Stephan Schwarzinger

About Stephan Schwarzinger

Stephan Schwarzinger, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, specializes in the field of energy behaviour, climate relevant behaviour, survey design, policy design, economic opportunities.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

What triggers individual climate actions in different neighbourhoods? Individual, collective, cultural, and socio-structural factors

Arbeitsmarktintegration und Einkommenssituation von Studienabsolvent* innen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Geschlechterunterschieden

Energy citizenship for inclusive decarbonization: A transdisciplinary framework for creating transformation knowledge

Estimating and Explaining the Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Life-Areas and How to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emission Footprints

The Development of the Questionnaire

The multidimensionality of consumption: Energy lifestyles

International Outlook and Conclusions

Stephan Schwarzinger Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Stephan Schwarzinger Skills & Research Interests

energy behaviour

climate relevant behaviour

survey design

policy design

economic opportunities

Top articles of Stephan Schwarzinger

What triggers individual climate actions in different neighbourhoods? Individual, collective, cultural, and socio-structural factors


Giuseppe Carrus
Giuseppe Carrus

H-Index: 25

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Arbeitsmarktintegration und Einkommenssituation von Studienabsolvent* innen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Geschlechterunterschieden


Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Energy citizenship for inclusive decarbonization: A transdisciplinary framework for creating transformation knowledge


Estimating and Explaining the Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications


Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Life-Areas and How to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emission Footprints

Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications


Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

The Development of the Questionnaire

Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications


Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

The multidimensionality of consumption: Energy lifestyles

Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications


Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

International Outlook and Conclusions

Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications


Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Obstacles to Lower Environmental Impact in Low-Cost Behaviors

Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications


Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Measuring environmental attitudes and behaviors

Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications


Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior. Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications


Markus Hadler
Markus Hadler

H-Index: 13

Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

Nationale Verpflichtungen auf Grundlage des Pariser Klimaabkommens

Tourismus und Klimawandel


Estimating heating-related GHG emissions: The advantage of a household composition-based survey approach

International Journal of Sociology


Stephan Schwarzinger
Stephan Schwarzinger

H-Index: 2

See List of Professors in Stephan Schwarzinger University(Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz)

