Niek Mouter

About Niek Mouter

Niek Mouter, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universiteit Delft, specializes in the field of Transport appraisal, Cost Benefit Analysis, Ethics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An economically-consistent discrete choice model with flexible utility specification based on artificial neural networks

Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE): A New Preference-Elicitation Method for Decision Making in Healthcare

Experts and expertise in practices of citizen engagement in climate policy: a comparative analysis of two contrasting cases

Public preferences for the allocation of societal resources over different healthcare purposes

How do I want the city council to spend our budget? Conceiving MaaS from a citizen's perspective…(as well as biking infrastructure and public transport)

Voorkeuren van burgers ten aanzien van de maatschappelijke gevolgen van het coronabeleid

Value Sensitive Design meets Participatory Value Evaluation for autonomous systems in Defence

For Me or for My Relatives? Approximating Self-Protection and Local Altruistic Motivations Underlying Preferences for Public Health Policies Using Risk Perception Metrics

Niek Mouter Information



Assistant professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Niek Mouter Skills & Research Interests

Transport appraisal

Cost Benefit Analysis


Top articles of Niek Mouter

An economically-consistent discrete choice model with flexible utility specification based on artificial neural networks

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.13198


Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

Sander Van Cranenburgh
Sander Van Cranenburgh

H-Index: 13

Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE): A New Preference-Elicitation Method for Decision Making in Healthcare


Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

Job Van Exel
Job Van Exel

H-Index: 40

Experts and expertise in practices of citizen engagement in climate policy: a comparative analysis of two contrasting cases

Climatic Change


Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

Maarten Hajer
Maarten Hajer

H-Index: 35

Public preferences for the allocation of societal resources over different healthcare purposes

Social Science & Medicine


Job Van Exel
Job Van Exel

H-Index: 40

Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

How do I want the city council to spend our budget? Conceiving MaaS from a citizen's perspective…(as well as biking infrastructure and public transport)

Transport Policy


Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

Voorkeuren van burgers ten aanzien van de maatschappelijke gevolgen van het coronabeleid


Value Sensitive Design meets Participatory Value Evaluation for autonomous systems in Defence


Shannon Spruit
Shannon Spruit

H-Index: 8

Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

For Me or for My Relatives? Approximating Self-Protection and Local Altruistic Motivations Underlying Preferences for Public Health Policies Using Risk Perception Metrics

Value in Health


Aemiro Melkamu Daniel
Aemiro Melkamu Daniel

H-Index: 1

Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

Analysing Complex Choice Experiments Data from a Data-Driven Perspective: Machine Learning Methods for Participatory Value Evaluation Experiments

Available at SSRN 4066239


Public preferences for introducing a COVID-19 certificate: a discrete choice experiment in The Netherlands

Applied Health Economics and Health Policy


Data-driven assisted model specification for complex choice experiments data: Association rules learning and random forests for Participatory Value Evaluation experiments

Journal of Choice Modelling


The energy performance of dwellings with heat pumps of Dutch non-profit housing associations

Building Research & Information


Stepping into the shoes of the policy maker: Results of a Participatory Value Evaluation for the Dutch long term COVID-19 strategy

Social Science & Medicine


The role of experts and expertise in practices of citizen engagement in climate policy: a comparative analysis of two contrasting cases


Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

Maarten Hajer
Maarten Hajer

H-Index: 35

If you were a policymaker, which treatment would you disinvest? A participatory value evaluation on public preferences for active disinvestment of health care interventions in …

Health Economics, Policy and Law


Public preferences for policies to promote COVID-19 vaccination uptake: a discrete choice experiment in The Netherlands

Value in Health


COVID-19 passenger transport measures and their impacts


Analysing community-based initiatives for heating and cooling: a systematic and critical review


When digital mass participation meets citizen deliberation: combining mini-and maxi-publics in climate policy-making



Niek Mouter
Niek Mouter

H-Index: 15

COVID-19 and transport. A review of factors of relevance to the design of measures and their effects worldwide


See List of Professors in Niek Mouter University(Technische Universiteit Delft)