selly feranie

About selly feranie

selly feranie, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, specializes in the field of rock and soil mechanics and science education.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Identification of sliding surface using electrical-resistivity tomography for landslide mitigation: A case study of the Cibitung Landslide

Tingkat Motivasi Siswa Kelas 7 Terhadap Pembiasaan P5 Senam Pagi di SMPN 4 Lembang

Implementation Levels of Inquiry with Blended Learning to Improve Creative Thinking Skills in the Pandemic Era

One Tap to West Java Region Disaster Literate: An Interactive and Comprehensive Tools Based on Android Application

Development Trend Physics Mobile Learning In 21St Century: A Systematic Literature Review

Create multiple-choice tests based on experimental activities to assess students' 21st century skills in the heat and heat transfer topic

Upaya Menuju Peningkatan Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis dan Kreatif dalam Pendidikan dengan Merangkul Project Based Learning

Evaluasi Sifat Fisik dan Keteknikan Material Berpotensi Longsor serta Hubungannya terhadap Kestabilan Lereng di Zona Sesar Lembang

selly feranie Information



Physics department (UPI)



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

selly feranie Skills & Research Interests

rock and soil mechanics and science education

Top articles of selly feranie

Identification of sliding surface using electrical-resistivity tomography for landslide mitigation: A case study of the Cibitung Landslide

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Tingkat Motivasi Siswa Kelas 7 Terhadap Pembiasaan P5 Senam Pagi di SMPN 4 Lembang

Jumper: Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Olahraga


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Implementation Levels of Inquiry with Blended Learning to Improve Creative Thinking Skills in the Pandemic Era

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Royhanun Athiyyah
Royhanun Athiyyah

H-Index: 1

One Tap to West Java Region Disaster Literate: An Interactive and Comprehensive Tools Based on Android Application

Empowering Innovation Post-Pandemic (Series 1)


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Development Trend Physics Mobile Learning In 21St Century: A Systematic Literature Review


Ridwan Efendi
Ridwan Efendi

H-Index: 5

Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Create multiple-choice tests based on experimental activities to assess students' 21st century skills in the heat and heat transfer topic

Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Parsaoran Siahaan
Parsaoran Siahaan

H-Index: 4

Upaya Menuju Peningkatan Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis dan Kreatif dalam Pendidikan dengan Merangkul Project Based Learning

MALLOMO: Journal of Community Service


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Evaluasi Sifat Fisik dan Keteknikan Material Berpotensi Longsor serta Hubungannya terhadap Kestabilan Lereng di Zona Sesar Lembang

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Run-out distance and velocity prediction of landslide movement in Pasirjambu, Bandung with pyBIMstab and geostudio modelling

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Phy-cast as physics learning media to facilitate independent physics learning based on Android apps

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Characterization of slope movement hazard at Sukatani-Ciganea railway section using slope stability analysis and center of mass approaches

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Development of virtual laboratory-based online tests to measure 21St century skills (4C) students on measurement materials

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Eka Cahya Prima
Eka Cahya Prima

H-Index: 12

Prediction of landslide run-out distance and velocity at Sidamukti landslide using slope stability and center of mass approaches

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

21st century skills profile in linear motion topic in one of junior high school in Bandung

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Application of slope stability analysis and center of mass approaches to estimate landslide run-out distance and velocity at Cibitung landslide, Bandung Regency

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Estimation of sliding plane of Cikareteg landslide based on electric resistivity tomography

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Semantic network analysis on levels of inquiry implementation in learning momentum and impulse

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Ida Kaniawati
Ida Kaniawati

H-Index: 20

Development of standardized test to assess the students 21st century skills based on real laboratory in temperature and heat transfer topics

AIP Conference Proceedings


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Eka Cahya Prima
Eka Cahya Prima

H-Index: 12

Recent developments in the use of geoelectric resistivity for landslide surveys: an overview


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

Penerapan Metode GPR dan Geoteknik pada Kajian Jalan, Jembatan, dan Lereng


Selly Feranie
Selly Feranie

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in selly feranie University(Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

