Shiva Nagendra SM

About Shiva Nagendra SM

Shiva Nagendra SM, With an exceptional h-index of 39 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, specializes in the field of Urban Air Quality Management, Indoor Air Quality, Real Time Vehicle Exhaust Emission Modelling, Source Apportionment.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An assessment of atmospheric concentrations and spatiotemporal variation of BTEX and associated pollutants in India

Field calibration protocol for optical-based air quality sensors in Indian conditions

Emission Inventory and Critical Assimilative Carrying Capacity of Petroleum Refinery in India

Evaluating variations in environmental noise pollution of Chennai city using a mobile monitoring technique

Sens-BERT: A BERT-based Approach for Enabling Transferability and Re-calibration of Calibration Models for Low-cost Sensors under Reference Measurements …

Age-specific gender-based deposition of size-segregated particulate matter in the human respiratory tract

Spatio-temporal exposure assessment of particulate matter pollution in auto-rickshaw drivers in Chennai, India

Detection and identification of shape, size, and concentration of particulate matter in ambient air using bright field microscopy-based system

Shiva Nagendra SM Information



Professor of Civil Engineering



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Shiva Nagendra SM Skills & Research Interests

Urban Air Quality Management

Indoor Air Quality

Real Time Vehicle Exhaust Emission Modelling

Source Apportionment

Top articles of Shiva Nagendra SM

An assessment of atmospheric concentrations and spatiotemporal variation of BTEX and associated pollutants in India

journal of environmental sciences


Field calibration protocol for optical-based air quality sensors in Indian conditions

Materials Today: Proceedings


Emission Inventory and Critical Assimilative Carrying Capacity of Petroleum Refinery in India


Shiva Nagendra Sm
Shiva Nagendra Sm

H-Index: 24

Evaluating variations in environmental noise pollution of Chennai city using a mobile monitoring technique

Journal of Transport & Health


Shiva Nagendra Sm
Shiva Nagendra Sm

H-Index: 24

Sens-BERT: A BERT-based Approach for Enabling Transferability and Re-calibration of Calibration Models for Low-cost Sensors under Reference Measurements …

IEEE Sensors Journal


Age-specific gender-based deposition of size-segregated particulate matter in the human respiratory tract


Dheeraj Alshetty
Dheeraj Alshetty

H-Index: 1

Shiva Nagendra Sm
Shiva Nagendra Sm

H-Index: 24

Spatio-temporal exposure assessment of particulate matter pollution in auto-rickshaw drivers in Chennai, India

Atmospheric Pollution Research


Shiva Nagendra Sm
Shiva Nagendra Sm

H-Index: 24

Detection and identification of shape, size, and concentration of particulate matter in ambient air using bright field microscopy-based system

Atmospheric Pollution Research


On Calibration of Mobile Low-cost Sensors for Urban Air Quality Monitoring

Authorea Preprints


Devendra Jalihal
Devendra Jalihal

H-Index: 5

Shiva Nagendra Sm
Shiva Nagendra Sm

H-Index: 24

Impact of indoor heat load and natural ventilation on thermal comfort of radiant cooling system: An experimental study

Energy and Built Environment


Validation of EEATC a Novel Calibration Approach for Low-cost Sensors in Different Tandem Configurations


Devendra Jalihal
Devendra Jalihal

H-Index: 5

Shiva Nagendra Sm
Shiva Nagendra Sm

H-Index: 24

Sensor-based Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Assessment for indoor kitchens in urban India


Shiva Nagendra Sm
Shiva Nagendra Sm

H-Index: 24

Particulate matter characterization from biomass-fuel usage in rural South Indian kitchens

ISEE Conference Abstracts


Shiva Nagendra Sm
Shiva Nagendra Sm

H-Index: 24

Occupational exposure and personal exposure to hazardous air pollutants in underground metro stations and factors causing poor indoor air quality

Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health


Source Apportionment of Ambient Fine Particle Size Distribution Using Positive Matrix Factorisation and Conditional Bivariate Probability Function in a Coastal Urban Area

Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A


Eeatc: A novel calibration approach for low-cost sensors

IEEE Sensors Journal


Trends, extreme events and long-term health impacts of particulate matter in a southern Indian industrial area

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution


Hydronic flow path analysis on the thermal comfort performance of radiant cooling system

Thermal Science and Engineering Progress


See List of Professors in Shiva Nagendra SM University(Indian Institute of Technology Madras)