Nicholas Charron

About Nicholas Charron

Nicholas Charron, With an exceptional h-index of 37 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Göteborgs universitet, specializes in the field of political science, European Union, Corruption, Comparative political economy, regional studies.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Will Women’s Representation Reduce Bribery? Trends in Corruption and Public Service Delivery Across European Regions

The Geography of Quality of Government in Europe. Subnational variations in the 2024 European Quality of Government Index and Comparisons with Previous Rounds

For every action a reaction? The polarizing effects of women's rights and refugee immigration: A survey experiment in 27 EU member states

Europe around the corner? How border proximity and quality of government explains European identity

Inclusive candidate selection and corruption: evidence from Spanish regions

‘It's the quality of government stupid’explaining patterns in support for far right in the 2022 French presidential election

‘All hands on deck’or separate lifeboats? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic

Electoral competition, political parties and clientelism: evidence from local elections in South Africa

Nicholas Charron Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Nicholas Charron Skills & Research Interests

political science

European Union


Comparative political economy

regional studies

Top articles of Nicholas Charron

Will Women’s Representation Reduce Bribery? Trends in Corruption and Public Service Delivery Across European Regions

Political Behavior


The Geography of Quality of Government in Europe. Subnational variations in the 2024 European Quality of Government Index and Comparisons with Previous Rounds


For every action a reaction? The polarizing effects of women's rights and refugee immigration: A survey experiment in 27 EU member states

European Journal of Political Research


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Europe around the corner? How border proximity and quality of government explains European identity

European Union Politics


Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr

H-Index: 16

Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Inclusive candidate selection and corruption: evidence from Spanish regions

West European Politics


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

‘It's the quality of government stupid’explaining patterns in support for far right in the 2022 French presidential election

Electoral Studies


Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr

H-Index: 16

Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

‘All hands on deck’or separate lifeboats? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic

Journal of European Public Policy


Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr

H-Index: 16

Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Electoral competition, political parties and clientelism: evidence from local elections in South Africa



Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Female representation and electoral clientelism: New insights from South African municipal electionss

Electoral Studies


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Who perceives women's rights as threatening to men and boys? Explaining modern sexism among young men in Europe

Frontiers in Political Science


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Perceptions of quality of government and support for Marine Le Pen in the 2022 French presidential election

LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) blog


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr

H-Index: 16

Uncooperative Society, Uncooperative Politics or Both? Trust, Polarisation, Populism and COVID‐19 Deaths across European regions

European Journal of Political Research


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Victor Lapuente
Victor Lapuente

H-Index: 25

Change and Continuity in Quality of Government: Trends in subnational quality of government in EU member states

Investigaciones Regionales-Journal of Regional Research


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr

H-Index: 16

Cambio y Continuidad en la Calidad de Gobierno


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr

H-Index: 16

Does corruption lead to lower subnational credit ratings? Fiscal Dependence, market reputation, and the cost of debt

Business and Politics


Stand together or alone? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic

European Societies


Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr

H-Index: 16

Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Measuring the unmeasurable? Taking stock of QoG measures


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Will women executives reduce corruption? Marginalization and network inclusion

Comparative Political Studies


Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr

H-Index: 16

Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

What is the influence of news media on people’s perception of corruption? Parametric and non-parametric approaches

Social Indicators Research


Nicholas Charron
Nicholas Charron

H-Index: 27

Trust, regulation, and redistribution why some governments overregulate and under‐redistribute

Regulation & Governance


See List of Professors in Nicholas Charron University(Göteborgs universitet)

