Ram Krishna Shah

About Ram Krishna Shah

Ram Krishna Shah, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, specializes in the field of Microfluidics, Thermal Engineering, Multiphase flow, Colloids and interfaces.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Influence of external magnetic manipulation on thermal transport characteristics of the bubble-slug flow of ferro-nanocolloids

Photothermal effects in small gold nanorod aggregates for therapeutic applications

Energy efficient thermal management at low Reynolds number with air-ferrofluid Taylor bubble flows

On-demand augmentation in heat transfer of Taylor bubble flows using ferrofluids

Heat transfer augmentation of air-ferrofluid Taylor bubble flow in presence of a magnet

Thermal transport in laminar convective flow of ferrofluids in the presence of external magnetic field

Magnetic manipulations of Taylor flow of ferrofluid in microchannels

Manipulation of Taylor Bubble Flow in a Magneto-Fluidic System

Ram Krishna Shah Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ram Krishna Shah Skills & Research Interests


Thermal Engineering

Multiphase flow

Colloids and interfaces

Top articles of Ram Krishna Shah

Influence of external magnetic manipulation on thermal transport characteristics of the bubble-slug flow of ferro-nanocolloids

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects


Ram Krishna Shah
Ram Krishna Shah

H-Index: 2

Sameer Khandekar
Sameer Khandekar

H-Index: 31

Photothermal effects in small gold nanorod aggregates for therapeutic applications

Applied Nanoscience


Ram Krishna Shah
Ram Krishna Shah

H-Index: 2

Sameer Khandekar
Sameer Khandekar

H-Index: 31

Energy efficient thermal management at low Reynolds number with air-ferrofluid Taylor bubble flows

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer


Ram Krishna Shah
Ram Krishna Shah

H-Index: 2

Sameer Khandekar
Sameer Khandekar

H-Index: 31

On-demand augmentation in heat transfer of Taylor bubble flows using ferrofluids

Applied Thermal Engineering


Ram Krishna Shah
Ram Krishna Shah

H-Index: 2

Sameer Khandekar
Sameer Khandekar

H-Index: 31

Heat transfer augmentation of air-ferrofluid Taylor bubble flow in presence of a magnet


Ram Krishna Shah
Ram Krishna Shah

H-Index: 2

Sameer Khandekar
Sameer Khandekar

H-Index: 31

Thermal transport in laminar convective flow of ferrofluids in the presence of external magnetic field

Journal of heat transfer


Ram Krishna Shah
Ram Krishna Shah

H-Index: 2

Sameer Khandekar
Sameer Khandekar

H-Index: 31

Magnetic manipulations of Taylor flow of ferrofluid in microchannels

Proc. 7th International Conference on Micro and Nano Flows (MNF 2021), Abstract


Ram Krishna Shah
Ram Krishna Shah

H-Index: 2

Sameer Khandekar
Sameer Khandekar

H-Index: 31

Manipulation of Taylor Bubble Flow in a Magneto-Fluidic System

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects


Ram Krishna Shah
Ram Krishna Shah

H-Index: 2

Sameer Khandekar
Sameer Khandekar

H-Index: 31

See List of Professors in Ram Krishna Shah University(Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)