Ondřej Májek

Ondřej Májek

Masarykova univerzita

H-index: 26

Europe-Czech Republic

About Ondřej Májek

Ondřej Májek, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Masarykova univerzita, specializes in the field of cancer screening, cancer epidemiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Impact of narrow-band imaging in prediction of histology of colorectal neoplasia: a prospective study

Participation rate of the target population in colorectal cancer screening–results from the evaluation of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in the Czech Republic

The Impact of Switching to a Second Antifibrotic in Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Retrospective Multicentre Study From the EMPIRE Registry

Direct mailing of HPV self-sampling kits to women aged 50–65 non-participating in cervical screening in the Czech Republic

Health Policy for Prostate Cancer Early Detection in the European Union and the Impact of Opportunistic Screening: PRAISE-U Consortium

Populační pilotní program časného záchytu karcinomu prostaty v ČR: důvody zavedení a algoritmus screeningu

Programy časného záchytu karcinomů v ČR dnes a zítra

Management tool for epidemic monitoring, analysis, and visualisation

Ondřej Májek Information



Biostatistician Research Assistant Czech Republic



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Ondřej Májek Skills & Research Interests

cancer screening

cancer epidemiology

Top articles of Ondřej Májek

Impact of narrow-band imaging in prediction of histology of colorectal neoplasia: a prospective study


Participation rate of the target population in colorectal cancer screening–results from the evaluation of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in the Czech Republic



The Impact of Switching to a Second Antifibrotic in Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Retrospective Multicentre Study From the EMPIRE Registry

Archivos de Bronconeumología


Katarzyna Lewandowska
Katarzyna Lewandowska

H-Index: 14

Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

Direct mailing of HPV self-sampling kits to women aged 50–65 non-participating in cervical screening in the Czech Republic

European Journal of Public Health


Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

Health Policy for Prostate Cancer Early Detection in the European Union and the Impact of Opportunistic Screening: PRAISE-U Consortium


Populační pilotní program časného záchytu karcinomu prostaty v ČR: důvody zavedení a algoritmus screeningu

Czech Radiology/Ceska Radiologie


Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

Eva Králíková
Eva Králíková

H-Index: 18

Programy časného záchytu karcinomů v ČR dnes a zítra


Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

Management tool for epidemic monitoring, analysis, and visualisation


Population pilot programme for prostate cancer early detection in the Czech Republic: Situation analysis and planned design

Proceedings of the ICSN


Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

Direct mailing of HPV self-sampling kits to older women non-participating in cervical screening in the Czech Republic



Characteristics of the prostate cancer screening process in cancer survivors and in general population: prospective pilot study in the Czech Republic


Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

Optimization of the colorectal cancer screening programme in the Czech Republic: Direct mailing of qFIT to patients


Petr Kocna
Petr Kocna

H-Index: 5

Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

A haemochromatosis-causing HFE mutation is associated with SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility in the Czech population

Clinica Chimica Acta


Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

Possible effect of OAS1 and TMPRSS6 but not DPP4 and ZNF335 polymorphisms on COVID-19 severity in the Czech population.

Central European Journal of Public Health


Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

RWD56 Real World Data for Planning a New Organised Cancer Screening Programme in the Czech Republic: Example of Prostate Cancer Screening

Value in Health


EE231 Model-Based Assessment of the Costs and Benefits of Directly Mailing Self-Sampling HPV Kits to Non-Participants in Cervical Screening in the Czech Republic

Value in Health


Protection provided by vaccination, booster doses and previous infection against covid-19 infection, hospitalisation or death over time in Czechia (vol 17, e0270801, 2022)

PloS one


CD14 Polymorphism Is Not Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Central European Population.

Folia Biologica (00155500)


Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

ABCA3 and LZTFL1 Polymorphisms and Risk of COVID-19 in the Czech Population

Physiological research


Using real-time ascertainment rate estimate from infection and hospitalization dataset for modeling the spread of infectious disease: COVID-19 case study in the Czech Republic

Plos one


Lenka Přibylová
Lenka Přibylová

H-Index: 6

Ondřej Májek
Ondřej Májek

H-Index: 16

See List of Professors in Ondřej Májek University(Masarykova univerzita)