Philipp Dutkowski

About Philipp Dutkowski

Philipp Dutkowski, With an exceptional h-index of 56 and a recent h-index of 43 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Zürich, specializes in the field of Machine liver perfusion, Liver transplantation, HPB Surgery.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Glucose controls lipolysis through Golgi PtdIns4P-mediated regulation of ATGL

Reply to:“Comparing hypothermic oxygenated and normothermic liver machine perfusion: Translation matters”

Age Matters: What Affects the Cumulative Lifespan of a Transplanted Liver?

Routine utilization of machine perfusion in liver transplantation: Ready for prime time?

Current evidence on the beneficial HOPE-effect based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses in liver transplantation

Obstacles to implement machine perfusion technology in routine clinical practice of transplantation: Why are we not there yet?

Biliary complications after adult-to-adult living-donor liver transplantation: An international multicenter study of 3633 cases

Hepatic Artery Infusion Chemotherapy for Primary and Secondary Malignancies of the Liver: State of the Art and Current High-Level Evidence

Philipp Dutkowski Information



Professor of Surgery University Hospital Zurich



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Philipp Dutkowski Skills & Research Interests

Machine liver perfusion

Liver transplantation

HPB Surgery

Top articles of Philipp Dutkowski

Glucose controls lipolysis through Golgi PtdIns4P-mediated regulation of ATGL

Nature Cell Biology


Reply to:“Comparing hypothermic oxygenated and normothermic liver machine perfusion: Translation matters”

Journal of hepatology


Alessandro Parente
Alessandro Parente

H-Index: 26

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Age Matters: What Affects the Cumulative Lifespan of a Transplanted Liver?

Annals of Surgery


Routine utilization of machine perfusion in liver transplantation: Ready for prime time?

World Journal of Gastroenterology


Alessandro Parente
Alessandro Parente

H-Index: 26

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Current evidence on the beneficial HOPE-effect based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses in liver transplantation

Journal of Hepatology


Alessandro Parente
Alessandro Parente

H-Index: 26

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Obstacles to implement machine perfusion technology in routine clinical practice of transplantation: Why are we not there yet?


Georg Lurje
Georg Lurje

H-Index: 23

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Biliary complications after adult-to-adult living-donor liver transplantation: An international multicenter study of 3633 cases

American Journal of Transplantation


Hepatic Artery Infusion Chemotherapy for Primary and Secondary Malignancies of the Liver: State of the Art and Current High-Level Evidence


Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Experts vs. Machine Comparison of Machine Learning to Expert-Informed Prediction of Outcome After Major Liver Surgery



Damian Kozbur
Damian Kozbur

H-Index: 6

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

How best to combine liver transplantation and bariatric surgery?—Results from a global, web‐based survey

Liver International


Roberta Angelico
Roberta Angelico

H-Index: 12

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Donor‐derived fulminant herpes simplex virus hepatitis after liver transplantation: Two cases and review of literature


Thierry Berney
Thierry Berney

H-Index: 39

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

The Questionable Burden of AB0 Incompatible Kidney Transplantation

British Journal of Surgery


Machine perfusion of the liver and bioengineering


Constantino Fondevila
Constantino Fondevila

H-Index: 28

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Trends and obstacles to implement dynamic perfusion concepts for clinical liver transplantation: results from a global web-based survey

Journal of Clinical Medicine


Alessandro Parente
Alessandro Parente

H-Index: 26

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Intermittent Surface Oxygenation Results in Similar Mitochondrial Protection and Maintenance of Aerobic Metabolism as Compared to Continuous Oxygenation during Hypothermic …

Journal of clinical medicine


To the Editor: Germany-the potentially underestimated key player in European DCD type III organ donation?

Journal of Hepatology


To the Editor: Risk stratification and outcome assessment in randomized controlled trials with machine perfusion.

Journal of Hepatology


Utilization of livers donated after circulatory death for transplantation–An international comparison

Journal of hepatology


Constantino Fondevila
Constantino Fondevila

H-Index: 28

Philipp Dutkowski
Philipp Dutkowski

H-Index: 37

Controversy over liver transplantation or resection for neuroendocrine liver metastasis: tumor biology cuts the deal

Annals of surgery


See List of Professors in Philipp Dutkowski University(Universität Zürich)