Socorro Lozano-García

About Socorro Lozano-García

Socorro Lozano-García, With an exceptional h-index of 39 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, specializes in the field of Primera área de interés, segunda área de interés.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Fire regime shift associated with the European colonization in Mesoamerica

Regional vs. global temperature calibrations for lacustrine BrGDGTs in the North American (sub) tropics: Implications for their application in paleotemperature reconstructions

Response of diatom assemblages to orbital‐and millennial‐scale climatic variability since the penultimate glacial maximum in the northern limit of the Neotropics

Droughts during the last 2000 years in a tropical sub‐humid environment in central Mexico

Charcoal morphotypes and potential fuel types from a Mexican lake during MIS 5a and MIS 3

Vegetation history of a Mexican Neotropical basin from the late MIS 6 to early MIS 3: The pollen record of Lake Chalco

A Late Pleistocene (MIS4-MIS2) palaeohydrological reconstruction from Lake Chalco, Basin of Mexico

Late Pleistocene and Holocene palaeoecological reconstruction of Lake Texcoco (Basin of Mexico) based on its ostracod record

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Socorro Lozano-García Skills & Research Interests

Primera área de interés

segunda área de interés

Top articles of Socorro Lozano-García

Fire regime shift associated with the European colonization in Mesoamerica

Journal of South American Earth Sciences


Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

Regional vs. global temperature calibrations for lacustrine BrGDGTs in the North American (sub) tropics: Implications for their application in paleotemperature reconstructions

Organic Geochemistry


Alex Correa-Metrio
Alex Correa-Metrio

H-Index: 20

Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

Response of diatom assemblages to orbital‐and millennial‐scale climatic variability since the penultimate glacial maximum in the northern limit of the Neotropics

Journal of Quaternary Science


Droughts during the last 2000 years in a tropical sub‐humid environment in central Mexico

Journal of Quaternary Science


Charcoal morphotypes and potential fuel types from a Mexican lake during MIS 5a and MIS 3

Journal of South American Earth Sciences


Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

Vegetation history of a Mexican Neotropical basin from the late MIS 6 to early MIS 3: The pollen record of Lake Chalco


Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

A Late Pleistocene (MIS4-MIS2) palaeohydrological reconstruction from Lake Chalco, Basin of Mexico

Journal of South American Earth Sciences


Late Pleistocene and Holocene palaeoecological reconstruction of Lake Texcoco (Basin of Mexico) based on its ostracod record

Journal of Quaternary Science


An ostracod-based record of paleoecological conditions during MIS6 and MIS5, from Lake Chalco, Basin of Mexico

Journal of Paleolimnology


Sedimentary stratigraphy of Lake Chalco (Central Mexico) during its formative stages

International Journal of Earth Sciences


Environmental changes during MIS6-3 in the Basin of Mexico: A record of fire, lake productivity history and vegetation

Journal of South American Earth Sciences


Holocene life and microbiome profiling in ancient tropical Lake Chalco, Mexico

Scientific reports


Arturo Becerra
Arturo Becerra

H-Index: 14

Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

Climatic and anthropogenic influences on vegetation changes during the last 5000 years in a seasonal dry tropical forest at the northern limits of the Neotropics

The Holocene


Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the upper Pleistocene to holocene Lake Chalco drill cores (Mexico basin)


Past and recent biodiversity profiling in ancient Lake Chalco Mexico by a metagenomics analysis

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Estratigrafía preliminar del sondeo ICDP MexiDril

Geotemas (Madrid)


The Holocene history of a tropical high-altitude lake in central Mexico

The Holocene


Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

Climatic control on magnetic mineralogy during the late MIS 6-Early MIS 3 in Lake Chalco, central Mexico


Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

Erik T Brown
Erik T Brown

H-Index: 29

Forests diversity in the Mexican Neotropics: a paleoecological view

Neotropical Diversification: Patterns and Processes


Socorro Lozano-García
Socorro Lozano-García

H-Index: 23

See List of Professors in Socorro Lozano-García University(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

