Simone Marras

Simone Marras

New Jersey Institute of Technology

H-index: 12

North America-United States

About Simone Marras

Simone Marras, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at New Jersey Institute of Technology, specializes in the field of Spectral Elements, Turbulence, Large Eddy Simulation, Numerical Weather Prediction, Tsunami Modeling.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Efficient Spectral Element Method for the Euler Equations on Unbounded Domains in Multiple Dimensions

Characterization and modelling of water mixing energies and particle behavior during wave generation in CanmetENERGY Devon spill test tank

Forest density is more effective than tree rigidity at reducing the onshore energy flux of tsunamis

A Non‐Column Based, Fully Unstructured Implementation of Kessler's Microphysics With Warm Rain Using Continuous and Discontinuous Spectral Elements

Leveraging Google's Tensor Processing Units for tsunami-risk mitigation planning in the Pacific Northwest and beyond

Comparison of Sub-Grid Scale Models for Large-Eddy Simulation Using a High-Order Spectral Element Approximation of the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations at Low Mach Number

Validation of tsunami numerical simulation models for an idealized coastal industrial site

Tsunami Wave Interaction With Rigid And Flexible Vegetation: A 3D Large Eddy Simulation Study

Simone Marras Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Simone Marras Skills & Research Interests

Spectral Elements


Large Eddy Simulation

Numerical Weather Prediction

Tsunami Modeling

Top articles of Simone Marras

Efficient Spectral Element Method for the Euler Equations on Unbounded Domains in Multiple Dimensions

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.05624


Simone Marras
Simone Marras

H-Index: 8

Characterization and modelling of water mixing energies and particle behavior during wave generation in CanmetENERGY Devon spill test tank

Ocean Engineering


Forest density is more effective than tree rigidity at reducing the onshore energy flux of tsunamis

Coastal Engineering


A Non‐Column Based, Fully Unstructured Implementation of Kessler's Microphysics With Warm Rain Using Continuous and Discontinuous Spectral Elements

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


Simone Marras
Simone Marras

H-Index: 8

Annalisa Quaini
Annalisa Quaini

H-Index: 16

Leveraging Google's Tensor Processing Units for tsunami-risk mitigation planning in the Pacific Northwest and beyond

Geosci. Model Dev.


Comparison of Sub-Grid Scale Models for Large-Eddy Simulation Using a High-Order Spectral Element Approximation of the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations at Low Mach Number

arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.03160


Simone Marras
Simone Marras

H-Index: 8

Validation of tsunami numerical simulation models for an idealized coastal industrial site

Coastal Engineering Journal


Tsunami Wave Interaction With Rigid And Flexible Vegetation: A 3D Large Eddy Simulation Study

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Abhishek Mukherjee
Abhishek Mukherjee

H-Index: 8

Simone Marras
Simone Marras

H-Index: 8

Using fluid-structure interaction to evaluate the energy dissipation of a tsunami run-up through idealized flexible trees

Proceedings of the ParCFD’2020 32nd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Nice, France


The protective benefits of tsunami mitigation parks and ramifications for their strategic design

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Simone Marras
Simone Marras

H-Index: 8

Jenny Suckale
Jenny Suckale

H-Index: 16

Modeling and simulation of tsunami impact: a short review of recent advances and future challenges


Simone Marras
Simone Marras

H-Index: 8

A library of large-eddy simulations with ClimateMachine. jl

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Remoras pick where they stick on blue whales

Journal of Experimental Biology


Simone Marras
Simone Marras

H-Index: 8

Abhishek Mukherjee
Abhishek Mukherjee

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Simone Marras University(New Jersey Institute of Technology)

