Terence P Dawson

Terence P Dawson

King's College London

H-index: 56

Europe-United Kingdom

About Terence P Dawson

Terence P Dawson, With an exceptional h-index of 56 and a recent h-index of 38 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at King's College London, specializes in the field of Biodiversity, Biogeography, Ecosystem Services, Climate Change, Social-ecological systems.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Proximity to freshwater and seagrass availability mediate the impacts of climate change on the distribution of the West Indian manatee

Hundreds of millions of people in the tropics need both wild harvests and other forms of economic development for their well-being

Land cover preferences and spatiotemporal associations of ungulates within a Scottish mammal community

Bridging local and scientific knowledge for area-based conservation of useful plants in Colombia

Navigating Sustainability: Revealing Hidden Forces in Social–Ecological Systems

Examining stakeholder involvement in the context of top-down marine protected area governance: The case of the Sept-Îles National Nature Reserve (Brittany, France)

Global meat demand projection: Quo Vadimus?

Un-muddying the waters: Using benthic and shorebird population data to assess intertidal mudflat conditions and inform management strategies in two Irish Sea marine protected areas

Terence P Dawson Information



Department of Geography



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Terence P Dawson Skills & Research Interests



Ecosystem Services

Climate Change

Social-ecological systems

Top articles of Terence P Dawson

Proximity to freshwater and seagrass availability mediate the impacts of climate change on the distribution of the West Indian manatee

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals


Hundreds of millions of people in the tropics need both wild harvests and other forms of economic development for their well-being

One Earth


Land cover preferences and spatiotemporal associations of ungulates within a Scottish mammal community

Ecology and Evolution


Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Bridging local and scientific knowledge for area-based conservation of useful plants in Colombia



Navigating Sustainability: Revealing Hidden Forces in Social–Ecological Systems



Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Examining stakeholder involvement in the context of top-down marine protected area governance: The case of the Sept-Îles National Nature Reserve (Brittany, France)

Regional Studies in Marine Science


Kate Schreckenberg
Kate Schreckenberg

H-Index: 26

Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Global meat demand projection: Quo Vadimus?

Journal of Cleaner Production


Un-muddying the waters: Using benthic and shorebird population data to assess intertidal mudflat conditions and inform management strategies in two Irish Sea marine protected areas

Ecological Indicators


Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Kate Schreckenberg
Kate Schreckenberg

H-Index: 26

Who Gets to Eat Wild Fish and Meat? A Socially-Disaggregated Analysis of Wild Animal Consumption Across Diverse Rural Environments in Five Countries of the Global South

Who Gets to Eat Wild Fish and Meat


Monitoring shallow coral reef exposure to environmental stressors using satellite earth observation: the reef environmental stress exposure toolbox (RESET)

Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation


Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Relating Country-Level Governance and Tree Cover Loss in Sub-Saharan African Protected Areas: Identifying Knowledge Gaps and a More Nuanced Perspective

Frontiers in Forests and Global Change


Kate Schreckenberg
Kate Schreckenberg

H-Index: 26

Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Climate change impacts on the ecological dynamics of two coral reef species, the humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) and crown-of-thorns starfish (Ancanthaster planci)

Ecological Informatics


Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

The effects of the spatial extent on modelling giant panda distributions using ecological niche models



Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Sustainability of wild plant use in the Andean Community of South America


Laura Kor
Laura Kor

H-Index: 5

Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

The impact of climate and societal change on food and nutrition security: A case study of Malawi

Food and Energy Security


Agricultural GHG emission and calorie intake nexus among different socioeconomic households of rural eastern India

Environment, Development and Sustainability


Projecting the effect of crop yield increases, dietary change and different price scenarios on land use under two different state security regimes

International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability


Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

It’s just conservation: To what extent are marine protected areas in the Irish Sea equitably governed and managed?

Frontiers in Marine Science


Ensuring the sustainability of coastal small-scale fisheries at Pitcairn Island (South Pacific) within a large scale no-take MPA

Frontiers in Marine Science


Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Analysing detection gaps in acoustic telemetry data to infer differential movement patterns in fish

Ecology and Evolution


Terence P Dawson
Terence P Dawson

H-Index: 38

Francesco Ferretti
Francesco Ferretti

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Terence P Dawson University(King's College London)

