Sven Peter Näsholm

About Sven Peter Näsholm

Sven Peter Näsholm, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Oslo, specializes in the field of Array signal processing, Ultra- and infrasound acoustics/imaging, Middle atmosphere dynamics, Complex media, Seismology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Multidisciplinary integration of FAIR Research Infrastructures in the Geo-INQUIRE initiative: the EPOS–EMSO case

Seismicity on Venus: optimal detection methods and target regions

Seismic wave detectability on Venus using ground deformation sensors, infrasound sensors on balloons and airglow imagers

Estimating stratospheric polar vortex strength using ambient ocean‐generated infrasound and stochastics‐based machine learning

Long range monitoring of explosive volcanoes with IMS infrasound arrays: testing the VIS

Exploring the feasibility of detecting seismically-generated infrasound waves on Venus using balloon platforms

Recent Enhancements of the Volcanic Information System (VIS): An Infrasound-Based Long-Range Volcanic Eruption Notification System

Tracking aftershock sequences using empirical matched field processing

Sven Peter Näsholm Information



(Associate Professor) / NORSAR (Senior Researcher)



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Sven Peter Näsholm Skills & Research Interests

Array signal processing

Ultra- and infrasound acoustics/imaging

Middle atmosphere dynamics

Complex media


Top articles of Sven Peter Näsholm

Multidisciplinary integration of FAIR Research Infrastructures in the Geo-INQUIRE initiative: the EPOS–EMSO case


Seismicity on Venus: optimal detection methods and target regions


Anna Horleston
Anna Horleston

H-Index: 8

Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Seismic wave detectability on Venus using ground deformation sensors, infrasound sensors on balloons and airglow imagers

Authorea Preprints


Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Quentin Brissaud
Quentin Brissaud

H-Index: 6

Estimating stratospheric polar vortex strength using ambient ocean‐generated infrasound and stochastics‐based machine learning

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society


Long range monitoring of explosive volcanoes with IMS infrasound arrays: testing the VIS


Exploring the feasibility of detecting seismically-generated infrasound waves on Venus using balloon platforms


Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Quentin Brissaud
Quentin Brissaud

H-Index: 6

Recent Enhancements of the Volcanic Information System (VIS): An Infrasound-Based Long-Range Volcanic Eruption Notification System


Tracking aftershock sequences using empirical matched field processing

Geophysical Journal International


Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

High-speed echoes in the polar winter mesosphere: Infrasound as a probable cause

Advances in Space Research


Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Ekaterina Vorobeva
Ekaterina Vorobeva

H-Index: 2

Understanding the atmospheric response to seismic sources: the 2020 Mw4. 9 Kiruna minequake, Sweden


Quentin Brissaud
Quentin Brissaud

H-Index: 6

Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Adding a low frequency limit to fractional wave propagation models

Frontiers in Physics


Sverre Holm
Sverre Holm

H-Index: 27

Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Probing gravity waves in the middle atmosphere using infrasound from explosions

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Ekaterina Vorobeva
Ekaterina Vorobeva

H-Index: 2

Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Worst-case analysis of array beampatterns using interval arithmetic

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America


Wave equations of the two common sediment acoustic theories

Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics


Sverre Holm
Sverre Holm

H-Index: 27

Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Using infrasound from explosions for probing internal gravity waves in the middle atmosphere

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Using a machine learning and stochastics-founded model to provide near real-time stratospheric polar vortex diagnostics based on high-latitude infrasound data

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Summarizing the research of the MADEIRA project-Middle atmosphere dynamics: exploiting infrasound using a multidisciplinary approach at high latitudes


Using satellite data assimilation techniques to combine infrasound observations and a full ray-tracing model to constrain atmospheric variables

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Javier Amezcua
Javier Amezcua

H-Index: 8

Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Finding wave equations for sediment acoustic theories

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America


Sverre Holm
Sverre Holm

H-Index: 27

Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

Predicting infrasound transmission loss using deep learning

Geophysical Journal International


Quentin Brissaud
Quentin Brissaud

H-Index: 6

Sven Peter Näsholm
Sven Peter Näsholm

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Sven Peter Näsholm University(Universitetet i Oslo)

