Ruben Van de Vijver

About Ruben Van de Vijver

Ruben Van de Vijver, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit Gent, specializes in the field of Chemical engineering, kinetic modelling, quantum chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Kinetic modelling of chloroethane pyrolysis: a computational case study for chlorinated hydrocarbons

Prospects of complete mineralization of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances by thermal destruction methods

Experimental and Kinetic Study on the Gas-Phase Pyrolysis of Syringol

Maximizing the production of high-value chemicals via fast-pyrolysis of lignin-engineered poplars: Impact of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (hpCAD) downregulation

Automated reaction kinetics of gas-phase organic species over multiwell potential energy surfaces

Kinetics modelling and mechanistic analysis of hydrogenolysis of bisphenol A based polycarbonate over NiO supported on Mg (Al) O

Real-time and task map precision spray applications for weeds and diseases: Use cases developed at ILVO Living Lab Agrifood Technology

Which reaction pathways govern the decomposition of sulfur-containing compounds during pyrolysis of fossil and waste resources

Ruben Van de Vijver Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ruben Van de Vijver Skills & Research Interests

Chemical engineering

kinetic modelling

quantum chemistry

Top articles of Ruben Van de Vijver

Kinetic modelling of chloroethane pyrolysis: a computational case study for chlorinated hydrocarbons


Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Kevin Van Geem
Kevin Van Geem

H-Index: 33

Prospects of complete mineralization of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances by thermal destruction methods


Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Experimental and Kinetic Study on the Gas-Phase Pyrolysis of Syringol

Energy & Fuels


Liang Li
Liang Li

H-Index: 4

Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Maximizing the production of high-value chemicals via fast-pyrolysis of lignin-engineered poplars: Impact of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (hpCAD) downregulation

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis


Liang Li
Liang Li

H-Index: 4

Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Wout Boerjan
Wout Boerjan

H-Index: 55

Automated reaction kinetics of gas-phase organic species over multiwell potential energy surfaces


Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Kinetics modelling and mechanistic analysis of hydrogenolysis of bisphenol A based polycarbonate over NiO supported on Mg (Al) O


Real-time and task map precision spray applications for weeds and diseases: Use cases developed at ILVO Living Lab Agrifood Technology

Targeted Application, Spray Technology and Authorisation Workshop


Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Which reaction pathways govern the decomposition of sulfur-containing compounds during pyrolysis of fossil and waste resources


Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Kevin Van Geem
Kevin Van Geem

H-Index: 33

Ultra-High-Resolution UAV-Based Detection of Alternaria solani Infections in Potato Fields

Remote Sensing


Review on the pyrolysis products and thermal decomposition mechanisms of polyurethanes


Evaluating machine learning techniques to define the factors related to boar taint

Livestock Science


Experimental and kinetic modeling study on the gas-phase pyrolysis of hydroxycinnamaldehyde model compounds

Energy & Fuels


New Perspectives into Cellulose Fast Pyrolysis Kinetics Using a Py-GC× GC-FID/MS System

ACS Engineering Au


A detailed experimental and kinetic modeling study on pyrolysis and oxidation of oxymethylene ether-2 (OME-2)

Combustion and Flame


Combined catalytic and pyrolytic coking model for steam cracking of hydrocarbons

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


Jia Zhang
Jia Zhang

H-Index: 22

Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Detailed kinetic modeling for the pyrolysis of a jet a surrogate

Energy & Fuels


Pyrolysis and oxidation of ethylamine, dimethylamine and diethylamine: Theoretical and kinetic modeling study


Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Kevin Van Geem
Kevin Van Geem

H-Index: 33

The impact of pressure dependence on pyrolysis


Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

Kevin Van Geem
Kevin Van Geem

H-Index: 33

The merit of pressure dependent kinetic modelling in steam cracking

Faraday Discussions


Syam Ukkandath Aravindakshan
Syam Ukkandath Aravindakshan

H-Index: 1

Ruben Van De Vijver
Ruben Van De Vijver

H-Index: 8

An experimental and modeling study on low-and high-temperature pyrolysis and oxidation of oxymethylene ethers as a sustainable alternative fuel


See List of Professors in Ruben Van de Vijver University(Universiteit Gent)