Piotr Tarka

About Piotr Tarka

Piotr Tarka, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, specializes in the field of Quan. Research Methodology, Latent Variables, Measurement - SEM, Consumer Behavior, Personal (Human) Values.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Purchasing under the influence of alcohol: The impact of hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption, impulsivity, and compulsive buying

Toward better understanding the materialism-hedonism and the Big Five personality-compulsive buying relationships: A new consumer cultural perspective

Attitudes toward protecting endangered species: The impact of perceived physical attractiveness of animals and political ideology

Hedonism, hedonistic shopping experiences and compulsive buying tendency: a demographics based model approach

Toward an exploratory framework of determinants of marketing research effectiveness in business organizations

From materialism to hedonistic shopping values and compulsive buying: A mediation model examining gender differences

Compulsive buying among young consumers in Eastern Europe: a two-study approach to scale adaptation and validation

Consumers’ personality and compulsive buying behavior: The role of hedonistic shopping experiences and gender in mediating-moderating relationships

Piotr Tarka Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Piotr Tarka Skills & Research Interests

Quan. Research Methodology

Latent Variables

Measurement - SEM

Consumer Behavior

Personal (Human) Values

Top articles of Piotr Tarka

Purchasing under the influence of alcohol: The impact of hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption, impulsivity, and compulsive buying

Psychological reports


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Toward better understanding the materialism-hedonism and the Big Five personality-compulsive buying relationships: A new consumer cultural perspective

Journal of Global Marketing


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Attitudes toward protecting endangered species: The impact of perceived physical attractiveness of animals and political ideology

Psychology & Marketing


Hedonism, hedonistic shopping experiences and compulsive buying tendency: a demographics based model approach

Journal of marketing theory and practice


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Toward an exploratory framework of determinants of marketing research effectiveness in business organizations

Journal of Marketing Analytics


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

From materialism to hedonistic shopping values and compulsive buying: A mediation model examining gender differences

Journal of Consumer Behaviour


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Compulsive buying among young consumers in Eastern Europe: a two-study approach to scale adaptation and validation

Journal of Consumer Marketing


Consumers’ personality and compulsive buying behavior: The role of hedonistic shopping experiences and gender in mediating-moderating relationships

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Foreign subsidiaries as vehicles of industry 4.0: The case of foreign subsidiaries in a post-transition economy

International Business Review


Barbara Jankowska
Barbara Jankowska

H-Index: 13

Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Clinical Screener (CS): Instrument refinement and comparison of compulsive buying prevalence among Polish young consumers of Eastern Europe to Western culture

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Influence of materialism on compulsive buying behavior: General similarities and differences related to studies on young adult consumers in Poland and US

Journal of International Consumer Marketing


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

On the unstructured Big Data analytical methods in firms: Conceptual model, measurement, and perception

Big Data


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Methodological insights on measurement and evaluation of compulsive buying behavior among young consumers in Poland: the case of compulsive- and non-compulsive buyers

Quality & Quantity


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

Toward the extension of antecedents of compulsive buying: The influence of personal values theory

Psychological reports


Piotr Tarka
Piotr Tarka

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Piotr Tarka University(Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu)