Prue Gonzalez

About Prue Gonzalez

Prue Gonzalez, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Charles Sturt University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Early offer students–how do they fare compared to other cohorts?: An analysis of early offer students at a regional university

Creating a Typology of Early Assessment Tasks in Higher Education: Curriculum, Support, Success

Understanding lost person behaviour in the Australian wilderness for search and rescue

Using an agent-based model to identify high probability search areas for search and rescue

Developing a virtual personal learning network in higher education: Embracing complexities, chaos, confusions and conflicts

Peer review in academic publishing: Challenges in achieving the gold standard

Occupational stress and the coping strategies used to manage it in Australian and New Zealand paramedics: a systematic review

Changing teaching practice: The evolving purpose of the teacher in higher education

Prue Gonzalez Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Prue Gonzalez

Early offer students–how do they fare compared to other cohorts?: An analysis of early offer students at a regional university

ASCILITE Publications


Rachel Whitsed
Rachel Whitsed

H-Index: 6

Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Creating a Typology of Early Assessment Tasks in Higher Education: Curriculum, Support, Success


Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Kelly Linden
Kelly Linden

H-Index: 4

Understanding lost person behaviour in the Australian wilderness for search and rescue

TheAustralian Journal of Emergency Management


Rachel Whitsed
Rachel Whitsed

H-Index: 6

Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Using an agent-based model to identify high probability search areas for search and rescue

TheAustralian Journal of Emergency Management


Rachel Whitsed
Rachel Whitsed

H-Index: 6

Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Developing a virtual personal learning network in higher education: Embracing complexities, chaos, confusions and conflicts


Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Peer review in academic publishing: Challenges in achieving the gold standard

Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice


Occupational stress and the coping strategies used to manage it in Australian and New Zealand paramedics: a systematic review


Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Phillip Ebbs
Phillip Ebbs

H-Index: 3

Changing teaching practice: The evolving purpose of the teacher in higher education

Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice


Zoom invigilated exams: A protocol for rapid adoption to remote examinations

British Journal of Educational Technology


Kelly Linden
Kelly Linden

H-Index: 4

Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Widening the net to reduce the debt: Reducing student debt by increasing identification of completely disengaged students

ASCILITE Publications


Kelly Linden
Kelly Linden

H-Index: 4

Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Peering into the crystal ball of the disengaged: What happens to students that do not submit an early assessment item?

ASCILITE Publications


Kelly Linden
Kelly Linden

H-Index: 4

Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Providing targeted support to disengaged students in response to COVID-19


Kelly Linden
Kelly Linden

H-Index: 4

Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Stepping out of your comfort zone: From discipline expert to SoTL researcher


Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

'Boiler plating’in fire management plans: Is command and control planning failing cultural heritage protection?


Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Catherine Allan
Catherine Allan

H-Index: 16

The New South Wales Travelling Stock Route and Reserve (TSR) network: historical extent, spatial distribution and drivers of loss 1884–2017

Australian Geographer


Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Early assessment tasks as the first leap into assessment in higher education


Prue Gonzalez
Prue Gonzalez

H-Index: 3

Kelly Linden
Kelly Linden

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Prue Gonzalez University(Charles Sturt University)