Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

About Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Immunology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Anti-apoptotic effects of minocycline on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in male Wistar rats

The Synergistic Glucose-lowering Effects of Metformin and Bavachinin on Type II Diabetic Rats

Recent advances in improving intranasal allergen-specific immunotherapy; focus on delivery systems and adjuvants

Survey of the association between polymorphisms of CTLA-4 exon 1 49 A/G genes with rheumatoid arthritis in Iran

Intestinal microbiota: novel personalized cancer immunotherapy in colorectal cancer

Assessment of gastric caused by Helicobacter pylori and pathologic elements correlation with-511 IL1-β and-308 TNF-α polymorphisms in gastritis patients

A randomized trial of topical mitomycin-C in the immediate post-operative period for the short and long-term prevention of granulation tissue in mastoid cavities

Genetically engineered mesenchymal stromal cells as a new trend for treatment of severe acute graft-versus-host disease

Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

Anti-apoptotic effects of minocycline on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in male Wistar rats

Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

The Synergistic Glucose-lowering Effects of Metformin and Bavachinin on Type II Diabetic Rats

Iranian Journal of Toxicology


Ali Emami
Ali Emami

H-Index: 9

Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Recent advances in improving intranasal allergen-specific immunotherapy; focus on delivery systems and adjuvants


Ali Asadirad
Ali Asadirad

H-Index: 5

Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Sajad Dehnavi
Sajad Dehnavi

H-Index: 5

Survey of the association between polymorphisms of CTLA-4 exon 1 49 A/G genes with rheumatoid arthritis in Iran

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Intestinal microbiota: novel personalized cancer immunotherapy in colorectal cancer


Assessment of gastric caused by Helicobacter pylori and pathologic elements correlation with-511 IL1-β and-308 TNF-α polymorphisms in gastritis patients

Human Gene


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

A randomized trial of topical mitomycin-C in the immediate post-operative period for the short and long-term prevention of granulation tissue in mastoid cavities

American Journal of Otolaryngology


Zohreh Yazdi
Zohreh Yazdi

H-Index: 17

Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Genetically engineered mesenchymal stromal cells as a new trend for treatment of severe acute graft-versus-host disease


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Davood Jafari
Davood Jafari

H-Index: 5

Evaluation of serum level of miR-155 and TNF-α in rheumatoid arthritis patients

Gene Reports


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

PLGA-based curcumin delivery system: An interesting therapeutic approach in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Amirhossein Sahebkar
Amirhossein Sahebkar

H-Index: 94

Current possibilities and future perspectives for improving efficacy of allergen-specific sublingual immunotherapy


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Sajad Dehnavi
Sajad Dehnavi

H-Index: 5

Inflammasomes and colorectal cancer


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Amirhossein Sahebkar
Amirhossein Sahebkar

H-Index: 94

Gold nanoparticles: multifaceted roles in the management of autoimmune disorders


A Promising Approach to Improving COVID-19 Symptoms: Using Antioxidant Supplements

Journal of Inflammatory Diseases


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

E3 ubiquitin ligase Casitas B lineage lymphoma-b and its potential therapeutic implications for immunotherapy


Anti-inflammatory action of statins in cardiovascular disease: the role of inflammasome and toll-like receptor pathways


Dc-specific aptamer decorated gold nanoparticles: A new attractive insight into the nanocarriers for allergy epicutaneous immunotherapy

International journal of pharmaceutics


Application of PLGA nano/microparticle delivery systems for immunomodulation and prevention of allotransplant rejection


Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz
Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz

H-Index: 5

Amirhossein Sahebkar
Amirhossein Sahebkar

H-Index: 94

DC-targeted gold nanoparticles as an efficient and biocompatible carrier for modulating allergic responses in sublingual immunotherapy

International Immunopharmacology


Sublingual dendritic cells targeting by aptamer: Possible approach for improvement of sublingual immunotherapy efficacy

International Immunopharmacology


See List of Professors in Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz University(Mashhad University of Medical Sciences)