Paulo Sérgio Boggio

About Paulo Sérgio Boggio

Paulo Sérgio Boggio, With an exceptional h-index of 78 and a recent h-index of 56 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, specializes in the field of Neuroscience, Cognition, Psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries

Behavioural interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation on social media

A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID-19

Modulation of facial muscle responses by another person’s presence and affiliative touch during affective image viewing

A time for moral actions: Moral identity, morality-as-cooperation and moral circles predict support of collective action to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in an international sample

How are Social Media Influencing Vaccination?: Behavioural interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation on social media

What we mean when we say semantic: A consensus statement on the nomenclature of semantic memory

Sociocognitive underpinnings of online hate speech in Brazil: an interdisciplinary narrative review

Paulo Sérgio Boggio Information



Director of the Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Paulo Sérgio Boggio Skills & Research Interests




Top articles of Paulo Sérgio Boggio

Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries

Science advances


Madalina Vlasceanu
Madalina Vlasceanu

H-Index: 5

Boryana Todorova
Boryana Todorova

H-Index: 1

Yash Patel
Yash Patel

H-Index: 7

Yifei Pei
Yifei Pei

H-Index: 1

Ekaterina Pronizius
Ekaterina Pronizius

H-Index: 2

Michael J Morais
Michael J Morais

H-Index: 4

Ke Fang
Ke Fang

H-Index: 16

Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti

H-Index: 48

Mark Alfano
Mark Alfano

H-Index: 22

Sebastian Berger
Sebastian Berger

H-Index: 5

Michał Białek
Michał Białek

H-Index: 12

Simen Bø
Simen Bø

H-Index: 2

Lea Boecker
Lea Boecker

H-Index: 6

Sylvie Borau
Sylvie Borau

H-Index: 7

Ayoub Bouguettaya
Ayoub Bouguettaya

H-Index: 4

Markus Brauer
Markus Brauer

H-Index: 28

Cameron Brick
Cameron Brick

H-Index: 13

Roman Briker
Roman Briker

H-Index: 1

Tobias Brosch
Tobias Brosch

H-Index: 27

Hang-Yee Chan
Hang-Yee Chan

H-Index: 3

Dongil Chung
Dongil Chung

H-Index: 7

Luca Cian
Luca Cian

H-Index: 8

Luis Sebastian Contreras-Huerta
Luis Sebastian Contreras-Huerta

H-Index: 4

Jo Cutler
Jo Cutler

H-Index: 3

Jonas De Keersmaecker
Jonas De Keersmaecker

H-Index: 9

Sylvain Delouvée
Sylvain Delouvée

H-Index: 11

Kathi Diel
Kathi Diel

H-Index: 3

Ana Rita Farias
Ana Rita Farias

H-Index: 4

Malte Friese
Malte Friese

H-Index: 32

Oliver Genschow
Oliver Genschow

H-Index: 15

Amit Goldenberg
Amit Goldenberg

H-Index: 13

Sarah Gradidge
Sarah Gradidge

H-Index: 1

Simone Grassini
Simone Grassini

H-Index: 10

Kurt Gray
Kurt Gray

H-Index: 37

Lusine Grigoryan
Lusine Grigoryan

H-Index: 8

Ani Grigoryan
Ani Grigoryan

H-Index: 4

June Gruber
June Gruber

H-Index: 39

Johnrev Guilaran
Johnrev Guilaran

H-Index: 2

Britt Hadar
Britt Hadar

H-Index: 3

Eran Halperin
Eran Halperin

H-Index: 44

Toshiyuki Himichi
Toshiyuki Himichi

H-Index: 5

Wilhelm Hofmann
Wilhelm Hofmann

H-Index: 46

Guanxiong Huang
Guanxiong Huang

H-Index: 7

Tatsunori Ishii
Tatsunori Ishii

H-Index: 2

Ayahito Ito
Ayahito Ito

H-Index: 8

Fanli Jia
Fanli Jia

H-Index: 12

Ondřej Kácha
Ondřej Kácha

H-Index: 5

Jaroslaw Kantorowicz
Jaroslaw Kantorowicz

H-Index: 6

Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko

H-Index: 6

Keren Kaplan Mintz
Keren Kaplan Mintz

H-Index: 5

Ilker Kaya
Ilker Kaya

H-Index: 9

Ozgur Kaya
Ozgur Kaya

H-Index: 5

Colin Klein
Colin Klein

H-Index: 19

Lina Koppel
Lina Koppel

H-Index: 9

Ruth Krebs
Ruth Krebs

H-Index: 29

Amy R Krosch
Amy R Krosch

H-Index: 7

Claus Lamm
Claus Lamm

H-Index: 42

Florian Lange
Florian Lange

H-Index: 23

Julia Lee Cunningham
Julia Lee Cunningham

H-Index: 11

Jeffrey Lees
Jeffrey Lees

H-Index: 3

Neil Levy
Neil Levy

H-Index: 35

Chiara Longoni
Chiara Longoni

H-Index: 5

Yu Luo
Yu Luo

H-Index: 28

Behavioural interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation on social media



Modulation of facial muscle responses by another person’s presence and affiliative touch during affective image viewing

Cognition and Emotion


A time for moral actions: Moral identity, morality-as-cooperation and moral circles predict support of collective action to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in an international sample

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations


How are Social Media Influencing Vaccination?: Behavioural interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation on social media



What we mean when we say semantic: A consensus statement on the nomenclature of semantic memory

PsyArXiv preprint: https://osf. io/pre prints/psyarxiv/xrnb2


Sociocognitive underpinnings of online hate speech in Brazil: an interdisciplinary narrative review


Paulo Sérgio Boggio
Paulo Sérgio Boggio

H-Index: 57

Bases sociocognitivas do discurso de ódio online no Brasil: uma revisão narrativa interdisciplinar


Paulo Sérgio Boggio
Paulo Sérgio Boggio

H-Index: 57

Who did it? Moral wrongness for us and them in the UK, US, and Brazil

Philosophical Psychology


Paulo Sérgio Boggio
Paulo Sérgio Boggio

H-Index: 57

Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong

H-Index: 33

Transcultural adaptation, structural validity, and reliability for the Perth Emotion Reactivity Scale (PERS-Br)


Improving behavioral interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy: Lessons from evidence on the effects of misinformation on social media


Effects of co-players' identity and reputation in the public goods game

Scientific Reports


Does it matter who harmed whom? A cross-cultural study of moral judgments about harm by and to insiders and outsiders

Current Psychology


Globalization is associated with lower levels of national narcissism: Evidence from 56 countries

Social Psychological and Personality Science


Understanding racial bias through electroencephalography


“When I see your face, your reputation looks better”: Effects of players' identity and reputation on cooperation in the public goods game


Implicit responses in the judgment of attractiveness in faces with differing levels of makeup.

Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts


Paulo Sérgio Boggio
Paulo Sérgio Boggio

H-Index: 57

Clinical Neuroscience Meets Second-Person Neuropsychiatry


Paulo Sérgio Boggio
Paulo Sérgio Boggio

H-Index: 57

See List of Professors in Paulo Sérgio Boggio University(Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie)