Ross Roberts

Ross Roberts

Bangor University

H-index: 29

Europe-United Kingdom

About Ross Roberts

Ross Roberts, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Bangor University, specializes in the field of Sport Psychology, personality, performance.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Thirty years of longitudinal talent development research: a systematic review and meta-aggregation

Narcissism and antisocial behaviour in sport: The moderating role of self-compassion

Exploring the feasibility of a cluster pilot randomised control trial to improve children’s 24-hour movement behaviours and dietary intake: Happy homework

The impact of living in a bio-secure bubble on mental health: An examination in elite cricket

Good perceived sleep quality protects against the raised risk of respiratory infection during sleep restriction in young adults

is properly cited.

The leader ship was destined to sink: An examination of dominance and prestige on the rise and fall of the narcissistic leader.

Upsetting the apple cart: Within-team profiles of intragroup conflict and their associations with narcissism

Ross Roberts Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Ross Roberts Skills & Research Interests

Sport Psychology



Top articles of Ross Roberts

Thirty years of longitudinal talent development research: a systematic review and meta-aggregation


Narcissism and antisocial behaviour in sport: The moderating role of self-compassion

Psychology of sport and exercise


Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Exploring the feasibility of a cluster pilot randomised control trial to improve children’s 24-hour movement behaviours and dietary intake: Happy homework

Journal of Sports Sciences


The impact of living in a bio-secure bubble on mental health: An examination in elite cricket

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Good perceived sleep quality protects against the raised risk of respiratory infection during sleep restriction in young adults



Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson

H-Index: 1

The leader ship was destined to sink: An examination of dominance and prestige on the rise and fall of the narcissistic leader.

Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice


Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Upsetting the apple cart: Within-team profiles of intragroup conflict and their associations with narcissism

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

James Hardy
James Hardy

H-Index: 29

A systematic review of sport-based life skills programs for young people: The quality of design and evaluation methods


Brendan Cropley
Brendan Cropley

H-Index: 16

Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Bulls in a China shop: Narcissism, intragroup conflict, and task cohesion

Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology


James Hardy
James Hardy

H-Index: 29

Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Psychological resilience interventions to reduce recidivism in young people: A systematic review


Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Lew Hardy
Lew Hardy

H-Index: 50

The 2× 2 model of perfectionism and exercise dependence

Personality and Individual Differences


Perfectionism and social physique anxiety using the 2× 2 model

International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Foresee the glory and train better: Narcissism, goal-setting, and athlete training.

Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology


Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Influence of vitamin D supplementation by simulated sunlight or oral D3 on respiratory infection during military training

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise


Vitamin D and the hepatitis B vaccine response: a prospective cohort study and a randomized, placebo-controlled oral vitamin D3 and simulated sunlight …

European journal of nutrition


Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson

H-Index: 1

Developing excellence in outdoor provision: Enhancing training pathways for outdoor qualifications


Exercise behaviour, enjoyment and boredom: A test of the 2× 2 model of perfectionism

International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology


I am great, but only when I also want to dominate: Maladaptive narcissism moderates the relationship between adaptive narcissism and performance under pressure

Journal of sport and exercise psychology


Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

Andrew Cooke
Andrew Cooke

H-Index: 14

Personality research: Directions


Harry Manley
Harry Manley

H-Index: 6

Ross Roberts
Ross Roberts

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Ross Roberts University(Bangor University)