Tae Kyung Kim

About Tae Kyung Kim

Tae Kyung Kim, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Seoul National University, specializes in the field of Machine Learning, Phenology, Remote Sensing, Plant Identification.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Promotion of cold stress tolerance in transplanted Pinus densiflora seedlings after long-term moderate drought hardening

Waterlogging Hardening Effect on Transplant Stress Tolerance in Pinus densiflora

Spatial database of planted forests in East Asia

Drought hardening effect on improving transplant stress tolerance in Pinus densiflora

Quantifying the importance of day length in process-based models for the prediction of temperate spring flowering phenology

PM2. 5 reduction capacities and their relation to morphological and physiological traits in 13 landscaping tree species

Identifying and extracting bark key features of 42 tree species using convolutional neural networks and class activation mapping

Utilizing machine learning for detecting flowering in mid-range digital repeat photography

Tae Kyung Kim Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Tae Kyung Kim Skills & Research Interests

Machine Learning


Remote Sensing

Plant Identification

Top articles of Tae Kyung Kim

Promotion of cold stress tolerance in transplanted Pinus densiflora seedlings after long-term moderate drought hardening

Forest Ecology and Management


Waterlogging Hardening Effect on Transplant Stress Tolerance in Pinus densiflora



Spatial database of planted forests in East Asia

Scientific data


Drought hardening effect on improving transplant stress tolerance in Pinus densiflora

Environmental and Experimental Botany


Quantifying the importance of day length in process-based models for the prediction of temperate spring flowering phenology

Science of The Total Environment


Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Hyun Seok Kim
Hyun Seok Kim

H-Index: 19

PM2. 5 reduction capacities and their relation to morphological and physiological traits in 13 landscaping tree species

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening


Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Hyun Seok Kim
Hyun Seok Kim

H-Index: 19

Identifying and extracting bark key features of 42 tree species using convolutional neural networks and class activation mapping

Scientific Reports


Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Hyun Seok Kim
Hyun Seok Kim

H-Index: 19

Utilizing machine learning for detecting flowering in mid-range digital repeat photography

Ecological Modelling


Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Hyun Seok Kim
Hyun Seok Kim

H-Index: 19

최근 12 년간 아까시나무 만개일의 변화와 과정기반모형을 활용한 지역별 만개일 예측

한국산림과학회지 (구 한국임학회지)


Comparison of the weather station networks used for the estimation of the cultivar parameters of the CERES-Rice model in Korea

Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Shinwoo Hyun
Shinwoo Hyun

H-Index: 1

Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Recent changes in bloom dates of Robinia pseudoacacia and bloom date predictions using a process-based model in South Korea

Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science


Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Hyun Seok Kim
Hyun Seok Kim

H-Index: 19

NO2 and SO2 Reduction Capacities and Their Relation to Leaf Physiological and Morphological Traits in Ten Landscaping Tree Species

Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science


Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Hyun Seok Kim
Hyun Seok Kim

H-Index: 19

Construction of a Bark Dataset for Automatic Tree Identification and Developing a Convolutional Neural Network-based Tree Species Identification Model

Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science


Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Hyun Seok Kim
Hyun Seok Kim

H-Index: 19

Sapflux Measurement Database Using Granier's Heat Dissipation Method and Heat Pulse Method

Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Changes of tree species composition and distribution patterns in mts. Jiri and baegun, Republic of Korea over 15 years



Tae Kyung Kim
Tae Kyung Kim

H-Index: 1

Hyun Seok Kim
Hyun Seok Kim

H-Index: 19

See List of Professors in Tae Kyung Kim University(Seoul National University)

