Pytrik Reidsma

About Pytrik Reidsma

Pytrik Reidsma, With an exceptional h-index of 41 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Wageningen Universiteit, specializes in the field of agriculture, climate change, adaptation, integrated assessment, land use.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Coupling field monitoring with crop growth modelling provides detailed insights on yield gaps at field level: A case study on ware potato production in the Netherlands

Expanding the WOFOST crop model to explore options for sustainable nitrogen management: A study for winter wheat in the Netherlands

Special issue opening editorial: Reducing nitrogen waste through crop and livestock reconnection

Introducing exceptional growth mining—Analyzing the impact of soil characteristics on on-farm crop growth and yield variability

Leverage points to support Africa’s efforts to track climate adaptation

Current phosphorus and potassium fertiliser application rates do not limit tuber yield and quality in potato production systems in the Netherlands

Alternative systems and strategies to improve future sustainability and resilience of farming systems across Europe: from adaptation to transformation

Big data, small explanatory and predictive power: Lessons from random forest modeling of on-farm yield variability and implications for data-driven agronomy

Pytrik Reidsma Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Pytrik Reidsma Skills & Research Interests


climate change


integrated assessment

land use

Top articles of Pytrik Reidsma

Coupling field monitoring with crop growth modelling provides detailed insights on yield gaps at field level: A case study on ware potato production in the Netherlands

Field Crops Research


Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Expanding the WOFOST crop model to explore options for sustainable nitrogen management: A study for winter wheat in the Netherlands

European Journal of Agronomy


Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Special issue opening editorial: Reducing nitrogen waste through crop and livestock reconnection

Agricultural Systems


Introducing exceptional growth mining—Analyzing the impact of soil characteristics on on-farm crop growth and yield variability

Plos one


Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Wouter Duivesteijn
Wouter Duivesteijn

H-Index: 13

Leverage points to support Africa’s efforts to track climate adaptation


Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Current phosphorus and potassium fertiliser application rates do not limit tuber yield and quality in potato production systems in the Netherlands

Potato Research


Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Alternative systems and strategies to improve future sustainability and resilience of farming systems across Europe: from adaptation to transformation

Land Use Policy


Big data, small explanatory and predictive power: Lessons from random forest modeling of on-farm yield variability and implications for data-driven agronomy

Field Crops Research


Joost Van Heerwaarden
Joost Van Heerwaarden

H-Index: 18

Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Yield variability across spatial scales in high input farming: Data and farmers’ perceptions for potato crops in the Netherlands

European Journal of Agronomy


Bernardo Maestrini
Bernardo Maestrini

H-Index: 10

Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Catching-up with genetic progress: Simulation of potential production for modern wheat cultivars in the Netherlands

Field Crops Research


Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Temporal and inter-farm variability of economic and environmental farm performance: A resilience perspective on potato producing regions in the Netherlands

PLOS Sustainability and Transformation


Wim Paas
Wim Paas

H-Index: 8

Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

A new paradigm for plant nutrition

Science and Innovations for Food Systems Transformation


Constrained Sustainability and Resilience of Agricultural Practices from Multiple Lock-In Factors and Possible Pathways to Tackle Them


Understanding resilience of farming systems: Insights from system dynamics modelling for an arable farming system in the Netherlands

Ecological Modelling


Capturing cultivar differences in water-limited yield potential of potato in the Netherlands via experimentation and modelling


Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Dutch case study shows that large variability in farmers’ input use and efficiency provides scope to maintain potato productivity levels while using less inputs


Renske Hijbeek
Renske Hijbeek

H-Index: 9

Pytrik Reidsma
Pytrik Reidsma

H-Index: 30

Investigating the scope for N surplus reductions in Flevoland using WOFOST extended with N-limited growth


Can drought stress explain potato yield (gap) variability in the Netherlands?


Lessons Learned on Resilience from a Multi-scale Co-creation Methodology: From Regional to European Scale


Realising Transformation in Response to Future Challenges: The Case of an Intensive Arable Farming System in the Veenkoloniën, the Netherlands


See List of Professors in Pytrik Reidsma University(Wageningen Universiteit)