Saba Rasheed Ali

Saba Rasheed Ali

University of Iowa

H-index: 33

North America-United States

About Saba Rasheed Ali

Saba Rasheed Ali, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Iowa,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A psychosociocultural view of Hispanic first-generation college students’ graduation rates

A framework of community-engaged vocational research methodologies from liberatory perspectives

Radicalizing safety: A critical narrative analysis to abolish the police

Fluent or discriminated? English language and experiential sources of career self-efficacy among Asian international students in the United States

Patterns of high ability and underrepresented students’ subject-specific psychosocial strengths: A latent profile analysis

The Importance of Not Working: Paid Time Off as a Right Not a Privilege

Decentering the use of police: An abolitionist approach to safety planning in psychotherapy.

Evaluating SUD/OUD Treatment Outcomes Related to Vocational Success for Previously Incarcerated Persons: A Review

Saba Rasheed Ali Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Saba Rasheed Ali

A psychosociocultural view of Hispanic first-generation college students’ graduation rates

Journal of college student retention: Research, theory & practice


Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

A framework of community-engaged vocational research methodologies from liberatory perspectives

Journal of vocational behavior


Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Radicalizing safety: A critical narrative analysis to abolish the police

Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy


David Drustrup
David Drustrup

H-Index: 1

Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Fluent or discriminated? English language and experiential sources of career self-efficacy among Asian international students in the United States

International journal for educational and vocational guidance


Taewon Kim
Taewon Kim

H-Index: 3

Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Patterns of high ability and underrepresented students’ subject-specific psychosocial strengths: A latent profile analysis

High ability studies


The Importance of Not Working: Paid Time Off as a Right Not a Privilege


Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Decentering the use of police: An abolitionist approach to safety planning in psychotherapy.



David Drustrup
David Drustrup

H-Index: 1

Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Evaluating SUD/OUD Treatment Outcomes Related to Vocational Success for Previously Incarcerated Persons: A Review


Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Economic justice and vocational psychology: Towards community change

Journal of career assessment


Expanding the constructs of grief and loss in capturing the human experience: Essential workers in the meatpacking industry and the pandemic.

Professional Psychology: Research and Practice


Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Healthcare career intervention with youth in a predominantly Latinx rural community: a pilot study of a creative approach

International journal for educational and vocational guidance


Sociopolitical development and healthcare career interest, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations among rural youth

The Counseling Psychologist


Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

The development and validation of a scale measuring postgraduate school application self-efficacy

International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education


Transnational feminism and the policing of Muslim women’s bodies: Implications for therapy

Women & therapy


Sara Heshmati
Sara Heshmati

H-Index: 2

Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Career development impacts of COVID-19: Practice and policy recommendations

Journal of Career Development


Vocational psychology and the future: The role of telepsychology in shaping research

Journal of career development


Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

Evan Anderson
Evan Anderson

H-Index: 37

Social class and poverty: A renewed focus in career development

Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work


Cindy L Juntunen
Cindy L Juntunen

H-Index: 12

Saba Rasheed Ali
Saba Rasheed Ali

H-Index: 22

See List of Professors in Saba Rasheed Ali University(University of Iowa)