Simone Tumiati

About Simone Tumiati

Simone Tumiati, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi di Milano, specializes in the field of petrology, experimental petrology, metamorphic petrology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Sedimentary protolith and high-P metamorphism of oxidized manganiferous quartzite from the Lanterman Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

Quantification of the pre-eruptive CO2 budget of Neo-Tethyan magmas and their forcing on Early Cenozoic global climate

Thermotopes-COH—A software for carbon isotope modeling and speciation of COH fluids

Corrigendum: Experimental dissolution of carbonaceous materials in water at 1 GPa and 550° C: assessing the role of carbon forms and redox state on COH fluid production and …

Epitactic magnetite growth in fluid inclusions as driving force for olivine oxidation coupled with hydrogen production at high pressure

Geochemical interaction between slab-derived melts and mantle at high pressure in subduction zones

Experimental dissolution of carbonaceous materials in water at 1 GPa and 550° C: Assessing the role of carbon forms and redox state on COH fluid production and composition …

Emerging disorder in Gd 2 (Ti 1− x Zr x) 2 O 7 pyrochlores matrices for radioactive waste disposal: symmetry lowering versus defect clustering

Simone Tumiati Information



Associate professor Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Simone Tumiati Skills & Research Interests


experimental petrology

metamorphic petrology

Top articles of Simone Tumiati

Sedimentary protolith and high-P metamorphism of oxidized manganiferous quartzite from the Lanterman Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

European Journal of Mineralogy


Quantification of the pre-eruptive CO2 budget of Neo-Tethyan magmas and their forcing on Early Cenozoic global climate


Thermotopes-COH—A software for carbon isotope modeling and speciation of COH fluids

Computers & Geosciences


Corrigendum: Experimental dissolution of carbonaceous materials in water at 1 GPa and 550° C: assessing the role of carbon forms and redox state on COH fluid production and …

Frontiers in Earth Science


Epitactic magnetite growth in fluid inclusions as driving force for olivine oxidation coupled with hydrogen production at high pressure

Chemical Geology


Geochemical interaction between slab-derived melts and mantle at high pressure in subduction zones

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Experimental dissolution of carbonaceous materials in water at 1 GPa and 550° C: Assessing the role of carbon forms and redox state on COH fluid production and composition …

Frontiers in Earth Science


Emerging disorder in Gd 2 (Ti 1− x Zr x) 2 O 7 pyrochlores matrices for radioactive waste disposal: symmetry lowering versus defect clustering

Journal of Materials Chemistry A


Effects of oxygen functionalities on hydrous hydrazine decomposition over carbonaceous materials

Dalton Transactions


Geochemical evolution of melt/peridotite interaction at high pressure in subduction zones

Geochemical Perspectives Letters


Non-destructive analysis of a mixed H2O–CO2 fluid in experimental noble-metal capsule by means of freezing and high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction

Scientific Reports


Simone Tumiati
Simone Tumiati

H-Index: 13

Luca Toffolo
Luca Toffolo

H-Index: 5

An experimental determination of the liquidus and a thermodynamic melt model in the CaCO3-MgCO3 binary, and modelling of carbonated mantle melting

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Stefano Poli
Stefano Poli

H-Index: 29

Simone Tumiati
Simone Tumiati

H-Index: 13

An Experimental Study on Kinetics-Controlled Ca-Carbonate Aqueous Reduction into CH4 (1 and 2 GPa, 550°C): Implications for C Mobility in Subduction Zones

Journal of Petrology


POST-CONFERENCE FIELD EXCURSION GUIDEBOOK 14th International Eclogite Conference


Subducted organic matter buffered by marine carbonate rules the carbon isotopic signature of arc emissions

Nature Communications


Carbon-saturated COH fluids in the upper mantle: a review of high-pressure and high-temperature ex situ experiments


Carla Tiraboschi
Carla Tiraboschi

H-Index: 5

Simone Tumiati
Simone Tumiati

H-Index: 13

Heterogeneous magnetite nucleation in multiphase inclusions controls olivine oxidation and hydrogen production at high pressure


Melt/peridotite interaction at high pressure: the case study of Borgo (Central Alps, Italy)


Selective decomposition of hydrazine over metal free carbonaceous materials

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Oxidation of subducted organic matter buffered by marine carbonate rules the carbon isotopic signature of arc emissions

Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July


See List of Professors in Simone Tumiati University(Università degli Studi di Milano)