Orlando Vaselli

About Orlando Vaselli

Orlando Vaselli, With an exceptional h-index of 55 and a recent h-index of 31 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi di Firenze, specializes in the field of Geochemistry, Gas and water geochemistry, Geothermics, Volcanic surveillance, Geochemical characterization and remediation of ab.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Fluid geochemistry of the Cerro Galán geothermal system (Southern Puna, Argentina): Implications for the geothermal potential of one of the youngest giant calderas in the Andes

Quantification of volcanic degassing and analysis of uncertainties using numerical modelling: the case of Stephanos crater (Nisyros Island, Greece)

Geochemical Surveys of Ground and Surface Waters in the Abandoned Hg-Mine of Abbadia San Salvatore (Central Italy): A Preparatory Investigation before Remediation

Ten years of ground and surface water monitoring in the abandoned Hg-mine of Abbadia San Salvatore (central Italy): geochemical investigations before reclamation

Groundwater geochemical anomalies in Mt. Conero area (central-eastern Italy) related to the pre-and post-5.2 and 5.5 Mw Marche offshore seismic events (November 9, 2022)

Investigating the 3D distribution of GEM (Gaseous Elemental Mercury) in the lower atmosphere via a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)-Lumex® assemblage

Mercury contamination in a former mining plant of NW Tuscany (central Italy)

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from diffuse degassing areas: Interstitial soil gases as message bearers from deep hydrothermal reservoirs

Orlando Vaselli Information



Department of Earth Sciences - (Italy) - Associate Professor of Geochemistry



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Orlando Vaselli Skills & Research Interests


Gas and water geochemistry


Volcanic surveillance

Geochemical characterization and remediation of ab

Top articles of Orlando Vaselli

Fluid geochemistry of the Cerro Galán geothermal system (Southern Puna, Argentina): Implications for the geothermal potential of one of the youngest giant calderas in the Andes

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research


Quantification of volcanic degassing and analysis of uncertainties using numerical modelling: the case of Stephanos crater (Nisyros Island, Greece)


Franco Tassi
Franco Tassi

H-Index: 27

Orlando Vaselli
Orlando Vaselli

H-Index: 31

Geochemical Surveys of Ground and Surface Waters in the Abandoned Hg-Mine of Abbadia San Salvatore (Central Italy): A Preparatory Investigation before Remediation



Francesco Bianchi
Francesco Bianchi

H-Index: 18

Orlando Vaselli
Orlando Vaselli

H-Index: 31

Ten years of ground and surface water monitoring in the abandoned Hg-mine of Abbadia San Salvatore (central Italy): geochemical investigations before reclamation


Francesco Bianchi
Francesco Bianchi

H-Index: 18

Orlando Vaselli
Orlando Vaselli

H-Index: 31

Groundwater geochemical anomalies in Mt. Conero area (central-eastern Italy) related to the pre-and post-5.2 and 5.5 Mw Marche offshore seismic events (November 9, 2022)


Investigating the 3D distribution of GEM (Gaseous Elemental Mercury) in the lower atmosphere via a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)-Lumex® assemblage


Mercury contamination in a former mining plant of NW Tuscany (central Italy)


Orlando Vaselli
Orlando Vaselli

H-Index: 31

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from diffuse degassing areas: Interstitial soil gases as message bearers from deep hydrothermal reservoirs

Science of The Total Environment


Biogeochemical and microbial community structure differently modulates CO2 and CH4 dynamics in two adjacent volcanic lakes (Monticchio, Italy)

Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology


Vulcano International training Summer School of Geochemistry


Extremely deuterium depleted methane revealed in high-temperature volcanic gases

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Mercury distribution in plants and soils from the former mining area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Tuscany, Central Italy)

Environmental Geochemistry and Health


Orlando Vaselli
Orlando Vaselli

H-Index: 31

Ascent and decompressional boiling of geothermal liquids tracked by solute mass balances: a key to understand the hydrothermal explosions of Milos (Greece)

Frontiers in Earth Science


Franco Tassi
Franco Tassi

H-Index: 27

Orlando Vaselli
Orlando Vaselli

H-Index: 31

Geochemistry of thermal springs and associated gases along the Strymon River Valley (Bulgaria and Greece)

Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Orlando Vaselli
Orlando Vaselli

H-Index: 31

Franco Tassi
Franco Tassi

H-Index: 27

Deep regional fluid pathways in an extensional setting: The role of transfer zones in the hot and cold degassing areas of the Larderello geothermal system (Northern Apennines …

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


The 2021-2022 unrest phase of Vulcano Island volcanic system (Aeolian islands): chemical and isotopic evolution of low-to-high temperature fluid discharges and waters from …

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Geochemical baseline values of chalcophile and siderophile elements in soils around the former mining area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Mt. Amiata, Southern Tuscany, Italy).

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Caterina Gozzi
Caterina Gozzi

H-Index: 3

Orlando Vaselli
Orlando Vaselli

H-Index: 31

The geochemistry of magmatic solicitations on volcanic-hydrothermal systems: the long-standing unrest of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe dissected via non-condensable gases

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Tracking episodes of outgassing from upper-crustal magma reservoirs through fumarole gas chemistry: the case of the Nisyros caldera (Aegean Arc, Greece)

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Hydrogeochemical characterization of the waters circulating in the seismically active area of the Pesaro-Urbino province (northern Marche, central Italy)

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


See List of Professors in Orlando Vaselli University(Università degli Studi di Firenze)