Takuya Sato

About Takuya Sato

Takuya Sato, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Kobe University, specializes in the field of Community Ecology, Parasitology, Conservation Biology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The past, present, and a future for native charr in Japan

Apparent migration and natal homing of a small minnow in a large ancient lake

Massive horizontal gene transfer and the evolution of nematomorph-driven behavioral manipulation of mantids

An efficient environmental DNA detection method for rare species: a case study of a small salamander (Hynobius boulengeri)

Seasonal ecosystem linkages contribute to the maintenance of migratory polymorphism in a salmonid population

Seasonal timing of ecosystem linkage contributes to maintaining life-history variation in a salmonid fish population

The relationship between vector species richness and the risk of vector-borne infectious diseases

Difficulty in sex identification of two local populations of red-spotted masu salmon using two salmonid male-specific molecular markers

Takuya Sato Information



Department of Biology Graduate school of Science



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Takuya Sato Skills & Research Interests

Community Ecology


Conservation Biology

Top articles of Takuya Sato

The past, present, and a future for native charr in Japan


Apparent migration and natal homing of a small minnow in a large ancient lake

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Yoshiaki Kai
Yoshiaki Kai

H-Index: 13

Massive horizontal gene transfer and the evolution of nematomorph-driven behavioral manipulation of mantids

Current Biology


An efficient environmental DNA detection method for rare species: a case study of a small salamander (Hynobius boulengeri)

Analytical Sciences


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Toshifumi Minamoto
Toshifumi Minamoto

H-Index: 31

Seasonal ecosystem linkages contribute to the maintenance of migratory polymorphism in a salmonid population

Proceedings of the Royal Society B


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Seasonal timing of ecosystem linkage contributes to maintaining life-history variation in a salmonid fish population

Authorea Preprints


Akira Terui
Akira Terui

H-Index: 8

Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

The relationship between vector species richness and the risk of vector-borne infectious diseases

The American Naturalist


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Difficulty in sex identification of two local populations of red-spotted masu salmon using two salmonid male-specific molecular markers

Ichthyological Research


Hirohiko Takeshima
Hirohiko Takeshima

H-Index: 11

Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Direct and indirect effects of amphidromous shrimps on nutrient mineralization in streams in Japan



Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

The effect of habitat fragmentation on the variation of migration-related genes in red-spotted masu salmon

Report of Grant-Supported Research The Asahi Glass Foundation


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Anadromous red‐spotted masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae), a southernmost sea‐migration form of salmonid, displays low variation in both age at …

Journal of Fish Biology


Daisuke Kishi
Daisuke Kishi

H-Index: 2

Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Enhanced polarotaxis can explain water-entry behaviour of mantids infected with nematomorph parasites

Current Biology


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Data from: A test of the effects of timing of a pulsed resource subsidy on stream ecosystems


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

The effects of resource subsidy duration in a detritus‐based stream ecosystem: A mesocosm experiment

Journal of Animal Ecology


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Biochemical influence of amphidromous shrimps on stream ecosystems in Japan


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Captive-bred populations of a partially migratory salmonid fish are unlikely to maintain migratory polymorphism in natural habitats

Biology letters


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Large contribution of pulsed subsidies to a predatory fish inhabiting large stream channels

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences


Timing and duration of phenological resources: Toward a mechanistic understanding of their impacts on community structure and ecosystem processes in stream food chains

Ecological Research


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Phenology in a community context: Toward a better understanding of the causes and consequences of phenology in seasonal environments

Ecological Research


Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

Host phenologies and the life history of horsehair worms (Nematomorpha, Gordiida) in a mountain stream in northern Japan

Ecological Research


Osamu Kishida
Osamu Kishida

H-Index: 13

Takuya Sato
Takuya Sato

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Takuya Sato University(Kobe University)

