Sarah Byford

Sarah Byford

King's College London

H-index: 70

Europe-United Kingdom

About Sarah Byford

Sarah Byford, With an exceptional h-index of 70 and a recent h-index of 46 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at King's College London, specializes in the field of Mental health economics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Brief Educational Workshops in Secondary Schools Trial (BESST trial), a school-based cluster randomised controlled trial of the DISCOVER workshop for 16–18-year-olds …

A qualitative evaluation of the pathway for eating disorders and autism developed from clinical experience (PEACE): clinicians’ perspective

Clinical effectiveness of the psychological therapy Mental Health Intervention for Children with Epilepsy in addition to usual care compared with assessment-enhanced usual care …

Can a brief accessible CBT programme in schools improve the mental health of 16–18-year-olds? Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a cluster randomised controlled trial in Brief …

An exploration of service use pattern changes and cost analysis following implementation of community perinatal mental health teams in pregnant women with a history of …

Determinants of Healthcare costs in individuals with Down syndrome: A systematic review

Community perinatal mental health teams and associations with perinatal mental health and obstetric and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with a history of secondary mental …

Evaluation of intensive community care services for young people with psychiatric emergencies: study protocol for a multi-centre parallel-group, single-blinded randomized …

Sarah Byford Information






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Sarah Byford Skills & Research Interests

Mental health economics

Top articles of Sarah Byford

Brief Educational Workshops in Secondary Schools Trial (BESST trial), a school-based cluster randomised controlled trial of the DISCOVER workshop for 16–18-year-olds …



A qualitative evaluation of the pathway for eating disorders and autism developed from clinical experience (PEACE): clinicians’ perspective

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Zhuo Li
Zhuo Li

H-Index: 14

Sarah Byford
Sarah Byford

H-Index: 43

Clinical effectiveness of the psychological therapy Mental Health Intervention for Children with Epilepsy in addition to usual care compared with assessment-enhanced usual care …

The Lancet


Can a brief accessible CBT programme in schools improve the mental health of 16–18-year-olds? Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a cluster randomised controlled trial in Brief …

The Lancet Psychiatry


An exploration of service use pattern changes and cost analysis following implementation of community perinatal mental health teams in pregnant women with a history of …

BMC health services research


Determinants of Healthcare costs in individuals with Down syndrome: A systematic review


Sarah Byford
Sarah Byford

H-Index: 43

Community perinatal mental health teams and associations with perinatal mental health and obstetric and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with a history of secondary mental …

The Lancet Psychiatry


Evaluation of intensive community care services for young people with psychiatric emergencies: study protocol for a multi-centre parallel-group, single-blinded randomized …



CLEAR–clozapine in early psychosis: study protocol for a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of clozapine vs other antipsychotics for young people with treatment …

BMC psychiatry


‘It’s so Beneficial to be Able to Stop the Cycle’: Perceptions of Intergenerational Transmission of Violence and Parenting Practices Among Pregnant Women and …

Journal of Family Violence


Olanzapine for young PEople with aNorexia nervosa (OPEN): A protocol for an open‐label feasibility study

European Eating Disorders Review


Student-and school-level factors associated with mental health and well-being in early adolescence

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


Long-term effects of psychosocial interventions for adolescents on depression and anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Ben Carter
Ben Carter

H-Index: 42

Sarah Byford
Sarah Byford

H-Index: 43

Is well-becoming important for children and young people? Evidence from in-depth interviews with children and young people and their parents

Quality of Life Research


Management of fraudulent participants in online research: Practical recommendations from a randomized controlled feasibility trial

International Journal of Eating Disorders


Do adolescents like school-based mindfulness training? Predictors of mindfulness practice and responsiveness in the MYRIAD trial

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


See List of Professors in Sarah Byford University(King's College London)