Stelvia Matos

Stelvia Matos

University of Surrey

H-index: 23

Europe-United Kingdom

About Stelvia Matos

Stelvia Matos, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Surrey, specializes in the field of Social Innovation, Sustainable Innovation, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Rigour vs. Reality: Contextualizing qualitative research in the low‐income settings in emerging markets

Repurposing management knowledge production in the Global South context

Do volunteers intend to become social entrepreneurs? The influence of pro-social behavior on social entrepreneurial intentions

Guest editorial: The social sustainability of global supply chains–a critical perspective on current practices and its transformative potential

Innovation and climate change: A review and introduction to the special issue

An exploratory study of entrepreneurs in impoverished communities: When institutional factors and individual characteristics result in non-productive entrepreneurship

Technology roadmap of renewable natural gas: Identifying trends for research and development to improve biogas upgrading technology management

The hidden side of sustainable operations and supply chain management: unanticipated outcomes, trade-offs and tensions

Stelvia Matos Information



Surrey Business School



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Stelvia Matos Skills & Research Interests

Social Innovation

Sustainable Innovation

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion

Top articles of Stelvia Matos

Rigour vs. Reality: Contextualizing qualitative research in the low‐income settings in emerging markets

British journal of management


Repurposing management knowledge production in the Global South context


Stelvia Matos
Stelvia Matos

H-Index: 15

Do volunteers intend to become social entrepreneurs? The influence of pro-social behavior on social entrepreneurial intentions

Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly


Guest editorial: The social sustainability of global supply chains–a critical perspective on current practices and its transformative potential

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management


Stefan Seuring
Stefan Seuring

H-Index: 46

Stelvia Matos
Stelvia Matos

H-Index: 15

Innovation and climate change: A review and introduction to the special issue


Stelvia Matos
Stelvia Matos

H-Index: 15

Yu Xiong
Yu Xiong

H-Index: 1

An exploratory study of entrepreneurs in impoverished communities: When institutional factors and individual characteristics result in non-productive entrepreneurship


Stelvia Matos
Stelvia Matos

H-Index: 15

Jeremy Hall
Jeremy Hall

H-Index: 27

Technology roadmap of renewable natural gas: Identifying trends for research and development to improve biogas upgrading technology management

Applied energy


Stelvia Matos
Stelvia Matos

H-Index: 15

Suzana Borschiver
Suzana Borschiver

H-Index: 7

The hidden side of sustainable operations and supply chain management: unanticipated outcomes, trade-offs and tensions

International Journal of Operations and Production Management


Determinants of social entrepreneurial intentions in a developing country context

Journal of Business Venturing Insights


See List of Professors in Stelvia Matos University(University of Surrey)