Simone Damasceno Gomes

About Simone Damasceno Gomes

Simone Damasceno Gomes, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, specializes in the field of Saneamento Ambiental, Tratamento de águas residuárias, Aproveitamento de Resíduos.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Optimization of alkalinity supplementation in the AnSBBR using acidified cassava starch wastewater

Performance of an anaerobic–oxic–anoxic (AOA) system in the simultaneous removal of nutrients and triclosan and bacterial community

Improving the Continuous Multiple Tube Reactor: an Innovative Bioreactor Configuration with Great Potential for Dark Fermentation Processes

Reaching the operating limit of the continuous multiple tube reactor: Still a promising technology for maximizing fermentative biohydrogen production?

Biomass immobilization in hydrolyzed lignocellulosic material can enhance biohydrogen production from cassava residues?

Production of biogas by microorganisms with saccharine sorghum straw as substrate with or without alkaline and citric pretreatment

Production of Bacteriocins by Leuconostoc mesenteroides Using Wastewater from the Cassava Starch Industry as a Growing Medium

Compositional variability as a major hindering factor in continuous biohydrogen production from cassava starch wastewater: possible solutions for complex substrates

Simone Damasceno Gomes Information



Professora da Engenharia Agrícola



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Simone Damasceno Gomes Skills & Research Interests

Saneamento Ambiental

Tratamento de águas residuárias

Aproveitamento de Resíduos

Top articles of Simone Damasceno Gomes

Optimization of alkalinity supplementation in the AnSBBR using acidified cassava starch wastewater

Biochemical Engineering Journal


Performance of an anaerobic–oxic–anoxic (AOA) system in the simultaneous removal of nutrients and triclosan and bacterial community

Environmental Technology


Improving the Continuous Multiple Tube Reactor: an Innovative Bioreactor Configuration with Great Potential for Dark Fermentation Processes

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology


Reaching the operating limit of the continuous multiple tube reactor: Still a promising technology for maximizing fermentative biohydrogen production?

Biochemical Engineering Journal


Biomass immobilization in hydrolyzed lignocellulosic material can enhance biohydrogen production from cassava residues?

Biochemical Engineering Journal


Production of biogas by microorganisms with saccharine sorghum straw as substrate with or without alkaline and citric pretreatment

Renewable Energy


Production of Bacteriocins by Leuconostoc mesenteroides Using Wastewater from the Cassava Starch Industry as a Growing Medium

Industrial Biotechnology


Simone Damasceno Gomes
Simone Damasceno Gomes

H-Index: 15

Compositional variability as a major hindering factor in continuous biohydrogen production from cassava starch wastewater: possible solutions for complex substrates

International Journal of Energy Research


Critical analysis and predictive models using the physicochemical characteristics of cassava processing wastewater generated in Brazil


Simone Damasceno Gomes
Simone Damasceno Gomes

H-Index: 15

Kinetic of nitrogen consumption by Anammox process in membrane biofilm reactors operated in sequential batch Cinética do consumo de nitrogênio por processo Anammox em reatores …

cienca e natura


Simone Damasceno Gomes
Simone Damasceno Gomes

H-Index: 15

Anaerobic co-digestion of leachate and glycerol for renewable energy generation

Environmental Technology


Jackeline Tatiane Gotardo
Jackeline Tatiane Gotardo

H-Index: 5

Simone Damasceno Gomes
Simone Damasceno Gomes

H-Index: 15

Nitrogen removal from poultry slaughterhouse wastewater in anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic combined reactor: integrated effect of recirculation rate and hydraulic retention time

Journal of Environmental Management


Geração, disposição e tratamento de resíduos em indústria de bebidas

Indústria de bebidas: inovação, gestão e produção. v. 3


Simone Damasceno Gomes
Simone Damasceno Gomes

H-Index: 15

Use of the swine wastewater in the biostabilization of urban green residues

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental


Anaerobic co-digestion of industrial waste landfill leachate and glycerin in a continuous anaerobic bioreactor with a fixed-structured bed (ABFSB): Effects of volumetric …

Renewable Energy


Stability problems in the hydrogen production by dark fermentation: possible causes and solutions


Simone Damasceno Gomes
Simone Damasceno Gomes

H-Index: 15

Marcelo Zaiat
Marcelo Zaiat

H-Index: 39

Biohydrogen and biomethane production from cassava wastewater in a two-stage anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


See List of Professors in Simone Damasceno Gomes University(Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná)