


War, inflation, winter, and the pandemic: The WIWP syndemic in the northern hemisphere


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

Health workforce needs and health policy responses to COVID-19: a European comparative assessment

European Journal of Public Health


Primary health care ‘From Alma‐Ata to Astana’: Fostering the international debate through the experiences of Portuguese‐speaking countries


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

Paulo Ferrinho
Paulo Ferrinho

H-Index: 17

Applying critical realism to the COVID‐19 pandemic to improve management of future public health crises

The International Journal of Health Planning and Management


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

Karen Willis
Karen Willis

H-Index: 25

The syndemic and one health nature of pandemics: arguments for renewed attention to intelligence management


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

Paulo Ferrinho
Paulo Ferrinho

H-Index: 17

A call for immediate action to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake to prepare for the third pandemic winter

nature communications


Calling for a planetary and one health vision for global health

One Health


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

Paulo Ferrinho
Paulo Ferrinho

H-Index: 17

The Global South political economy of health financing and spending landscape–history and presence


Health workforce protection and preparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic: a tool for the rapid assessment of EU health systems

European journal of public health


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

The precariousness of political management of the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic in the search for scientific answers: calling for prudence in public health emergencies

The International Journal of Health Planning and Management


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

A gestão política da Covid-19 em Portugal: contributos analíticos para o debate internacional

Saúde em Debate


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: A syndemic perspective


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

Paulo Ferrinho
Paulo Ferrinho

H-Index: 17

Global health and health workforce development: education, management and policy during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.


Tiago Correia
Tiago Correia

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Tiago Correia University(Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

