Ning Lin

Ning Lin

Princeton University

H-index: 44

North America-United States

About Ning Lin

Ning Lin, With an exceptional h-index of 44 and a recent h-index of 38 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Princeton University, specializes in the field of Hurricanes, Storm Surge, Climate Adaptation, Coastal Resilience, Risk Analysis.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Benefits of and strategies to update premium rates in the US National Flood Insurance Program under climate change

Increasing sequential tropical cyclone hazards along the US East and Gulf coasts

North Atlantic tropical cyclone outer size and structure remain unchanged by the late twenty-first century

Bayesian updating of solar panel fragility curves and implications of higher panel strength for solar generation resilience

Analyzing relationships between tropical cyclone intensity and rain rate over the ocean using numerical simulations

Using neural networks to predict hurricane storm surge and to assess the sensitivity of surge to storm characteristics

Projecting compound flood hazard under climate change with physical models and joint probability methods

Investigation of tropical cyclone wind models with application to storm tide simulations

Ning Lin Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ning Lin Skills & Research Interests


Storm Surge

Climate Adaptation

Coastal Resilience

Risk Analysis

Top articles of Ning Lin

Benefits of and strategies to update premium rates in the US National Flood Insurance Program under climate change

Risk Analysis


Fang Zhang
Fang Zhang

H-Index: 9

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Increasing sequential tropical cyclone hazards along the US East and Gulf coasts

Nature Climate Change


Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Avantika Gori
Avantika Gori

H-Index: 6

North Atlantic tropical cyclone outer size and structure remain unchanged by the late twenty-first century

Journal of Climate


Bayesian updating of solar panel fragility curves and implications of higher panel strength for solar generation resilience

Reliability Engineering & System Safety


Luis Ceferino
Luis Ceferino

H-Index: 5

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Analyzing relationships between tropical cyclone intensity and rain rate over the ocean using numerical simulations

Journal of Climate


Shuai Wang
Shuai Wang

H-Index: 13

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Using neural networks to predict hurricane storm surge and to assess the sensitivity of surge to storm characteristics

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Projecting compound flood hazard under climate change with physical models and joint probability methods

Earth's Future


Avantika Gori
Avantika Gori

H-Index: 6

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Investigation of tropical cyclone wind models with application to storm tide simulations

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Increasing typhoon impact and economic losses due to anthropogenic warming in Southeast China

Scientific reports


Modeling and analyzing the traffic flow during evacuation in Hurricane Irma (2017)

Transportation Research Part D


Kairui Feng
Kairui Feng

H-Index: 9

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Stochastic modeling of solar irradiance during hurricanes

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment


Luis Ceferino
Luis Ceferino

H-Index: 5

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Social-Geographical Patterns of Rescue Requests During Hurricane Harvey

Resilience Findings


Kairui Feng
Kairui Feng

H-Index: 9

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Investigating the physical drivers for the increasing tropical cyclone rainfall hazard in the United States

Geophysical Research Letters


Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Tropical cyclone-blackout-heatwave compound hazard resilience in a changing climate

Nature Communications


Kairui Feng
Kairui Feng

H-Index: 9

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Climate change impacts to the coastal flood hazard in the northeastern United States

Weather and Climate Extremes


Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Understanding uncertainties in tropical cyclone rainfall hazard modeling using synthetic storms

Journal of Hydrometeorology


Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

Correlation between sea‐level rise and aspects of future tropical cyclone activity in CMIP6 models

Earth's Future


Tropical cyclone climatology change greatly exacerbates US extreme rainfall–surge hazard

Nature Climate Change


Reconstructing and analyzing the traffic flow during evacuation in Hurricane Irma (2017)

Transportation research part D: transport and environment


Kairui Feng
Kairui Feng

H-Index: 9

Ning Lin
Ning Lin

H-Index: 27

A comparison of tropical cyclone projections in a high-resolution global climate model and from downscaling by statistical and statistical-deterministic methods

Journal of Climate


See List of Professors in Ning Lin University(Princeton University)

