Pang-Wei Liu

Pang-Wei Liu

University of Florida

H-index: 16

North America-United States

About Pang-Wei Liu

Pang-Wei Liu, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Florida, specializes in the field of remote sensing, soil moisture, agriculture.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Soil moisture profile estimation under bare and vegetated soils using combined L-band and P-band radiometer observations: An incoherent modeling approach

Droughts impede water balance recovery from fires in the Western United States

A Comparison of Passive Microwave Emission Models for Estimating Brightness Temperature at L-and P-Band Under Bare and Vegetated Soil Conditions

An Approach for Validation of Soil Moisture Algorithms in Heterogenous Agricultural Regions Using Synthetic Dataset

Understanding Radar Co-Polarized Phase Signatures for Growing Corn At L-Band

Evaluating the Accuracy of Passive Microwave Emission Models for Estimating Brightness Temperature

Droughts dominate ecosystem recovery from fires in the Western US

Interconnected hydrologic extreme drivers and impacts depicted by remote sensing data assimilation

Pang-Wei Liu Information



Center for Remote Sensing



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Pang-Wei Liu Skills & Research Interests

remote sensing

soil moisture


Top articles of Pang-Wei Liu

Soil moisture profile estimation under bare and vegetated soils using combined L-band and P-band radiometer observations: An incoherent modeling approach

Remote Sensing of Environment


Droughts impede water balance recovery from fires in the Western United States

Nature Ecology & Evolution


A Comparison of Passive Microwave Emission Models for Estimating Brightness Temperature at L-and P-Band Under Bare and Vegetated Soil Conditions

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing


An Approach for Validation of Soil Moisture Algorithms in Heterogenous Agricultural Regions Using Synthetic Dataset


Understanding Radar Co-Polarized Phase Signatures for Growing Corn At L-Band


Jasmeet Judge
Jasmeet Judge

H-Index: 16

Pang-Wei Liu
Pang-Wei Liu

H-Index: 9

Evaluating the Accuracy of Passive Microwave Emission Models for Estimating Brightness Temperature


Droughts dominate ecosystem recovery from fires in the Western US


Interconnected hydrologic extreme drivers and impacts depicted by remote sensing data assimilation

Scientific Reports


Pang-Wei Liu
Pang-Wei Liu

H-Index: 9

Impact of Soil Moisture During Planting Season on Agricultural Production–A Case Study in Illinois

Frontiers in Hydrology 2022


Pang-Wei Liu
Pang-Wei Liu

H-Index: 9

The Evolution and Impact of Contrasting Flash Droughts Captured by Soil Moisture and Vegetation Data Assimilation

Frontiers in Hydrology 2022


Pang-Wei Liu
Pang-Wei Liu

H-Index: 9

Hour-to-hour vegetation water dynamics captured in radar backscatter: lessons learned from experimental studies

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Thermal hydraulic disaggregation of SMAP soil moisture over the continental United States

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing


A global 1‐km downscaled SMAP soil moisture product based on thermal inertia theory

Vadose Zone Journal


Groundwater depletion in California’s Central Valley accelerates during megadrought

Nature Communications


Pang-Wei Liu
Pang-Wei Liu

H-Index: 9

High-resolution soil moisture using thermal hydraulic disaggregation for hydrological and agricultural applications in the United States

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Pang-Wei Liu
Pang-Wei Liu

H-Index: 9

Wanshu Nie
Wanshu Nie

H-Index: 4

Flash drought onset and development mechanisms captured with soil moisture and vegetation data assimilation

Water Resources Research


Assimilation of remotely sensed leaf area index enhances the estimation of anthropogenic irrigation water use

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


Crop-CASMA: A web geoprocessing and map service based architecture and implementation for serving soil moisture and crop vegetation condition data over US Cropland

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation


Remote sensing-based vegetation and soil moisture constraints reduce irrigation estimation uncertainty

Environmental Research Letters


Wanshu Nie
Wanshu Nie

H-Index: 4

Pang-Wei Liu
Pang-Wei Liu

H-Index: 9

Advancing the Modeling of Human Footprint Impact on Water-Energy-Carbon Cycles via Land Data Assimilation

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Wanshu Nie
Wanshu Nie

H-Index: 4

Pang-Wei Liu
Pang-Wei Liu

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Pang-Wei Liu University(University of Florida)