Sujoy Chakravarty

About Sujoy Chakravarty

Sujoy Chakravarty, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Jawaharlal Nehru University, specializes in the field of Experimental Economics, Behavioural Economics, Development Economics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Promote to protect: data-driven computational model of peer influence for vaccine perception

Evolution of Altruism: A Study with School Children in India

Does Relative Poverty Affect Confidence, Willingness to Compete and Performance of Adolescents? Experimental Evidence from India

Subject confusion and task non-completion: Methodological insights from an artefactual field experiment with adolescents in India

No Going Back: COVID-19 Disease Threat Perception and Male Migrants’ Willingness to Return to Work in India

Factors affecting acceptance of electric two-wheelers in India: a discrete choice survey

What Motivates Electric Vehicle Purchase Intention in India: Results from a Stated Preference Survey

How WEIRD Are We? How the Adoption of Certain Social Norms Altered Both Our Biology and Social Behaviour and, Ultimately, the Wealth of Nations

Sujoy Chakravarty Information



Professor of Economics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Sujoy Chakravarty Skills & Research Interests

Experimental Economics

Behavioural Economics

Development Economics

Top articles of Sujoy Chakravarty

Promote to protect: data-driven computational model of peer influence for vaccine perception

Scientific Reports


Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Evolution of Altruism: A Study with School Children in India


Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Does Relative Poverty Affect Confidence, Willingness to Compete and Performance of Adolescents? Experimental Evidence from India

SSRN Electronic Journal


Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Subject confusion and task non-completion: Methodological insights from an artefactual field experiment with adolescents in India

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics


Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

No Going Back: COVID-19 Disease Threat Perception and Male Migrants’ Willingness to Return to Work in India

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization


Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Factors affecting acceptance of electric two-wheelers in India: a discrete choice survey

Transport policy


Rahul Chakraborty
Rahul Chakraborty

H-Index: 4

Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

What Motivates Electric Vehicle Purchase Intention in India: Results from a Stated Preference Survey

Available at SSRN 4483461


Rahul Chakraborty
Rahul Chakraborty

H-Index: 4

Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

How WEIRD Are We? How the Adoption of Certain Social Norms Altered Both Our Biology and Social Behaviour and, Ultimately, the Wealth of Nations



Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Acceptance of Energy Efficient Vehicles Among Indian Consumers: A Case Study of the Four-Wheeler Market

Available at SSRN 4284330


Rahul Chakraborty
Rahul Chakraborty

H-Index: 4

Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

The Effect of Own and Recipient Economic Status on the Dictator Game Giving of Adolescents: Experimental Evidence from India

Available at SSRN 4184279


Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Experimental evidence of the effect of financial incentives and detection on dishonesty

Scientific Reports


Varsha Singh
Varsha Singh

H-Index: 6

Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Double Jab: Survey Evidence on Vaccine Hesitancy, Beliefs, and Attitudes in India

Health Communication


Acceptance of electric two-wheelers in India: Results from a stated choice survey

Available at SSRN 3949403


Rahul Chakraborty
Rahul Chakraborty

H-Index: 4

Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Dictator choice and causal attribution of recipient endowment

Indian Economic Review


Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Rewards, Detection and Dishonesty: Experimental Evidence from India

Available at SSRN 3939746


Varsha Singh
Varsha Singh

H-Index: 6

Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Is Deception a Consequence of Emotion? Disposition, Mood, and Decision Frame.

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics


Varsha Singh
Varsha Singh

H-Index: 6

Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

A culture-centered approach to experiences of the coronavirus pandemic lockdown among internal migrants in India

American Behavioral Scientist


Sujoy Chakravarty
Sujoy Chakravarty

H-Index: 7

Contracting Outcomes with Communication and Learning

Studies in Microeconomics


See List of Professors in Sujoy Chakravarty University(Jawaharlal Nehru University)

