Paul Aveyard

Paul Aveyard

University of Oxford

H-index: 74

Europe-United Kingdom

About Paul Aveyard

Paul Aveyard, With an exceptional h-index of 74 and a recent h-index of 53 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Oxford, specializes in the field of Smoking, weight control.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Identifying Preferred Features of Weight Loss Programs for Adults With or at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Discrete Choice Experiment With 3,960 Adults in the UK

The causal role of adiposity in mental illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis of Mendelian randomization studies

Nurse-delivered sleep restriction therapy in primary care for adults with insomnia disorder: a mixed-methods process evaluation

The impact of low-energy total diet replacement with behavioural support for remission of type 2 diabetes on disordered eating (ARIADNE): Protocol for a non-inferiority …

Early outcomes of referrals to the English National Health Service Digital Weight Management Programme

IntEgrating smoking cessation treAtment into usual online psychological care for people with common mEntal illness: Protocol for an online randomised feasibility and pilot …

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the delivery of preventive healthcare? An interrupted time series analysis of adults in English primary care from 2018 to 2022

Economic evaluation

Paul Aveyard Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Paul Aveyard Skills & Research Interests


weight control

Top articles of Paul Aveyard

Identifying Preferred Features of Weight Loss Programs for Adults With or at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Discrete Choice Experiment With 3,960 Adults in the UK

Diabetes Care


Jack Joyce
Jack Joyce

H-Index: 2

Paul Aveyard
Paul Aveyard

H-Index: 46

The causal role of adiposity in mental illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis of Mendelian randomization studies


Nurse-delivered sleep restriction therapy in primary care for adults with insomnia disorder: a mixed-methods process evaluation

British Journal of General Practice


The impact of low-energy total diet replacement with behavioural support for remission of type 2 diabetes on disordered eating (ARIADNE): Protocol for a non-inferiority …

Contemporary Clinical Trials


Paul Aveyard
Paul Aveyard

H-Index: 46

Early outcomes of referrals to the English National Health Service Digital Weight Management Programme



IntEgrating smoking cessation treAtment into usual online psychological care for people with common mEntal illness: Protocol for an online randomised feasibility and pilot …

Contemporary Clinical Trials


How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the delivery of preventive healthcare? An interrupted time series analysis of adults in English primary care from 2018 to 2022

Preventive Medicine


Paul Aveyard
Paul Aveyard

H-Index: 46

Richard Stevens
Richard Stevens

H-Index: 34

GP delivered brief weight loss advice: associations between in-consultation behaviour change techniques and patient weight loss in recorded primary care discussions

Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine


Paul Aveyard
Paul Aveyard

H-Index: 46

Conceptualising lifestyle “choices:” A qualitative study of GP attitudes towards patients living with “obesity” in the UK

SSM-Qualitative Research in Health


Paul Aveyard
Paul Aveyard

H-Index: 46

Weight regain does not eliminate the long term benefits of weight management programmes



Paul Aveyard
Paul Aveyard

H-Index: 46

Relationship between clinician language and the success of behavioral weight loss interventions: a mixed-methods cohort study

Annals of Internal Medicine


Sue Ziebland
Sue Ziebland

H-Index: 44

Paul Aveyard
Paul Aveyard

H-Index: 46

The basis of patient resistance to opportunistic discussions about weight in primary care

Health Communication


Sue Ziebland
Sue Ziebland

H-Index: 44

Paul Aveyard
Paul Aveyard

H-Index: 46

Motivational support intervention to reduce smoking and increase physical activity in smokers not ready to quit: the TARS RCT.

Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England)


O6 Clinical effectiveness of nurse-delivered sleep restriction therapy for insomnia in primary care: a pragmatic, superiority, open-label, randomised controlled trial


Development and initial evaluation of a behavioural intervention to support weight management for people with serious mental illness: an uncontrolled feasibility and …

BMC psychiatry


See List of Professors in Paul Aveyard University(University of Oxford)

