Prashant Tyagi

About Prashant Tyagi

Prashant Tyagi, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universität Braunschweig, specializes in the field of III-N epitaxy, III-N devices, Field emissions, Photocatalytic Hydrogen production, Surface Science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Role of Surface Chemistry of Ta Metal Foil on the Growth of GaN Nanorods by Laser Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Their Field Emission Characteristics

Hybrid reduced graphene oxide/GaN nanocolumns on flexible niobium foils for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting

Correlation of crystalline and optical properties with UV photodetector characteristics of GaN grown by laser molecular beam epitaxy on a-sapphire

Effect of substrate nitridation and a buffer layer on the growth of a non-polar a-plane GaN epitaxial layer on an r-plane sapphire substrate by laser molecular beam epitaxy

Recent Advancements in GaN LED Technology

Boron Nitride Fabrication Techniques and Physical Properties

Structural and ultraviolet photo-detection properties of laser molecular beam epitaxy grown GaN layers using solid GaN and liquid Ga targets

Controlled epitaxial growth of GaN nanostructures on sapphire (11–20) using laser molecular beam epitaxy for photodetector applications

Prashant Tyagi Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Prashant Tyagi Skills & Research Interests

III-N epitaxy

III-N devices

Field emissions

Photocatalytic Hydrogen production

Surface Science

Top articles of Prashant Tyagi

Role of Surface Chemistry of Ta Metal Foil on the Growth of GaN Nanorods by Laser Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Their Field Emission Characteristics

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces


Prashant Tyagi
Prashant Tyagi

H-Index: 7

Hybrid reduced graphene oxide/GaN nanocolumns on flexible niobium foils for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting

ACS Applied Nano Materials


Correlation of crystalline and optical properties with UV photodetector characteristics of GaN grown by laser molecular beam epitaxy on a-sapphire

Applied Physics A


Effect of substrate nitridation and a buffer layer on the growth of a non-polar a-plane GaN epitaxial layer on an r-plane sapphire substrate by laser molecular beam epitaxy

Materials Advances


Prashant Tyagi
Prashant Tyagi

H-Index: 7

Recent Advancements in GaN LED Technology


Deepak Anandan
Deepak Anandan

H-Index: 3

Prashant Tyagi
Prashant Tyagi

H-Index: 7

Boron Nitride Fabrication Techniques and Physical Properties


Prashant Tyagi
Prashant Tyagi

H-Index: 7

Deepak Anandan
Deepak Anandan

H-Index: 3

Structural and ultraviolet photo-detection properties of laser molecular beam epitaxy grown GaN layers using solid GaN and liquid Ga targets

Physica Scripta


Prashant Tyagi
Prashant Tyagi

H-Index: 7

Controlled epitaxial growth of GaN nanostructures on sapphire (11–20) using laser molecular beam epitaxy for photodetector applications

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Role of surface pre-nitridation of molybdenum foil on growth of GaN nanorods using laser MBE

AIP Conference Proceedings


Self-induced growth of GaN nanorod assembly on flexible niobium metal foil using laser molecular beam epitaxy



Influence of substrate nitridation on properties of GaN nanorods grown on molybdenum foil by laser molecular beam epitaxy

Physica B: Condensed Matter


Structural and Optical Properties of Self-Assembled Epitaxially Grown GaN Nanorods and Nanoporous Film on Sapphire (0001) Using Laser Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Nano letters


Excitation Density Dependent Photoluminescence Studies on Homo-Epitaxial GaN Nanowall Networks Grown by Laser Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Controlled growth of GaN nanorods directly on flexible Mo metal foil by laser molecular beam epitaxy

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Structural and optical properties of GaN film on copper and graphene/copper metal foils grown by laser molecular beam epitaxy

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Prashant Tyagi
Prashant Tyagi

H-Index: 7

Self-Induced Growth of GaN Nanowall Structure on Si (111) by Laser Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Prashant Tyagi
Prashant Tyagi

H-Index: 7

Effect of surface modification and laser repetition rate on growth, structural, electronic and optical properties of GaN nanorods on flexible Ti metal foil

RSC advances


See List of Professors in Prashant Tyagi University(Technische Universität Braunschweig)

