Takeo Sasaki

About Takeo Sasaki

Takeo Sasaki, With an exceptional h-index of 25 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tokyo University of Science, specializes in the field of photorefractive effect.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Ten-Gram-Scale Total Synthesis of the Anticancer Drug Candidate E7130 to Supply Clinical Trials

What Does It Take to Develop Structurally Complex Molecules by Total Synthesis? Rapid Process Development and GMP Manufacturing of E7130 Drug Substance for First-in-Human …

Synthesis of low-order liquid-crystalline viologens and their photo-responsive behavior

Detection of phase change of light using photorefractive liquid crystals and their application to laser ultrasonics

Laser ultrasonics using photorefractive liquid crystals

Charged Particle Beam Apparatus and Control Method for Charged Particle Beam Apparatus

Agarose hydrogels reinforced by chromonic aggregates

Laser ultrasonics for measurement of the thickness of metal plates using a photorefractive liquid crystal

Takeo Sasaki Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Takeo Sasaki Skills & Research Interests

photorefractive effect

Top articles of Takeo Sasaki

Ten-Gram-Scale Total Synthesis of the Anticancer Drug Candidate E7130 to Supply Clinical Trials

Organic Letters


What Does It Take to Develop Structurally Complex Molecules by Total Synthesis? Rapid Process Development and GMP Manufacturing of E7130 Drug Substance for First-in-Human …

Organic Process Research & Development


Synthesis of low-order liquid-crystalline viologens and their photo-responsive behavior


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Detection of phase change of light using photorefractive liquid crystals and their application to laser ultrasonics


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Laser ultrasonics using photorefractive liquid crystals


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Charged Particle Beam Apparatus and Control Method for Charged Particle Beam Apparatus


Agarose hydrogels reinforced by chromonic aggregates

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Laser ultrasonics for measurement of the thickness of metal plates using a photorefractive liquid crystal


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Cryogenic electron ptychographic single particle analysis with wide bandwidth information transfer

Nature Communications


Photo-induced change in alignment of mesogens using reduction of viologens as a trigger

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Photorefractive flexoelectric liquid crystal mixtures and their application to laser ultrasonics

Optical Materials Express


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Photorefractive effect of smectic liquid crystals and their application to laser ultrasonic remote sensing


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Effect of the concentration of chiral compound on the photorefractive effect of flexoelectric smectic liquid crystal blends

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Takuya Hara
Takuya Hara

H-Index: 21

Probing Graphene Defect Kinetics at Millisecond Time Resolution Using Direct Detection and Machine Learning

Microscopy and Microanalysis


Corrigendum to “Monitoring dynamics of defects and single Fe atoms in N-functionalized few-layer graphene by in situ temperature programmed scanning transmission electron …

Journal of Energy Chemistry


Rosa Arrigo
Rosa Arrigo

H-Index: 26

Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Enhanced chromonic stacking assisted by a hydrogel network

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Observation and simulation of toron polymorphism: Effects of surface anchoring, elasticity and electric field in cholesterics with smectic-A phase beneath

Journal of Molecular Liquids


Satoshi Aya
Satoshi Aya

H-Index: 11

Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Monitoring dynamics of defects and single Fe atoms in N-functionalized few-layer graphene by in situ temperature programmed scanning transmission electron microscopy

Journal of Energy Chemistry


Rosa Arrigo
Rosa Arrigo

H-Index: 26

Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Molecular design of viologens to exhibit low-order liquid-crystalline phases

Materials Advances


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

In-situ TEM observation of the growth process of carbon nanomaterials by laser irradiation

Microscopy and Microanalysis


Takeo Sasaki
Takeo Sasaki

H-Index: 11

Kazu Suenaga
Kazu Suenaga

H-Index: 56

See List of Professors in Takeo Sasaki University(Tokyo University of Science)