Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

About Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Federal de São Paulo, specializes in the field of Viral Diversity, Viral metagenomic.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Evaluation of the new Multi-HTLV serological assay: Improvement for HTLV-2 detection

Diversidade, distribuição e aspectos ecológicos das espécies de Anopheles Vetores de Malária, em comunidades agroextrativistas do município de Mazagão, Amapá, Brasil

Detection of human feces pecovirus in newly diagnosed HIV patients in Brazil

Re-emergence of mayaro virus and coinfection with chikungunya during an outbreak in the state of Tocantins/Brazil

Metagenomics applied to the detection of diarrhea viruses in humans: Systematic Review

Serological and molecular epidemiology of the Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya viruses in a risk area in Brazil

Latency-associated DNA methylation patterns among HIV-1 infected individuals with distinct disease progression courses or antiretroviral virologic response

Diversity of enteric and non-enteric human adenovirus strains in Brazil, 2006-2011

Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis Information



Researcher Faculdade de Medicina do ABC and



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis Skills & Research Interests

Viral Diversity

Viral metagenomic

Top articles of Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

Evaluation of the new Multi-HTLV serological assay: Improvement for HTLV-2 detection

AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses


Diversidade, distribuição e aspectos ecológicos das espécies de Anopheles Vetores de Malária, em comunidades agroextrativistas do município de Mazagão, Amapá, Brasil

Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo


Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis
Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

H-Index: 12

Detection of human feces pecovirus in newly diagnosed HIV patients in Brazil

Plos one


Eric Delwart
Eric Delwart

H-Index: 57

Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis
Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

H-Index: 12

Re-emergence of mayaro virus and coinfection with chikungunya during an outbreak in the state of Tocantins/Brazil

BMC Research Notes


James Hunter
James Hunter

H-Index: 2

Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis
Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

H-Index: 12

Metagenomics applied to the detection of diarrhea viruses in humans: Systematic Review


Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis
Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

H-Index: 12

Serological and molecular epidemiology of the Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya viruses in a risk area in Brazil

BMC Infectious Diseases


James Hunter
James Hunter

H-Index: 2

Ester Cerdeira Sabino
Ester Cerdeira Sabino

H-Index: 37

Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis
Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

H-Index: 12

Latency-associated DNA methylation patterns among HIV-1 infected individuals with distinct disease progression courses or antiretroviral virologic response

Scientific reports


Diversity of enteric and non-enteric human adenovirus strains in Brazil, 2006-2011

Archives of Virology


Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis
Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis

H-Index: 12

HIV e subtipos: etiologia

Tratado de infectologia


Nicotinamide activates latent HIV-1 ex vivo in ART suppressed individuals, revealing higher potency than the association of two methyltransferase inhibitors, chaetocin and BIX01294

Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases


Detection of coinfection with Chikungunya virus and Dengue virus serotype 2 in serum samples of patients in State of Tocantins, Brazil

Journal of infection and public health


Detection and characterization of Ilheus and Iguape virus genomes in historical mosquito samples from Southern Brazil

Acta tropica


See List of Professors in Shirley Vasconcelos Komninakis University(Universidade Federal de São Paulo)